2016071510101., Cable Advisory Commission: Muriel Zaginailoff, Donald Berman, Diane Costa, Eric Overberg, Al Torsey, Alex Ushakoff BevCam John Augeri; Kim Alyn; Walter Kosmowski Beverly Council on Aging Mary Ann Holak Beverly Public Library Pat Cirone; Anna Langstaff Beverly City Information Technology Dennis Greenleaf The meeting was called to order by Muriel who called upon each participant to identity themselves after which she made introductory remarks regarding the purpose of the meeting. She noted that there was great interest and support expressed by the mayor and his chief -of- staff. She then called on Mary Ann to express her interest and position regarding video capabilities at the BCOA. Mary Ann noted that she appreciated the support given by BevCam and felt it was a good partnership. She was concerned that she could not spare the already stretched staff with any additional burdens and also that she did not have the space in which to store expensive equipment and was not positive about the additional responsibility entailed, Pat made similar points about having limited staff that she could not expect to take on additional responsibilities. She also thought the relationship with BevCam was good. She realized the potential for capturing lectures and civic meetings in better serving the stay - at -home community. Walter expressed appreciation for the positive comments on the relationships with BevCam and pledged continued support for requested program coverage. He pointed out that BevCam had never had to refuse a request and expected that with expanded staff and additional volunteers that the situation as presently handled would only improve. The demand had never been very high and did not present problems. He also pointed out to Pat that a robotic system was not easier but harder to operate by a novice, And finally, he said that even if such a system were decided upon, it could not be installed for 2 to 3 years due to budget constraints. Al Torsy wanted to know where was the money that was dedicated to these installations having been included in the renewal proposal to Comcast. Walter's response was that he was required to get approval from his board for all expenditures and tat mission critical' equipment purchases for a server for the anticipated third channel, new studio cameras and studio lighting had to take priority, Alex proposed a compromise to provide coverage during such a delay involving BevCam providing equipment at the library for volunteers to use whenever requested for coverage of lectures and events. Walter agreed this could be done. Muriel pointed out that while it certainly sounded like current conditions did not allow for additional responsibilities that in the future the situation could change and that the'past history of infrequent use could change with time as additional capability was made available. Don explained the thinking behind the library robotic installation as a response to lack of volunteers who found the coverage requirements onerous since equipment needed '!to be picked up on Fridays, kept over the weekend, set up early Monday morning and returned that day. It was thought that having a turn -key system permanently in place would', encourage greater coverage with more frequent usage. John Augieri thought that volunteers could be encouraged to provide coverage without any additional incentive. He did not think it took much effort to set up for lectures. Mary Ann continued to express doubt as to the popularity such equipment would enjoy. Once again she thought the present relationship of the senior production crew of'Livin' The Good Life' was highly dependent on BevCam support and did not want to become independent of that. Muriel called for Walter to provide an equipment budget for a robotic system for the library to serve as a starting point for further discussion. Walter replied that he had such a quote at $48,000 and that he was already over $35,000 over budget for capital equipment for the year. Dennis mentioned that the city's new fiber network was available and Walter stated that transceivers that enable usage by translating optical signals to electrical digital signals would be available by the end of March. Muriel concluded the meeting by calling on all to reflect on the discussion and consider meeting again for a conclusion, Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. I:i *T/ a I Oki WKWA OR] Ia W.AlN 10i]WAX IuIml to] 0l - . MIMM E&WHIMM 1���iLeZ +�7J��3 �1�1��i��I�C�>� �il�l '• r -�'. Meetin LommIssion Joint ' Meeting d March 19, 2015 o Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; D.'Berman, Secretary; Diane Costa; Eric Overberg; Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff