01-05-16 BCC MinCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Chair Christine Bertoni, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum, John Donnelly, Richard Grandoni, Tony Paluzzi, Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Jeff Roelofs, Special Counsel Jane Dooley Bertoni calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Beverly City Hall, 3 d Floor Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA. New: Executive Session Berotni entertains a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to MGL ch. 30A, section 21, purpose no. 3: To discuss strategy with respect to litigation (Cummings Properties, LLC v. Conservation Commission of the City of Beverly, Appeals Court Docket No. 2014 -P -0045) and the Appeals Court's recent Remand Order. Paulzzi so moves. Seconded by Buchsbaum. Bertoni takes a roll call vote: Buchsbaum yes, Paluzzi yes, Grandoni yes, Donnelly yes, Squibb yes and Bertoni yes. Bertoni explains that the Commission will meet in executive session and return to the regular meeting when finished. Commission members return to regular meeting at 7:45 p.m. Recess for Public Hearings Paluzzi moves to recess for public hearings. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6 -0. ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA DELINEATION Cont: 122 Cross Lane - review and affirm extent and character of delineated wetlands on site — Ben CarlsonBenco, LLC Bob Griffin representing the applicant describes two parcels containing 4.2 acres. The wetlands located both on and off site were flagged into A, B, C & D Series, and in Series A and D there was evidence of vernal pool breeding activity (i.e. egg masses), with D containing numerous egg masses and A containing 2 egg masses in the spring of 2015. The Commission conducted a site inspection on December 19, 2015. Maxner notes she drafted findings, members review. Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 11 There being no further questions from the Commission and none form the public, Paluzzi moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6 -0. Paluzzi moves to issue the ORAD as presented in the plan with findings as drafted by Maxner. Seconded by Donnelly. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 38 Standley Street — review and affirm extent and character of delineated wetlands on site — Waring School. Inc. c/o Leah McGavern Maxner reads legal notice. John Dick representing the applicant explains the School is looking to confirm wetland delineation at the headmaster parcel. He notes there is 600 linear feet of BVW and 600 linear feet of Mean High Water to a perennial stream (which receives a 200 -foot Riverfront Area) which was flagged for review. Buchsbaum moves to continue the hearing until February 2, 2016 and a site visit was scheduled for 8 a.m. on Saturday, January 9, 2016. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 50 Dunham Road, DEP File #5 -1076 — request for an amended Order of Resource Area Delineation pursuant to Massachusetts Appeals Court Remand Order as issued in Docket No. 14 -P -45 — Cummings Properties, LLC c/o Stephen J. Drohosky Maxner reads legal notice. Attorney Craig Ziady, Steve Drohosky, Dennis Clarke, and Steve Ericksen are present representing the applicant. The Commission's special counsel Jeff Roelofs, and City Solicitor Stephanie Williams are present for the Commission. Ziady addresses the Commission and reviews the Appeals Court remand and revised plan pursuant to the Commission's Order of Resource Area Delineation, which only relates to the local Ordinance decision. Ziady reviews the revised ORAD plan that shows modified No Disturb Areas based on evaluation of habitat function and existing disturbed and developed areas on site. He explains that the applicant recognizes the existence of vernal pools on the site. He notes that this plan does not exempt the applicant from filing with the Commission for work within the buffer zone but rather provides for some flexibility within already developed portions of the site. Bertoni verifies that only the No Disturb Zones have been modified, but the full buffer zones remain which still maintains the Commission's jurisdiction. Ziady confirms. Bertoni notes that the previous ORAD was silent on the intermittent stream that runs between Wetland C and D, but if a proposed project is ever proposed within the buffer to this stream that it would be subject to determination at that time. Ziady confirms. Bertoni asks Steve Ericksen to present his findings relative to vernal pool habitat evaluation. Ericksen, explains he has been on site numerous times and observed the presumptive No Disturb Zones, some of which are well developed. He notes his opinion that these areas do not provide Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 11 critical habitat values for the creatures utilizing vernal pools, and will likely be avoided by migrating amphibians that would prefer the protective cover of the woodlands. Buchsbaum notes that amphibians will cross pavement in their migratory routes. Ericksen notes that the site does not have anyone