PTC Minutes 2 7 17Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 1. BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: February 7, 2017 LOCATION: Conference Room B Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, City Planner Aaron Clausen, Vice Chair, George Binns, Richard Hutchinson, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza MEMBERS ABSENT: Capt. Halloran, Fire Department, John Somes OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, City Engineer, City Councilor Estelle Rand RECORDER: Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. Continued: Request for No Parking Sign on Haskell Street from Rezza Road to Hale Street — West Side — Sgt. DiRuzza Sgt. DiRuzza reports that he visited the site and notes that there are three or four cars that park on the west side of Haskell Street and it is unsafe. He also notes that Councilor Frates has received some calls from constituents regarding this matter as well. Benevento recalls that the Parking and Traffic Commission approved a request for no parking in this area and the signs were never posted. He also notes that there is a multifamily residence that houses some college students and residents come and go from that house. He notes that the City Planner has provided the Commission with the minutes and correspondence regarding this matter from December 2009 — February 2010. Benevento explains that the Parking and Traffic Commission reviewed City Council Order #131: Request to Amend City Ordinances to Prohibit Parking on the West Side of Haskell Street, from Rezza Road South to Hale Street, during the December 9, 2009 and the February 2, 2010 PTC meetings. He reviewed the minutes to those meeting and notes that the Commission conducted a site visit to the area and met with the ward councilor and neighbors several times both on the site and during meetings. He reports that at that time the Commission recommended that the Council Order be adopted as proposed which would eliminate parking on the west side of Haskell Street from Rezza Road to Hale Street. He also notes that a majority of the Commission felt strongly that it must advocate for adherence to safety standards, even in the face of neighborhood inconvenience or opposition. Page 1 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 Benevento reports that he recently went out to the site and took some measurements and notes that Rezza Road up and around the corner is 36.4 feet, the corner is 23.9 feet and pole #1740 to Haskell is 25 feet wide. Benevento notes that there are hundreds of streets in Beverly that are narrow and do not have parking restrictions. He recalls having a long discussion with former PTC member Bill Bent about this and notes that there are issues with parking on those streets but the Commission cannot go out and address them all, however the Commission has been addressing them when they are brought to the attention of the Commission. Benevento states that the Commission needs to make a recommendation on this matter and he would recommend no parking on one side of the street. He notes that the minimum lane width should not be less than 10 feet. Binns states that he followed a school bus up there and nobody can get by when the cars are parking along the street. Hutchinson states that it comes down to safety and notes that there is a potential for head on collisions in this area. Clausen explains that this matter is not just a simple matter of installing signs noting that it would be an ordinance change which will take a little time to go through the process. Benevento states that it should be no parking from Rezza Road to Hale Street. Clausen recommends that signage could be posted in the area that corresponds to the ordinance, noting that the ordinance amendment could take 4 -5 months and a new recommendation for no parking could be made to the City Council. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: Clausen: Motion to make a recommendation to the City Council that the traffic ordinance be amended to restrict parking on the West side of Haskell Street from Rezza Road to Hale Street, and that signs be installed per the existing ordinance. Hutchinson seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). 3. Approval of Minutes Page 2 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on November 8, 2016 were presented for approval. Clausen: Motion to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2016 Parking and Traffic Commission meeting as presented. Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on January 10, 2017 were presented for approval. Binns: Motion to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2017 Parking and Traffic Commission meeting as amended. Clausen seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). 4. Discussion with City Councilor Estelle Rand: Traffic Circulation Patterns for Cox Court and Summit Avenue City Councilor Estelle Rand addresses the Commission and reports that she has received calls from constituents with concerns about cut through traffic on Summit Avenue. She explains that she met with the neighbors and Sgt. DiRuzza and the consensus of the neighbors was that they would like it to be made a one -way street. She notes that there are also concerns about the traffic leaving the Anchor Pub late at night. She also notes that ideally, she would like to see the cut through focused on Rantoul Street. Benevento asks if Cox Court was ever a two -way street. St. Louis states that he is not aware of it ever being a two -way street. He also notes that there are portions of the street where no parking is allowed. Benevento states that there are no easy answers to these situations and he had hoped that with the reconstruction of Rantoul Street that people would find it more efficient thant going through neighborhoods. He also notes that restricting traffic to one way on Summit Street could be considered but notes that emergency vehicles will need access. St. Louis notes that the School Street Bridge needs additional repairs noting that it has been Page 3 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 repaired twice since he has been here. He notes that technically fire trucks should not be going over that bridge because it needs repair. Councilor Rand agreed and notes that National Grid trucks use that bridge as well and she is concerned about the condition of it. Councilor Rand states that she would be happy to write a letter of support for any recommendation that the Commission makes. Benevento suggests that the letter should be well crafted and detailed. Councilor Rand agreed noting that there are several safety issues of concern. She notes that she would like to see Summit Street a one -way street. St. Louis suggests that if Summit is to be made a one -way street it should be one -way coming up the street. Councilor Rand states that her only concern about that would be the intersection of Goat Hill Lane and Cox Court, noting that it is a dangerous intersection and notes that there are two stop signs there but it is still