Members Absent: None Others Present: Bob Hobbs, Board, BevCam; Walter Kosmowski, E.D. EevCam Recorder: Donald Berman The joint meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Muriel. Muriel turned the floor over to Walt for his reports. Walt presented the financials for the 4 quarter of 2014 and end of year. There is an increase in the number of producers and students. Training is now based on selected topics that producers can take as needed. Programming activity has increased. Budget is running under but capital projects were higher with some overlap but basically the financial condition is good. Muriel asked for the salary breakdown which Walt supplied. Walt noted new hires Matt Greenberg and Adam Stone. A new item in the budget is for employee training or tuition reimbursement. Berman suggested including in the allowance on -line courses of which there are many for technical training. There is also a new line item for the school media program currently set at $3600. Walt is going to attend the annual ACM conference in California. Preparation is continuing for a third channel with a September target. $50 thousand is budgeted for connection to the new city -based I -Net . Alex asked when that might be completed. Walt's response was by April or May. Muriel asked about Walt's thinking about both physical and staff expansion. Walt responded that he saw no need for either for the foreseeable future. He had investigated the office space adjacent to the studio but did not get any approval to occupy more space. Alex asked about possible involvement with the proposed new Middle School for a media program. Walt said there was some discussion but that would be several years in the future. Walt distributed the BevCam Annual Report to each member. The BevCam presentation ended at 7 :55 P.M. Muriel called the CAC meeting to order at 8:00 P.M, The minutes of the December 18 meeting were approved as presented. Don is to send January minutes for review and approval at the next meeting. Muriel reported on meeting along with Don with assistant city solicitor Eitan Goldberg on the BevCam financial reporting compliance issue. Goldberg requested documentation of efforts made by the CAC on this issue. Don subsequently sent several items. The city is now reviewing the matter. I Beverly Cable Advisory Commission 2 Meeting held April 16.201S 4 Members Present: Muriel %u ivailof[Cbair;D.Oernuuu,Secretary; S Diane Costa; AJTorxuy; AJoxDobukof[ 6 Members Absent: Eric 0verber8 7 Others Present: Felicia Berman 8 Recorder: Donald Berman 4 10 The meeting was called in order at7:O09.K8.byMuriel. 11 12 The minutes of the meeting of January 22 were approved as presented. Motion made by 13 Alex and seconded byDiane. 14 The minutes of the March 19 meeting were approved as presented. Motion made by Alex lG and seconded byAl. 16 17 Alex reported that Adam Stone has terminated at BevCam after a short term as studio 18 associate. 0o reason determined and oo information available 0Dareplacement. lg 20 Muriel reported on establishing the CAC on the city website. She has submitted a complaint 21 [ocou vvhirb the city is trying to make interactive nx1ioo. This is in progress at this time. 22 23 Most members have completed the conflict of interest online course and have submitted 24 certificates of completion to the city clerk. 25 Zh Don reported on the activities of the Beverly Broadband Taskforce. So far, two meetings 27 have been held, the name of the group has been settled on, vve are investigating comparable 78 cities, looking at best practices, how to deal with non-ownership of power poles, the future 24 of wireless vs. fiber optic cable and unused fiber lines already in place, the possibility of 30 including neighboring cities in a proposal to potential vendors and the practicality of 31 starting deployment iu the downtown business area. 32 33 Muriel reported on meeting with Pat Cirone re BevCam training which she says is of interest. 34 A next step might be to look into having equipment stationed at the library. 35 36 Alex believes the BCOA may become interested in an equipment installation in the future if 37 not now. 38 39 Muriel reported on u meeting with Don and 8duu Goldberg, assistant city solicitor, on the 40 issue of BevCam non-compliance in financial reporting. She will take up the lack of response 41 with Kevin 8xcutuoiao chief nfstaff. 42 43 Muriel said Vv8 would re-look 3t Compliance and Oversight issues in upcoming meetings. 