working at night which would reduce roadkill. Bertoni asks Ericksen to review the resources and vernal pools on site. Ericksen refers to the plan, noting that bordering vegetated wetlands occur at Flag Series A, B, C and D. Pool # 1 is a State Certified vernal pool #3617, Pool #2 is an uncertified vernal pool under the Ordinance, Pool #3 is an uncertified vernal pool under the Ordinance, Pool #4 is a State Certified vernal pool #2977, Pool #'s 5, 6 and 7 are on City of Beverly property, with #5 being State Certified #1438, and Pool #8 is an uncertified vernal pool under the Ordinance. Maxner notes that the banks and BVW to Norwood Pond were delineated and reviewed under the NOI for the new building at 52 Dunham Road. Discussion ensues regarding final ORAD document that contains amendment language. Roeloffs notes that the amended ORAD will contain the procedural history as well as how the amendment was processed. Bertoni asks if there are any questions from the audience. A resident of 16 Wellman Street speaks to how bobcat was seen in the area during the night and wildlife still have access to the pond. There being no further questions or comments from the Commission or the public, Paluzzi moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6 -0. Squibb moves to issue the amended ORAD as presented with the final findings reflecting tonight's material and discussion with special counsel. Seconded by Paluzzi. The motion carries 6 -0. NOTICES OF INTENT /ABBREVIATED NOTICES OF INTENT/REQUEST FOR AMENDED ORDERS OF CONDITIONS Cont: 16 Bayview Avenue — Thomas Doherty Bob Griffin representing the applicant speaks to proposal for a metal staircase, landings and concrete steps for access to the beach from the property that will be supported by 12" sono tubes to be installed a minimum of 4' below grade within the vegetated part of the coastal bank and pinned to the existing ledge. A pier in Beverly Harbor is no longer being proposed. A small paver patio area surrounded by fence will be at the top of the staircase. After the December 19, 2015 site walk no plan changes are proposed. Discussion ensues about a surviving condition relative to maintenance and repair of the metal structure and impact of storms. Substantial reconstruction would require further review by the Commission (i.e. 50 %) to determine if a new NOI filing or minor modification is needed. Griffin reports that any work below the mean high water line (last few steps) would require Chapter 91 permitting. In regard to the Army Corps of Engineers there is a threshold within 200' disturbance of bank a pre - construction notification form describing the project would have to be submitted. Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 11 The staircase would be installed in sections using a crane on the property owner's land. Griffin explains the construction of the terminal steps using holes drilled and reinforcing bars installed in the ledge, forms in the shape of steps will create level surfaces using concrete (with additive for salt resistance) transported in buckets from site. Discussion ensues about how the paver patio is important to stability of stairs as well as how a 6" tree is proposed for removal. Bertoni asks if there are any questions from the audience. A resident of 16 Wellman Street asks about the type of concrete to be used. Griffin responds marine grade. There being no further questions or comments from the Commission or public, Paluzzi moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 6 -0. Cont: 16B Bayview Avenue — construct metal staircase with associated concrete landings and pier supports to gain beach access — Doherty Bay View Realty Trust c/o Thomas & Joanne Doherty Bob Griffin representing the applicant describes proposal to install a second metal staircase, concrete landings and steps within coastal bank, rocky intertidal shore, land containing shellfish and land subject to coastal storm flowage (for performance standards on these resource areas, please review State Regulations 310 CMR 10.29, 10.30, 10.3 1, and 10.34), and some limited work within the 25 -foot NDZ. The staircase will be supported by rock outcrop with concrete stairs placed in beach surface. There is less wave action in this area versus where the staircase is proposed for 16 Bayview Avenue. A portion of a step will require Chapter 91 approval. No file number has been received by DEP. Bertoni asks if there are any questions from the audience. There are none. Paluzzi moves to continue until the Commission's next meeting on February 2, 2016. