DRB January 5 2017 MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Design Review Board SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: Thursday, January 5, 2017 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Sandra Cook, Ellen Flannery, William Finch, Joel Margolis, Rachel Matthews, Matthew Ulrich and Allison Crosbie MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Bebergal OTHERS: RECORDER: Brett Bauer Finch calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Sign: Panini Pizza Co. - 5A Dodge Street The applicant is proposing to change the existing wall sign to display the new business name. There are no changes in dimensions, and the existing lighting will remain the same. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: Margolis: Moves to approve the wall sign as presented. Flannery seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). Sign: Beverly Family Chiropractic - 72 Sohier Road The applicant is proposing to replace the existing sign with a sign of the same dimensions, 24 inches tall by 42 inches wide. The sign will have a flat background with raised letters. No change is proposed to the existing lighting. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: Flannery: Moves to approve the wall sign as presented. Margolis seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). Sign: 9 Wallis Street The applicant proposes a projecting sign with raised aluminum letters. Finch asks if the bottom of the sign is more than 8 feet from the ground. The applicant confirms that the sign is within 8 to 10 feet from the ground, per the regulations. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: Design Review Board Meeting Minutes January 5, 2017 Pagel o f 2 Crosbie: Moves to approve the projecting sign as presented. Matthews seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). New /Other Business Crosbie announces that after review of the U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding the regulation of content of signs, the Planning Department will be reviewing the sign code for potential changes. Crosbie asks the Design Review Board to review the current regulations and provide any input or thoughts on potential changes and /or other elements of the code that should be reviewed. Finch asks if an overlay district could be created under which content of of signs could still be regulated. Crosbie responds that they will need to determine what constitutes content. Cook notes that they need to better define some items in the code such as awnings that appear more as wall signs and vice versa so to clarify how the signs should be regulated. Adjournment Flannery asks if there is any other business to come before the Design Review Board this evening. There being none: Flannery: Moves to adjourn the meeting. Margolis seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -0). The meeting is adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Design Review Board Meeting Minutes January 5, 2017 Page 2 of 2