44 45 1t was agreed toremove George Johnson and Neil 0verberg from the mailing list. 46 47 The meeting was adjourned ut8:O5P.M. Meeting May 21, 2015 Beverly Public Library MEETING CANCELLED DUE TO SCHEDULED JOINT MEETING mmammmmm 01144144 • • Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; Diane Costa, Eric Overberg, Al Torsey, Alex Ushakoff Members Absent: None Recorder: Muriel Zaginailoff CALL TO ORDER: Presentation of Quarterly Reports — Walter Kosmoski Walter noted that the stands for spectators at Hurd Stadium had been condemned and and therefore the stadium would not be available for fall football. He also drew attention to the fact that public produced programs (1127) were productions of independent producers and BevCam productions (1825) were productions of BevCam staff. Next meeting September 17 2015 (Alternate Oct. 15,2015) CALL TO ORDER: Purpose of meeting is to vote on the CAC Broadband Report to the Mayor and requires a vote of the commission prior to presentation. The BBTF report had been voted on by the Task Force and would be presented with the CAC report to the Mayor. After discussion the CACF report was voted unanimously to be presented as written. After signatures of the Chair and Team Leader Muriel would take them to City Hall. Approval of Past Minutes —April 15th submitted for name correction. Committee Report: Need for volunteers to report minutes Next meeting bring names of two prospects. Other Business: Task Force on Hiatus for summer months Adjourn: Next meeting August 20,2015 Meeting august 18, 2015 Beverly Public Library MEETING CANCELLED DUE TO MEMBERS ON VACATIONS NUNN Members Present: KAGhe\Zagin8i|0ff. Chair; Diane Costa; AlTOrIey; Alex U5hakoff Members Absent: None Others Present: Walter Kos[nnwski,E.D,BSv[am; Bob Hobbs, Board, Bev[3mn Recorder: Muriel Za8in8i|off Muriel asked those attending to join her in one minute of reflection in remembrance of Don Berman, Past President of BevCarn Board, Secretary/Clerk of Beverly Cable TV Advisory Commission, Team Leader nf the Task Force. Don died July 30,JU1S. Muriel called the joint meeting to order at 7 P.M. Walter presented the E.D. Report highlights. He also announced that 3 Beverly students attending the High School Media program had received awards for their individual productions. Waiter also stated that during Homecoming week BevCarn used the new fiber system modes at Lynch Park but had not been able to connect to the one at Hurd Stadium because the stadium was still closed for repairs. in clarifying the difference in production totals 2U14vs.Z01S he said that "one time" productions had been included in the 2014 total but not in the 2015 calculations. The E.D. attended the AMC conference recently where he learned that many local access stations across the country, airing on Comcast, have implemented Electronic Program Guide Listing. |t appears that a separate contract with Comcastvvitb a fee might bnneeded, ho will follow up, Commission members were very interested. The3mChene|(Government)shou|dbereadyforyta/tupvvithinafevvweeks. This meeting was adjourned at7.5SP.W1. Next quarterly meeting will beDecennbeir17 m at7P.K8. The Commission meeting was Called to Order at8P.M. The Chair reported on recent meetings with the Chief of Staff regarding an ongoing request for clarification of a section in quarterly reports supplied to the Commission byBevCano. This was followed upbva written request for anopinion. The response by the Chief of Staff was that he did not see any further issues as this time. However he would request that this item would be expanded in the Annual Reports. Therefore, the Commission request isnow dosed. Discussion continued on the subject of recruiting more members to the Commission. Results have not been progressive and the Chair suggested taking up a prior offer by the Mayor to assist in recruitment. This was agreed tobvmembers. Eric Overberg requested that his membership in the Commission be changed from full member to alternate member due tn pressing family responsibilities, The Chair said his request would be sent to the Mayor's office to change the status. Meeting adjourned at8.3SP.M. Next meeting October 15,20lS [Type here) Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; Diane Costa, Al Torsey Others Present: Sean Leach, Task Force Recorder: Al Torsey Sean was introduced to members attending who were encouraged to engage in conversation with Sean and feel free to ask questions at any time. Sean stated that the task force was currently in hiatus but as individuals they were alert to new options and continued to be aware of changes in the industry. He spoke about the general interest of communities within the state who were interested in building out for intereet. The Chair and members thanked him for the update and the opportunity for discussion. The members meeting was opened at 7:50 p.m. There was broad discussion about seeking candidates to join the Commission