June 28 2016 minutesBeverly Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Date June 28, 2016 Place= Beverly Council on Aging Senior Community Center Blair Smith Bob Hobbs, Cynthia Montalbano, Ann Horrigan, Claire -Marie Hart, Larry Albert, Jessica Wistran, Esquire Staff Present: Mary Ann Holak, JessicaWaggett Meeting Called to Order= 2.35 pm by Blair Smith, Chairperson Secretary's Report June meeting minutes were accepted as written_ Director's Report Elder Abuse Awareness Day was very successful_ Felt like we had an "Outdoor Outreach" Met many people and got the word out_ Finance We have been given a level funded budget_ Just to note we have served 1,230 more seniors that we worked with last year_ Building Painters work is currently on hold_ It seems the glue placed on the floor to adhere the carpet many years ago is not releasing the carpet_ The carpet needs to be gone before the painting can begin- Meetings/Activities/Clients No Scholarship Meeting today_ Awards Committee met prior to the board meeting to go over the nominations for Senior of the year_ The Board was given the nominations and after deliberations a decision was made_ Standards of Independence Committee_ No meeting as yet_ New Business Nominate a new slate of officers_ Next Meeting will be Tuesday August 2, 2016 2.30 pm Respectfully Submitted by_ Cynthia A_ Montalbano, Secretary