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. Cont: 35 Porter Street — install coastal bank stabilization and associated site landscaping improvements — Max Corbett Bob Griffin requests a continuation until the next meeting. Squibb moves to continue to February 2, 2016. Seconded by Paluzzi. The motion carries 6 -0. Cont: 43 Brackenbury Lane — demolish and reconstruct single- family house with addition, driveway and utilitimprovements, construct in- ground swimming pool — Scott Rouisse Bob Griffin representing the applicant explains extensive proposed renovation including raising foundation by one course of blocks, building and addition and pool with patio, driveway reconfiguration at the site. He reviews the revisions to the plan. He responds to points raised by the abutters Mr. & Mrs. Brusil's letter recently submitted. He addresses how the stream is not shown on U.S.G.S. map, and watershed is well under a half square mile, therefore the stream is considered intermittent. The location of the retaining wall is Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 11 proposed on the lawn and is not on the stream bank so it will not interfere with channel now capacity. He explains no clearing of trees is proposed relative to retaining wall construction. He explains that based on the Commission's recent site inspection, the plan was revised to show removal of old rail road timbers and debris along the stream bank and regrading and planting this section to abate current erosion. In response to Donnelly's questions about constructing the house on piles, Griffin notes that piles are cost prohibitive option, and preserving existing foundation and basement would result in least impact along with slab proposed for addition. Griffin explains that construction can occur in flood plain as long as openings in the basement allow flow of water in and out or raise the grade of the property outside of the flood zone. Discussion ensues on larger specimen trees that could be impacted near clearing and grading area for the driveway. Griffin notes that the driveway retaining wall will not be in the No Disturb Zone. The slope will be cleared by replanting is proposed, with an effort will be made to preserve mature trees in the area. The proposed fencing is reviewed with Bertoni noting that she would like to see it contract away from the resource areas. Griffin notes this fencing is for pool safety while allowing the owner full use of their property. Discussion ensues about series of questions submitted by the abutters Mr. and Mrs. Brusil. The Commission asks Maxner to consult with the Brusil's as to their questions within the Commission's jurisdiction. Paluzzi moves to continue the hearing to the February 2, 2016 meeting. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. New: 502 Cabot Street — construct new middle school and associated site improvements — City of Beverly c/o Michael Collins Commissioner of Public Services & Engineering Maxner reads legal notice. Engineer Mark Gabriel of PARE Corp. representing the applicant describes how Commission approved an RDA for the demolition of the existing Memorial Middle School which is occurring now, and NOI submission is for the construction of the new middle school. The isolated vegetated wetland is delineated and previously reviewed by the Commission. He describes that stormwater runoff currently sheets towards Balch Street and is untreated. ;, He summarizes details about proposed drainage system for development and redevelopment project. The general drainage layout of the site is stormwater sheet flow from Cabot Street to Balch Street and is captured in detention systems to the northwest and south of the !School. These systems capture runoff including from increased impervious surface proposed to culvert under Balch Street. There will be a reduction of stormwater flow into the wetlands.'' Discussion ensues about how silty clay on the site is not conducive to infiltration. Existing sewer and utility lines on Cabot Street will be used for the building.',' Lauren Hastings' of PARE Corp., explains the wetland impacts noting that two isolated', vegetated' wetlands (IVW)'are on site. To offset filling of the smaller IVW, replication of 2`;1 includes plantings (i.e., dogwood, azalea etc...), boulders, and woody' debris' for habitat. Discussion' ensues about Phragmites growing in one section of wetland as well as monitoring and maintenance to prevent encroachment into the replication area. Maxner notes that there will be Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 11 requirements for monitoring the replication area and reporting on planting survivorship per the Beverly Wetlands Regulations. Hastings acknowledges the requirements. Discussion addresses the waiver request and how the buffer zone is 'a distinct disturbed area already maintained as lawn and parking on the site. Additional disturbed zones will be created as part of construction. Alternative analysis considered the best location for the building to fit on the site. Discussion was on small area of woods that has runoff to wetlands. The majority of the sheet flow on the site goes to grassy field area and catch basins. Also, that 'a rain garden would not be conducive at the site due to density of soils. An outdoor learning center is planned for the site. The project has had peer review relative to engineering and thej City engineer is reviewing drainage proposal. Resident speaks to location of riverbed. Myron Hood, speaks to 17 acres of wetlands where the School is going to be located, high water table and poor drainage at the site. He suggests that the property should be surveyed, and mentions