because currently the Commission is below the standard set in the governing ordinance. The Chair reported that past meeting minutes had been collected and would be organized for publication. General discussion covered meeting dates for next year, term renewals for some commission members. Muriel thanked members who had attended BevCams Annual Meeting and referred to the Ex. Directors comments of interest in an Electronic Program Listings for the station. The Director said that the first step would be to apply to Comcast and Muriel offered in the name of the Commission to send a letter of support. The meeting adjourned at 8.45 p.m. Next meeting November 19,2015 BEVERLY CABLE ArmsOR Y COMI SION Meeting held November 19, 2015 Members Present*. Muriel Zaginafloff, Recorder: Diane Costa Chair Diane Costa, Al Torsey, Alex Ushakoff Corramx'tte �- Orts 1Net E—XRW Sion Muriel suggested changing the name of this committee to Task Force so she can bring information to Commission members, All agreed. Discussion as to whether or not INet is fully developed and up and running. Muriel proposed that we can discuss this with both Russ Fisk and Walter at our quarterly meeting in December, and would ask Russ Fisk to attend. Alex asked about the Po announcements that include a map and 30 second description o i event onn publ channels. Discussion followed. Caxnpliar�ce �d Oyercr No new report. Muriel is looking for a way to post hard copy of CAC minutes at City Hall and the Library, Discussion followed. s and Proce re No new report. A rrdagion statement of commission accountabilities was completed in December, 2012. It was suggested that the statement be reviewed, and a discussion of policies and procedures followed. Earlier in 2015, Don Berman and Eric Overberg completed their work of including prior minutes in the city archiving project. At the joint meeting with BevCam, it is anticipated that Walter Kosmowski, Ed. Dir, update the Commission on the introduction of the new channel, Channel 99, as well as will existing Channels 8 and 22, The Chair sent a letter to the Mayor extending Diane's term for another two years and requesting a change in Eric Overberg's status from full member to alternate member. The next meeting will be on December 17 at the library. Diane and seconded by Alex. The meeting adjourne t g; 1 potion waa made to adjourn by BEVERLY CABLE TV & ADVISORY COMMISSION Joint .. BevCam Meeting of December 17, 2015 Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair, Diane Costa, Al Torsey Members Absent: Alex Ushakoff, Eric Overberg BevCam Participants: Walter Kosmowski,Ex. Director and Lee Yaffa Members Absent: Alex Ushakoff and Eric Overberg Recorder: Muriel Zaginailoff The Joint Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by the Chair. Walter was requested to present his reports. Highlights of the prior quarter Executive Director Reports were presented and discussed, particularly those showing candidates participating in Election forums and interviews. Charts showing the growth in members, training hours, there were questions regarding the growth of public producers. The Ex.Director pointed out that these figures represented both the production of 'one shot' programs and and continuing series producers. The third Quarter Budget was reviewed by the Commission and Muriel asked for the 2016 Salary Adjustments to Salaries for BevCam staff and Walter distributed the chart to Commission members. Walter reported that Heidi Ushakoff would be on a leave of absence expected to be one or two months and substitute staffing had been arranged. Channel 99 is now up and running. Some 'glitches' have been worked out and the new channel has drawn favorable public comment. Walter spoke to a prior topic "Electronic Menu" and said he was researching the problem of channel identification, concerning multiple stations with the same call number. Hurd stadium has been closed while bleacher seating is resolved, this could be sometime, there were question regarding the I -Net drop at the stadium. Next meeting will be March 17, 2016 The Commission meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by the Chair There were short discussions regarding Channel 99 and Hurd Stadium I -Net. Diane and Eric said they had not received any word on their term renewal and the Chair said she would follow up. These terms expire January 2016. Previously a member of the commission request that Russ Fisk be invited to a future meeting regarding final details on the I -Net distribution. It is expected that he will join the commission at the January meeting. The Minutes for the November meeting were approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. Next meeting —January 21, 2016