PTC Minutes 6 13 17Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
June 13, 2017
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: June 13, 2017
LOCATION: Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, City Planner Aaron Clausen,
Vice Chair, George Binns, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza, Police
Department, John Somes, Captain Chris Halloran, Fire
Department, John Lozada, and Michael Collins
OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, City Engineer
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8 :30 a.m.
2. Continued: Review and Approval — Traffic Management Plan for 110 -114 Rantoul
Street (formerly META parcel).
Benevento explains that the Commission is reviewing the traffic management proposed
during the construction of the project with the developer. He notes that the Commission
received the revised plans and notes that the plan shows the use of barrels to define lanes
for traffic. He states that he is concerned about the maintenance of the barrels and states
that they need to keep them in place.
City Engineer Greg St. Louis states that he reviewed the plans and notes that Middlesex
Construction wants to pave the road and the use of barrels is the preferred option.
Sarah Bamat explains that they will be doing in advance signage and the lane shifts will
be defined. She also notes that the barrels will have flashing lights and reflective signs
will be used at night.
Clausen states that he appreciates their cooperation and notes that this has been a long
time coming and he is comfortable with the plan.
Binns asks if large trucks will be on site before 7:00 a.m. Sarah Barnat explains that they
are looking into getting an easement for parking on the lot next door.
Benevento states that he wants to be sure that the morning commute is not impaired.
Lozada notes that the MBTA will be shut down in mid -July and asked how this project
will fit with the time frame. Clausen states that phase B starts in August and they will be
trying to phase them together while the T is shutdown.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
June 13, 2017
Benevento states that he wants to be sure that they manage the work zones and be sure
that the barrels are maintained.
Clausen states that they need to submit stamped plans to the City Engineer. Barnat states
that she has three stamped copies of the plans with her this morning.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter:
Clausen: Motion to approve the transportation management plan for 110 -114 Rantoul
Street— Barnat Development as submitted. Binns seconds the motion. The motion
carries (8 -0).
Explore possibilities to provide Crosswalk across Elliott Street between Echo
Avenue and Green Street — Ward One Councilor David Lang
Clausen reports that Ward One Councilor David Lang has requested that the Commission
consider the possibility of installing a crosswalk on Elliott Street between Echo Avenue
and Green Street. He noted that Councilor Lang has observed families crossing Elliott
Street at Echo Avenue to go to the ice cream stand instead of crossing at the crosswalk
that is further up the street.
Benevento explains the history of the site and notes that Marciano family had planned a
larger project than what was actually built on the site. He notes that the signal installed at
the driveway to the strip mall was designed during the route 62 project to accommodate
the largee development proposed at that time.
Benevento states that there needs to be access management along that street noting that
there are too many curb cuts along the strip mall and further stated that traffic avoids the
traffic signal by using the unsignalized driveways on either side.
Clausen suggests that the Commission respond to Councilor Lang that they do not
believe that another crosswalk is warranted in that area and note that another crosswalk
would be problematic.
Lozada suggested that some community education may be in order and the Commission
should encourage the Council to suggest that the neighbors use the existing crosswalk.
4. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on April 4, 2017 and
May 2, 2017 were presented for approval.
Benevento requests that the approval of the minutes of those meetings be postponed until
the next meeting as he has some edits he would like to make.
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission
June 13, 2017
5. Old /New Business
Handicap Parking Spaces Discussion
Clausen reported that there has been some correspondence regarding handicapped parking
signs. He explains that in the past there was a process to apply for a handicapped sign with
the police department.
Benevento recalled that the Commission discussed in the past a way to manage the signs by
reviewing the need for them on an annual basis. Sgt. DiRuzza states that there is nothing in
place to monitor the spaces.
Benevento states that an annual review should be done and there needs to be a mechanism
to trigger that. He suggests that applicants renew their applications annually in order to
stay current.
Sgt. DiRuzza states that the handicapped placards from the registry are reviewed every
three years. He suggested that the handicapped parking signs could expire after three years
or when the person assigned the space moves from that residence.
Discussion on Chain for Emergency Access on Icehouse Lane
Captain Halloran reported that the developer put a plastic chain across the emergency
access road on Icehouse Lane.
Collins noted that delivery trucks are driving through the chain to get through, noting that
the road is for emergency access only.
Clausen states that he will look at the plans. He states that if a chain was required it should
be a metal chain with a lock etc.
Collins recalled that 16 homes are being built up there. Clausen states that he will look into
21 Summit Avenue — No Parking Sign Request —Sgt. DiRuzza
Sgt. DiRuzza reported that he received a request for a no parking sign on Summit Avenue.
Benevento asks if it would fall under no parking here to corner.
Sgt. DiRuzza states that it could be no parking here to corner on the west side of Cox Court
near 21 Summit Avenue.
Collins recommended the Parking and Traffic Commission be more specific in their
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Beverly Parking and Traffic Conunission
June 13, 2017
recommendations to the City Council noting that when Public Works gets the requests they
often times don't know what kind of sign to install.
Benevento suggests that the recommendations reference the MUTCD regulations to
identify what is being recommended.
Binns: Motion to recommend to the City Council that a No Parking Here to Corner
Sign be installed on the West Side of Cox Court at 21 Summit Avenue.
Collins seconds the motion. The motion carries (8 -0).
Discussion on Ellingwood Court Parking Issue — Councilor Rand
Clausen reported that there have been several ernail exchanges from a resident of
Ellingwood Court regarding parking issues. He explains that a resident of a house on the
corner is parking at an angle.
Benevento asks if the street is wide enough for angle parking. Collins states that angle
parking is not prohibited but it needs to be regulated.
Clausen states that he will respond to Councilor Rand that there is nothing that the Parking
and Traffic Commission can do at this time. Collins states that this is more of a courtesy
issue between neighbors and not something that the Commission can control.
b. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, July
18, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
7. Adiournment
There being no fiulher business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this
morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. Sgt. DiRuzza seconds the motion. The
motion carries (8 -0).
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
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