storrawater runoff in the area and waterline on the School property as well as where the buses will be parked on the property. The percentage of clay in the area does not allow water to flow. The new School will be built on 1,100 new pilings rather than recycling existing piles. There will be an increase of 5 acres of impervious surface with the new School and runoff will be captured and treated by the stormwater system. In response to John S., 10 Hawthorn Place, Salem, Maxner explains that under the state and local ordinance filling is allowed to a certain amount in conjunction with replication so there is no net loss; the wetland is relocated. In response to resident expressing concern about any discharge from buses at the proposed bus depot, the Commission describes how storm runoff is captured and treated. Conversation is occurring about how to shield the buses from the surrounding area. Discussion addresses possibility of increasing replication area without impacting 25' No Disturb Zone. Snow will be managed at the site without stacking. No snow storage areas are identified on the plan. A 6' high chain link fence has been installed around work area and erosion control on 25' No Disturb line. "No Disturb Zone" signage could be added at 25' No Disturb Zone. Discussion ensues on amount of groundwater in area so plantings have an opportunity for survivorship. Paluzzi moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Donnelly. The motion carries 6-0. New: 12-16 Congress Street (formerly 10-12 Congress Street). DEP File #5-947 — Beverl Office Development, LLC c/o Attorney Thomas Alexander: i. Request for amended Order of Conditions under MGL Chapter 131 Section 40 ii. Notice of Intent filed under Beverly Wetlands Protection Ordinance Article XXXVII Maxner reads legal notice. Charlie Wear, Meridian Associates, representing the applicant explains that the previous Order from 2007 that it is still active, but due to expire under both the Act and the Ordinance. He notes that the proposed project has been modified from 72 residential units with parking underground to 62 units with surface parking and 144 spaces reduced to 93. The original proposal had 70,245 square feet of impervious surface and that will be reduced to 67,930 square feet with the new plan. The rain garden still has capacity to serve the project and Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 11 the drainage has been kept the same and since there is less impervious surface to treat is probably over designed. Wear notes the applicant has submitted a new NOI requesting a new Order of Conditions under the local Ordinance and an amendment and extension to the Order of Conditions under the Wetlands Protection Act. He notes that the proposed rip rap revetment has not been changed due to the modified plan. Commission members review the plan and discussion ensues on the two tops of bank reflected in design, and 100-year flood plain where buildings and parking will be located above. The applicant has a Chapter 91 license for the project. The City Engineer will review the drainage plan. Discussion addresses how catch basins in area of public way could be cleaned out working with the City. There being no further questions from the Commission and none from the audience, Donnelly moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 6-0. Reconvene Regular Meeting Paluzzi moves to reconvene regular meeting. Seconded by Donnelly. The motion carries 6-0. OLD /NEW BUSINESS Cont: Waring School Field Encroachment — Resolution & Proposed Action Plan — Waring School c/o Atty. Tom Harrington Squibb moves to continue to the February 2, 2016 meeting. Seconded by Paluzzi. The motion carries 6-0. Cont: Rices Beach Enforcement Order — unauthorized dune removal — William Mead John Dick and Willaim Mead are present. Dick speaks to his letter describing plan that indicates grades have not changed. A bobcat was used to remove woody vegetation in the area which will be restored naturally at the site. He notes there are root crowns at the surface. The recommendation is to plant dune grass (90,000 square feet possibly in March). Maxnerj reviews her consult with DEP that recommended thin slat fencing be installed and left to assist in sand accretion, and that path in right of way should have a zig zag component if possible. Discussion ensues as to existing path that probably cannot be altered due to ROW issues. Dick states that no new path is proposed within the dune to the houses. Discussion ensues on how signage and posts could be installed to denote and protect dune restoration area. Any other proposal to do work in the area would require an NOI application. The area will be monitored by wetland scientist with report provided annually for three years depending upon success of planting. Donnelly, moves to amend the Enforcement Order to encapsulate approval of the plan with conditions that were agreeable. Seconded by Paluzzi. The motion carries 6-0. New: Planning Board Request for Comments — 10-16 Congress Street — Modifications to Special Permit & Site Plan Review application #88-07 — Windover Development LLC Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 11 The Commission will report its actions taken pursuant to this latest filing. Expenditure Approvals Paluzzi moves to pay $872.40 to Jeffrey Roelofs. Seconded by Donnelly. The motion carries 6 -0. Orders of Conditions 16 Bayview Avenue DEP FILE #: 5 -1141 Paluzzi moves to issue Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions as discussed: 1. Prior to construction, the applicant shall consult with the City Building Inspector for his written determination as to whether a building permit is required for the proposed staircase. Said correspondence /determination shall be forwarded to the Conservation Commission. 