dangerous. Benevento recalls that many years ago, Goat Hill Lane was a paper street and was designed and built as an access point for the base of the Salem/Beverly Bridge. He notes that if there is a traffic restriction north bound there would be better site distances to make the right turn. Clausen suggests that it would be worthwhile to look at what kind of geometry would be needed to improve it. Hutchinson suggests that the Fire Department should be included in the discussion to see what their concerns would be. Councilor Rand questions if there will be any problems if Summit Street is made one -way north bound with the other projects in the area. St. Louis states that this proposal will cause the least amount of disruption to the planned improvements for the area but notes that it does not take much to interrupt things. Clausen states that he would be concerned about people speeding on Summit Street if it is a one -way street. St. Louis states that he would agree with that but notes that there is not a lot of two -way traffic on Summit Street. Councilor Rand also states that she would like to see sidewalks installed on the street as Page 4 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 well noting that she does not think that she would get all of that. St. Louis notes that the area is steep and he is not sure about meeting the ADA compliance. St. Louis reports that he has an application for access to the Cox Court Condominiums between Summit Street and Cox Court. He notes that the status of the roadway in question will be private. He explains that if Summit Street is made one -way they will have to redirect the pavement on the private way. St. Louis notes that Scott Cameron and Tom Berube are present this morning regarding this matter. Cameron addresses the Commission and explains the survey that he prepared for the Cox Court Condominiums. He notes that he has done extensive research on the status of the way as to whether it is public or private and the information he has found is murky. Cameron explains that they are waiting for the utility company to remove a pole from the site as well. He notes the location of the new poles to be installed on the plan. Cameron suggests that they could eliminate the encroachment for the right -of -way which will narrow Summit Street to 15 feet. Benevento asks what the pavement width is now for Summit Street. Cameron states it is 20 feet from the pavement to the lot line. Benevento states that a permanent highway easement would be needed for part of the roadway and the applicant would own it. He notes that it would solve the ownership issues and not take the project out of compliance. St. Louis asks Benevento how he would feel about restricting entry but leave the street two way. Councilor Rand states that she feels what they are proposing is safe and she could support it. Discussion ensues regarding the lot lines and it was noted that no curb is proposed because the area is ledge. Cameron notes that the area would have to be dug out to make it flat to Page 5 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 pave the area. Clausen states that they need to put something there to prevent people from driving onto their property. Cameron states that they are looking to eliminate the encroachment and they are open to suggestions. Benevento states that he is not sure if they are planning to landscape the corner but notes that they need to define the line and suggests a cape cod berm. St. Louis agrees and notes that it would also provide some protection for them. Binns states that he agrees that they need to define the edge of the property. Cameron states that they could define the edge of the property with striping. St. Louis suggests that they landscape the area behind the like. Benevento suggests that they install heavy landscaping next to the paved way. He also notes that he would be concerned about the edge of the road eroding and further notes that the landscaping could get plowed into a heap. He states that he would almost suggest installing a sidewalk. Councilor Rand notes that both Cox Court and Summit Street have no accomodations for pedestrians. Cameron states that if they add curbing that will change the drainage on the site. Benevento states that the City has a Complete Streets Policy but notes that the compliance issues with that would be up to the City Council and the Administration and would be based on financial considerations. Clausen states that Cox Court is more likely to get a sidewalk because of the present drainage conditions. St. Louis notes utility poles need to be considered for the installation of sidewalks. Councilor Rand states that she could support a pilot program for one year to see how it works. Benevento notes that the ordinance would have to be amended for the changes to be enforceable. Page 6 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 St. Louis suggests that an end date of July 2018 would be appropriate noting that the Rantoul Street project should be completed by then and that would give the City time to see if it is needed on a permanent basis. Councilor Rand will work on the ordinance amendment to be submitted to the City Council. Clausen suggests that Councilor Rand submit a City Council Order and the Parking and Traffic Commission can send a letter of recommendation to the Council. Benevento states that his concern would be the residents of Summit Street and whether they would adjust to this change. Clausen agrees and notes that if this does not work it would affect the property owners. There being no further questions or comments regarding the Summit Street discussion: Clausen: Motion to recommend that the City Council consider a traffic restriction at the intersection of Cox Court and Summit Street going one way east at the intersection of Cox Court and north up Summit Street from Cox Court. This reommendation also calls for the matter to be reviewed in one year of implementation to determine the success of the restriction and that MUTCD appropriate signage be posted at either side of Cox Court. Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). Benevento notes that they will have to work with St. Louis on the logistics of the corner. Councillor Rand suggests that a letter be sent to MA DOT regarding the School Street Bridge. St. Louis states that he will put together some information and photographs to be submitted with the letter. 7. Next Meeting Benevento notes that there is a conference scheduled for March 7t' that he will be attending noting that some of the PTC members may be interested in attending as well. He states that he does not mind if he PTC holds the meeting without him. Members agreed to reschedule the next meeting to Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. 9. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Parking and Traffic Commission this morning, Binns moves to adjourn the meeting. Hutchinson seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Page 7 of 8 Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 2017 Page 8 of 8