LI042620161City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:15 P.M.
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Margaret Altman, Marshall Handly, Neil Olson, Kevin O'Reilly, and
Myron Schirer -Suter
Board members absent: Joanne Panunzio, Mary Behrle
Others present: Patricia Cirone, Anna Langstaff
Recorder: Anna Langstaff
Kevin O'Reilly presided.
Marshall Handly made the motion, seconded by Margaret Altman, to accept the minutes of the
regular meeting of March 22, 2016 as read. Motion passed.
Public Presentation
Committee Reports
Personnel: Kevin O'Reilly appointed Myron Schirer -Suter and Mary Behrle to the personnel
Administration: No report.
Finance: No report.
Long Range Planning: No report.
Report of the Library Director
1) FY2016 Budget: Patricia Cirone reviewed FY2016 budget. 2) FY2017 Budget: Patricia
Cirone met with Mayor Cahill and Bryant Ayles to discuss the library's FY2017 proposed
budget. Laserfiche has been moved out of the library budget. This may affect the book budget.
Patricia Cirone asked for a part-time position for home delivery. The Mayor asked about the
repair line item. Patricia Cirone explained that there are many major repairs that need to be done.
3) Water: Patricia Cirone is working with Bruce Doig and Bill Burke to investigate and solve the
problem of brown water coming out of many faucets. 4) Other Building Issues: Winter Street
doors need to be replaced, automatic door openers need to be replaced, and air conditioning unit
for the Sohier Room needs to be fixed or replaced. No progress has been made on the
deteriorating capstones. 5) Equipment: New shelving for the children's room has been installed
and re -used children's shelving has been installed in the magazine area. New comfortable chairs,
purchased with donated funds, are on the 2nd floor. 6) Community Preservation Assessment
Grant: The library should receive an assessment report in 6 weeks. 7) Personnel: Linda
Caravaggio will be retiring this summer. Her position will be posted soon. 8) Security: There was
a serious incident at the library on April 13. Estimate for additional security cameras: $11,000. 9)
Upcoming Programs and Events: Genealogy Series, Teen Poetry Reception, Asia in Amsterdam,
Book Sale, Book Craft, Pizza Book Club, 3D Printing, Farms Lawn Party.
Unfinished Business
New Rnsiness
1) Employment Contracts: Library trustees, Patricia Cirone, and Anna Langstaff will review
current employment contracts before the May meeting. Proposed changes or requests will be
discussed at the May meeting. 2) Materials Selection Policy: Patricia Cirone will draft a revised
materials selection policy that includes information on self - published authors.
The next meeting of the board will be Tuesday, May 24, 2016 or Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 6:30
PM at the Main Library.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.