2. Prior to construction, specifications for the proposed paver landing at the top of the bank, including paver and subbase materials to be used and a cross section plan view shall be provided to the Conservation Commission. The paver landing shall be constructed so that it is pervious and allows infiltration. 3. As discussed and agreed to by the applicant's representative during the January 5, 2016 hearing, the 18" tree located at the east side of the first landing shall be preserved. 4. Should any part of the staircase or associated structures be damaged, dislodged and washed away, the owner shall be responsible for recapturing and collecting said material for proper disposal. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 5. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining the structure in good repair and such activities shall be allowed under this Order. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 6. The owner shall be required to report to the Conservation Commission if 51% or more of the staircase and associated structures are damaged. The Conservation Commission shall review damage report and provide guidance as to proper permitting for repairing damaged sections of the structure. Repairs of the stairs and associated structures constituting less than 50% of the structure shall be allowed under this Order contingent upon 72 hours - notice to the Conservation Administrator prior to repair /replacement activities. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. Seconded by Donnelly. The motion carries 6 -0. 502 Cabot Street — Middle School Discussion ensues as to possible conditions to apply to the project. Paluzzi moves to issue Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions as discussed: Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 11 1. Should the City Engineer's review comments on the proposed stormwater drainage system require that the project design be further revised, said changes shall be presented to the Commission at a regular meeting. The Commission hereby reserves the right to re- open the public hearing to review the modifications, or require the applicant to file a request for Minor Modification to the Order, and in either case the Commission may further condition the project as deemed appropriate. 2. When available, a copy (electronic version is preferred) of the SWPPP for the project shall be forwarded to the Commission for its files. 3. The wetland replication shall be executed as noted in the Notice of Intent and in accordance with Beverly Wetlands Protection Regulations Section V D. 2. a) — j), and every phase of the replication effort shall be directed and monitored by a qualified wetland scientist. 4. The wetland scientist shall provide follow -up monitoring reports to the Commission regarding the viability and function of the wetland replication area and survivorship of the plantings for not less than two growing seasons after the replication area is completed. The monitoring reports will be provided annually in October of each year. 5. The plantings shall exhibit at least 75% survival rate and any trees shall exhibit 100% survival rate after two (2) growing seasons. If these survival rates are not achieved, the wetland scientist shall present a plan to the Commission that identifies why the plants have failed and a proposed plan to achieve the 75% survival rate. 6. Signage, bearing educational language about the values, function and protection of wetland resources shall be installed along the edge of the 25 -foot no disturbance zone at 50 -foot intervals. Prior to final fabrication of said signage, the specific language shall be reviewed and approved by the Commission or its Agent. 7. Aside from side -cast resulting from routine snow plowing, storage of snow originating from on or off the site shall not be stored or stockpiled within the 100 -foot buffer zone. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 8. As described in the Long -Term Pollution Prevention Plan, weed control shall be undertaken manually within the 100 -foot buffer zone. Chemical weed control is prohibited within the wetland and 100 -foot buffer zone. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 9. The responsible party shall operate and maintain all stormwater BMPs in accordance with the design plans, notes, the Operation and Maintenance Plan section of the approved Stormwater Report and SWPP, and the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook. Stormwater Maintenance Reports shall be submitted to the Commission no later than December 31st of every year. