Minutes - Monday 13 June 2016Special Meeting - Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES — Monday, June 13, 2016 @ 7:00 PM Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3r Floor, Council Chamber Called to Order @ 7:05 PM Roll Call: John P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman -Vice President, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin, Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St.Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci- President. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor St. Hilaire Council President asked all in attendance to observe a Moment of Silence for the victims of the Orlando, Florida massacre at the Pulse Nightclub this past weekend. Public Speakers: None Resolutions: None Presentations, Awards and Memorials: None Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: None Public Hearings: 7:00 PM - #121A — FY2017 Budget — Public Hearing Held - During comments from members of the public, many questions were raised concerning class sizes in the elementary schools, particularly Cove and Hannah. Council President asked if the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Steven Hiersche, who was present in the audience, would like to respond — Councilor Latter made a Motion to Suspend the Rules to allow the Superintendent to respond - VOTE: 9 -0. Dr. Hiersche did so. Public HearingClosed, Referred back to Finance & Property. Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #141 June 13, 2016 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly, through our Department of Planning and Community Development, has received a Community Compact Grant Award from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED) in the amount of $10,000. With your approval, this grant will be used to develop a comprehensive housing plan. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both council and mayoral approval before any grant or gifts to the city can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your upcoming meeting of the City Council on June 13th, 2016. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Property 130 #142 June 13, 2016 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly, through our Fire Department, has been awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the Department of Homeland Security FEMA in the amount of $168,450. With your approval, this grant will be used to replace the Fire Department's Breathing Apparatus Equipment. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both council and mayoral approval before any grant or gifts to the city can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your upcoming meeting of the City Council on June 13th, 2016. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Property #143 June 13, 2016 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly, through our Fire Department, has been awarded a Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant from the Department of Homeland Security FEMA in the amount of $110,870. With your approval, this grant will be used to continue funding 4 firefighters through September, 2016. This is a continuation of the original SAFER Grant. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both council and mayoral approval before any grant or gifts to the city can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your upcoming meeting of the City Council on June 13th, 2016. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Property Communications from other City Officers & Boards: None 131 Communications, Applications & Petitions: #113A Communication — Mike Graccia, 1 Hathaway Avenue re: Centerville Parking Received and Placed on File Unfinished Business: None Final Passage: None Motions and Orders: Council President entertained a Motion to Accept a Late File from Councilor Rand — Vote: 9 -0 #144 June 13, 2016 Dear fellow councilors, I appreciate your consideration of the following amendment to our Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. Our Area Median Income has grown so rapidly over the past four years that our current Inclusionary Zoning requirements are no longer preserving or creating housing stock for our service industry employees, entry level positions, teachers, and nurses. I anticipate that the results of the housing study will at a minimum support this type of change to this ordinance. We have spent a number of hours discussing the need for affordable housing as a council and I am sure on a personal level with our constituents. As we begin a period of growth here in Beverly, especially in Ward 2, it is of the utmost importance that we as city councilors take steps to preserve the economic diversity that is clearly part of Beverly's identity. To put the proposed amendment into perspective, the current income of a one person household who makes 50% of the Area Median Income is $34, 350. People with full time jobs who earn $15 an hour earn less that than 50% of the Area Median Income. In one year they earn $31,200. Here are some examples of the average pay of some of the lower paying jobs that exist here in Beverly: Laborer's & Movers $32, 826, Food & Service Supervisors $29,973, Janitorial Supervisors $26,527, Personal Care & Service Supervisors $25, 980. 1 would like Beverly to remain a community in which the employees of the retail establishments and restaurants that we take pride in can afford to live and work here. I would like to be a community in which the city council actively keeps space for our artists, our citizens on fixed incomes, our teachers, our nurses, and our workers who earn minimum wage. I am confident that this is the right council and the right time to put this change forward. Perhaps this council will desire to change the ordinance to require an even higher percentage of housing units to be offered at affordable rates, ensuring that we can retain the economic diversity that has attracted so many young entrepreneurs, young families, and entry level professionals to stay here in Beverly. I appreciate your consideration and thoughtful discourse on this matter. 132 Respectfully, Estelle Rand City Councilor, Ward 2 978 - 473 -9891 Amendment to the ordinance Inclusion of Affordable Housing Section 29 -34: Or Chapter 300 Article XV Affordable Housing section 104 Adopt the following amendment to our Affordable Housing Zoning ordinance: C. Housing Affordability 1. Except as provided below, each affordable unit created under this article shall be sold or rented to a household income at or below 50% of the area median income that applies To subsidized housing in the City of Beverly, as reported annually by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), adjusted for household size. Delete section 2. Referred to Legal Affairs Meeting Adjourned: 8:04 PM Attest: D. Wesley Slate, Jr. City Clerk 133