BHMA Minutes April 13 2016Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 13, 2016 Board: Date: Location: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Recorder: CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Harbor Management Authority April 13, 2016 Beverly Public Library Chair Paul Earl, Vice Chair Rinus Oosthoek, David Suminsby, Pat McAleer, Scott Houseman, Chris D'Alfonso, Estelle Rand, Emily Flaherty, Paul Miedzionoski Don Neuman, George Simon Facilities Manager Rob Dever, Lobsterman Lou Balboni, Director of Finance Bryant Ayles Emily Flaherty Earl called the meeting to order at 7:05pm Public Input Local lobsterman Lou Balboni raised concern of three issues 1. Access to loading dock is frequently blocked as early as 4:30 am. Typically blocked by people fishing in the area. He is requesting signage and enforcement of the no fishing ordinance in that area. Dever indicates that with the new state walkway we may not hold jurisdiction in that area. Earl indicates that there are signs that exist elsewhere that could be installed to expedite the process. McAleer comments that there are cameras to help monitor the area. 2. With the new walkway, Balboni raises concern that there will be an increase in fishing in the area. As it is, he states that there are 5 -10 lures /week that hit his boat causing damage. The new angle of the walk will potentially cause casted lures to hit his boat. 3. In the loading and unloading zone, he often sees people sleeping in cars and others frequently walking in the area, he is concerned that there is a safety issue with this. It is a commercial fishing area with heavy equipment for the lobsterman that people could be injured in. Discussion: In June Oosthoek indicates there will be a walk - through with the state to complete the pier and walkway projects in both Salem and Beverly - this would be a good time to raise these issues with the state. All would like to see signage in the area and the expansion of the Beverly ordinances into the state project area. Related comments and questions: • Dropline vs casting, or exclude fishing altogether • Effectiveness of suspended line restriction Police involvement in this process would increase effectiveness Loading dock signage — "commercial fisherman(fishers) only" Dever indicates that with the completion of the project — i.e., paving, lines striped and harbor master moved, etc. - the problems may naturally resolve Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 13, 2016 • Carry in — carry out signage suggested Next steps: 1. Subcommittee formed: Oosthoek, Dever, Suminsby will contact state and report out @ May meeting. 2. Suminsby encourages Balboni to contact police for enforcement. 3. Earl will invite Chief of police to May meeting to discuss. Approval of Minutes Oosthoek motions to approve the March 16, 2016 minutes with minor edits. Seconded by Rand. All approved, motion passes (8 -0). Financials Review of funds balance, all agree no red flags on 2016 budget. 2017 proposed budget: • Discussion of increasing recreation fee from $140 /slip - tabled. • Operating budget will most likely have a cushion left from Algonquin fund after completion of harbor building. Could that money (Dever est. $15,000420,000) to go toward other projects? Dever thinks yes. • Recreation piles project — Earl suggests that city may contribute $100K • Ayles states that during the 2n council meeting in May is when Mayor's budget will be delivered • Budget integration "transfer to general fund" needed for synchronization of city and HMA budgets. • Oosthoek suggests prioritizing projects to align with budget. • All are asked to submit comments on the proposed budget 1 week prior to the May 11 meeting. • Discussion of dock maintenance: Dever seeks a grant for pier repairs — would like to go for the $15K state grant — Flaherty will work with Dever on this. • Bathroom cleaning — add to general maintenance budget line item. Suggested to put out to state bid for marina operating expenses, estimated to be $5,000- $10,000, possible separate line item. Facilities Report • Suminsby — update on building, heating system last to install, walls not closed up yet. • Dever indicates that all rough -in inspections are complete • Grading complete, sidewalks poured. • Pedestals ordered. • Goal is to have Harbormaster moved to the Harbor Building and bathrooms complete by Memorial Day. • Consensus is the city will complete the demolition of the McDonalds building. • Gruppe Mural — agreement is that there is $25,000 from previous Algonquin project allocated for removal and restoration of mural. Mayor possibly has a plan for the mural, Oosthoek and Devers will both check -in with the Mayor on this. • Facilities committee recommends keeping winter recreation rates at $50 /foot. All in favor, motion passes (9 -0). Bass River • Earl shares that there is an April 29 meeting in Concord on dredging — Army Corp of Engineers and Bourne will be present. Earl will attend. 2 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 13, 2016 Houseman met with Moulton's representative, Morgan, and Joan Lovely to discuss allocation of funds for Bass River dredging. Both requested that the project be separated into two $2million phases rather than the entire $4million project total, making the ask easier. Both feel that that there is a possibility of seeking funds for $1million from both the state and federal budgets. Grant Opportunities Congress Street Project: • Flaherty and Earl met with Bob Griffin and Aaron Clausen to assess the Congress Street site. • Ward 2 Civic Council meets April 26 at 6:30 pm at Beverly Farms Library chaired by Lisa Corbett. Flaherty and possibly Earl will attend to share project with committee and seek support. Final draft of CPA grant will be ready for HMA members to review by Friday April 29, proposal is due May 6 CPC. Glover Wharf • McAleer distributes draft of "Application for use of Glover Wharf' for all to review. • Discussion of charge to for - profit groups. • Private groups need to have insurance rider. • Questions of being able to charge for public use as the area was created and is reserved for lay -down area for fishing gear. • McAleer will check with city on rules for charging. Other Business Oosthoek shares that the state put out a public notice proposing revisions for Chapter 91 rules seeking public input. Adjournment Suminsby motions to adjourn meeting. Housman seconds. Motion to adjourn approved unanimously (9 -0). *Houseman arrives at 7:40 pm 3