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 6 -0. 12 -16 Congress Street Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 10 of 11 Discussion ensues as to possible conditions to apply to the project. Maxner reviews conditions from the prior Order. Paluzzi moves to issue Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions as discussed: 1. Should the City Engineer's review comments on the proposed stormwater drainage system require that project design be further modified significantly enough to warrant review, the Commission hereby reserves the right to re -open the public hearing to review the modifications and further condition the project as deemed appropriate. 2. Prior to any work commencing on site, the applicant shall secure an independent erosion control monitor to oversee the installation and maintenance of the erosion control barriers. The erosion control monitor shall be a professional engineer or wetland scientist and the name and contact number of the monitor shall be provided to the Commission. 3. The erosion control monitor shall visit the site at least once weekly during the active phases of construction that occur within the Commission's jurisdiction. The erosion control monitor shall submit a report monthly to the Commission or its Agent reporting inspection dates, status of construction, any erosion control maintenance requirements, and who at the project site was informed. Reports may be submitted by electronic mail. 4. As discussed and agreed to by the applicant's representatives during the November 12, 2013 and Conservation Commission meeting and again agreed to at the January 5, 2016 meeting, prior to any work commencing on site, $15,000.00 shall be donated to the City and placed into an account for the purpose of off -site natural resource improvement or restoration within the project site vicinity as authorized by the Conservation Commission. If any funds are not used within three years, any remaining funds in the account shall be transferred to and used by the Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee exclusively for the Committee's use in discharging its responsibilities to protect and enhance open space and recreational opportunities within the City of Beverly. 5. Prior to placement of any rip rap stone on the revetment, the limit of the bottom of the previous concrete seawall shall be surveyed and staked in the field by a surveyor or professional engineer and shall be inspected jointly with the surveyor or engineer and the Commission or its agent. 6. A qualified professional shall be on site to inspect and approve all imported soil material to ensure that it meets the specified composition for rain garden construction and function. 7. Survivorship of all plant material within the Commission's jurisdiction as it relates to the proper function of the stormwater management system shall be insured for 2 years post installation. 8. The proposed fencing shall be no taller than 42 inches and shall conform to the conceptual examples as detailed on Sheet 5 of 7 Landscape & Lighting Plan. 9. The slope located at the southeast corner of the site shall be left in its natural state, as it is currently stable and very well vegetated. This condition shall survive in perpetuity beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 10. The Inspection and Maintenance Plan for Stormwater Manangement System, as described in the Stormwater Analysis and Calculations revision dated March 23, 2007 shall be incorporated herewith by reference. All maintenance and inspection reports per the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plans shall be submitted to the Conservation Agent on an annual basis no later than December 31st of each year. Obligations for long -term Conservation Commission January 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 11 of 11 stormwater BMP maintenance and requirements of this condition shall run in perpetuity beyond the life of this Order of Conditions and the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 6 -0. Donnelly moves to issue an amended Order and 3 -year extension under the Wetlands Protection Act. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. Other Business 84 West Street — Proposed Mudroom Addition Maxner introduces the project and discussion ensues bout the proposed mudroom addition on five 10 -inch sonotubes within outer limits of Riverfront and within bordering land subject to flooding and whether there is a need for compensatory flood storage. The Commission members recommend that a RDA should be submitted for this project. Approval of Minutes Minutes should be ready for the Commission's review at its next meeting. Adjournment Donnelly moves to adjourn at 12:15 a.m. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 6 -0. The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at Beverly City Hall, 3 d Floor Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street.