20160928Lynch Public Parks TrusteesMtgDavid S. Lynch Public Parks Trustees Joan Fairbank- Chairman Alice Burns Mark Flagg Kathy Doane Joyce Frisiello Kevin Hobin Mark Casey Mike Collins ex- officio Public Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 6 =00PM Location: Carriage House at Lynch Park Trustees Present: Joan Fairbank, Alice Burns, Mark Casey, Kathy Doane, Joyce Frisiello, Kevin Hobin, Mark Flagg Others in attendance: Bruce Doig, Mike Collins Meeting called to order at 6 =00PM by Joan Fairbank, Chairman_ The minutes from the last Trustees meeting read by Kathy Doane_ Motion made by Joan Fairbank to accept the minutes from the May 5, 2015 meeting held at the Carriage House at Lynch Park_ Motion seconded by Mark Flagg, approved by all_ Park Projects Update Bruce Doig provided update on projects_ • Splash pad at Lynch Park was very popular this summer, well - used__ • The security gate was broken by someone on a bicycle_ The gate was repaired by Mike Collin's team so funds from the $2,000 earmarked for gate repair haven't been needed yet_ Work continuing at Obear Park, installing the final corrugated roof panels_ $47,000 budget for pavilion o $25,000 — materials for pavilion o $8,500 — pad o $10,000 — installation costs (state contractor) o $2,5000 — new roof (asking up to $5,000 in case it goes higher than $2,500) Camp Mitchell — Food project is talking to the owners of Camp Mitchell_ The project to provide rollout pads for Lynch Park and Dane Street beach is still in progress_ Was approved late in the season by the Conservation Committee_ Bruce is going to talk to communities on the Cape that have the pads in use_ Renovations at Obear Park and Dane Street Beach were completed at less than the $50,000 that was approved_ CPC Projects There were five projects using CPC funding this year- 0 Feasibility and preservation study on Carriage House- $25,000 approved for the study- 0 Dane Street Beach- 0 Cove tennis court — one quote was $160,000, need to put an RFP together and also look into raising funds- 0 Obear Park • Rollout pads for Lynch Park and Dane Street- Security System • A camera installed in late spring provided footage showing who started the fire at the Carriage House- 0 The rose garden is now covered by security camera- Carriage House Fire Damage • Mike Collins walked the building with the insurance company - The insurance company uses a company called RebuildX- RebuildX works for the insurance company so a building permit is not required- Events are scheduled for the Carriage House, mostly on the weekends- RebuildX and the events will have to co -exist until the work is complete- 0 Seven windows will be refabricated- Storm windows will be installed temporarily instead of boarding up the windows- 0 New trim will be installed- 0 The wall with the windows will be resided and painted- 0 The wired fire alarm system in the Carriage House is directly connected to the City's fire system and was the first alert- 0 The fire fighter's efforts saved the building- 0 Mike had cleaners come in after the fire to clean ceilings, floor, walls and windows in preparation for scheduled events- Additional Carriage House Work • Before much more work is done an architect is needed to work out an overall plan including space planning- Estimate $50 -$100K for architect's plan- Then work on the funding- Financial Report Joan Fairbank met with the people that manage the funds for the David S- Lynch Fund- Revenue: Revenue is interest income, though an asset in the trust can be sold off to create income- 0 Yearly expenses fall under maintenance, electric, banking services and other expenditure- 0 In some years there have been additional expenses depending on need, Example, seawall- 2 Election of Officers • Joan Fairbank suggested a new chairman was in order_ • Mark Flagg made a motion to appoint Mark Casey as Chairman, seconded by Joyce Frisiello, and unanimously approved • Motion made by Joyce Frisiello to reappoint Kathy Doane as Recording Secretary and seconded by Mark Casey, approved by all_ Rose Garden Brickwork • The brickwork in the garden needs quite a bit of work_ • Bruce Doig suggested that he could write a grant application for CPC_ • Mark Flagg reported that in some areas there are potential be tripping hazards_ Mark estimates the cost at $4,500 for a couple of days to fix the glaring problems_ • Alice Burns made a motion to expend $4,500 for repairs, Mark Casey seconded and unanimously approved_ Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 6 =00PM at the Carriage House_ Joan Fairbank made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8 =00, seconded by Joyce Frisiello and unanimously approved_ Respectfully submitted, Kathy Doane Recording Secretary