05-03-17 OSRC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: May 3, 2017 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne (arrived at 7:12 p.m.), David Gardner, Rick Grandoni, Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller (left at BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Mann opens the meeting at 7:05 p.m. 8:37 p.m.) Barbara King Darlene Wynne, Assistant Planning Director Gregory Sharp Jane Dooley The Committee members introduce themselves to the new members. Approval of Previous Minutes McCrory moves to approve the April 5, 2017 minutes as presented. Seconded by Brewster. The motion carries 7 -0. Principal Items of Business Earth Day / Spring Walk Series Discussion ensues about how a walk needs to be rescheduled. Priority Parcel List Mayor's Meeting Update The OSRC will meet periodically throughout the year with the Mayor. The recent meeting with Mann and Wynne included an update on Folly Hill property. The Committee discussed whether there was an open space that could be preserved. Also, the Peterson property will be developed as an OSRD. Other topics included the draft encroachment policy, Pole Swamp Lane access, and parcel priority list (which the Mayor would like to be the topic of a future meeting). Discussion ensues about 27A parcel. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Discussion addresses how there are some City officials in favor of Tanzella Hill property for potential City open space but there is not unanimous support. There was also mention of status of easement at Endicott College. Pole Swamp Lane trail Discussion ensues about south end access of the trail and letter sent to the Mayor and City solicitor relative to alternatives for finding access to the trail and the City's ownership right. Sally Milligan trails The Committee discusses how major trails could be marked logically (i.e., using blazing on trees) including intersections. Photos could be used at kiosks to identify trail locations. The OSRC mentions the accuracy of ECGA maps which are included in its trail guide. Encroachment Protocol The Committee reviewed comments from Environmental Planner Amy Maxner on draft protocol. The Planning Department would be the public contact for the protocol /policy statement. Discussion addresses items such as when a survey might be used to define property lines, and when an encroachment is identified, what should be done and who would be involved to establish a course of action. Also, if the protocol would have to be adopted by City Council. Community Preservation Committee The CPC has received 10 applications with one that is not eligible. There are 9 projects (historic, affordable housing and recreation) for $1.2 million which will be reviewed in May and June with recommendations to City Council by June 30. The CPA plan is in formal draft form and will be circulated amongst committees and boards. Planning Board An update was given about action to reduce the mixed use commercial requirement from 25% in developments in the downtown that would include a core pedestrian area for active uses. Also being addressed for developers is another layer for lower level of housing affordability. Coastal Resiliency Grant The last public meeting is on June 10 at Lynch Park. All of the flooding and inundation potential has been mapped relative to City owned infrastructure (i.e., sewer pump station, seawalls, roadways). Other Business & Updates Semi - Annual Report Open Space & Recreation Committee May 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Discussion addresses how an annual report, rather than a semi - annual report, would be appropriate for the Committee but change in charter for OSRC would be required. Bass River Walkway The Committee will address further once the boardwalk is completed. Community Service Proiects Thirteen high school students and their parents recently worked on Bass River trail clearing it from Green Street. Another effort was done on Tall Tree Drive to remove weeds and trash. Bass River walkway Future discussion will occur related to Bass River trail and boardwalk project. Sylvan's Bench Research will be done to get a status update. Other discussion The Committee discusses Congress Street property relative to potential for open space acquisition parcel. Also, if there are any remaining open space parcels off of Sam Fonzo Drive. In addition, they indicate interest in discussing what open space could come from the Folly Hill development at a future meeting. Also, members note that the Waring School resolution of encroachment is progressing. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Dunne moves to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 7 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at City Hall, Y Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.