2015-11-10CITY OF BEVERLY MEETING NOTES Board: Golf and Tennis Commission Date: November 10, 2015 Location: Beverly Golf and Tennis Clubhouse, Fireplace room Members Present: Chair William Lowd, Chad Crandell, Doug Richardson, Martin Lawler Others Present: GFMI Staff -Chris Carter, Burt Page, Brian McHugh, Dave Dionne, Mike LaPierre, Steve Murphy Recorder: Aileen O'Rourke Mr. Lowd called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Members review the Oct 13, 2015 meeting minutes. Mr. Richardson makes a motion to approve the minutes with minor edits. Mr. Lawler seconds. All in favor the motion carries unanimously (4 -0). Financial update Mr. Lawler reviews the budget report for the Commission. There is $140K appropriated with $5K spent on maintenance so far. Currently there is $55K allocated under the clubhouse and $50K for other improvements. Overall, the budget position is strong for the first quarter. Mr. Lowd goes through a list of invoices to be paid some of which were ordered by Mr. Bouchard in Public Services. Carter reports DPW is replacing the doors on the cart park. Tees #2 and #12 have been stripped and leveled, Mr. Murphy will use leftover mix and complete a 3rd tee and requests a little more sod for a cost of $1250 bringing the total cost to about $5600. Mr. Crandell makes a motion to approve $1250 more to include the 8 tee. Seconded by Lawler. All in favor, motions passes, (4 -0). Curtains have to be fireproofed in order to obtain a certificate of safety by the fire department. The kitchen hood and sprinklers have already been inspected. The cost for fireproofing the curtains will be $2015. Members wonder how long will the certification of non - flammability will be good for? Mr. Page will find out. Lawler makes a motion to fireproof all the curtains in the building. Richardson seconds. All in favor, motion passes (4 -0). Project updates Porch Collapse The architect - Geinapp Design, submitted an invoice for $4K for documenting existing conditions for the screened porch replacement. This is part of the quote requested by the insurance company which includes spec design, construction documents, bidding and construction administration totaling $19K to go out for bid. Mr. Lowd will ask Gelineau if the Committee needs to pay the up front. The Commission will need to pay the $25K deductible. Gienapp provided updated numbers for the ADA report, the elevators, doors, bathrooms, and railings were part of that report and are necessary to become ADA compliant. The John Aucone bench is in it just needs to be delivered. The cement pad will go in by the end of the week. Mr. McHugh and Mr. Lowd will coordinate with Adriane, Mr. Aucone's daughter so she can be there for it. Mr. Carter Mr. Carter distributes the rounds and revenue report. There were 2932 starts, about average from previous years. Overall it was a successful season with a lot of playable days. A few more people took advantage of the early 2016 memberships and public play is up from last year. Tennis memberships are about the same as last year. CPC update Mr. Lowd spoke with Ms. Maxner for an update. The entire CPC package was approved last Monday by the City council. Next step is obtaining the mayor's signature. A grant agreement will come to the Golf and Tennis Commission to sign then goes to Finance, purchasing, legal, and back to the Mayor. Mr. Lowd should see the grant agreement next week. Mr. Page Mr. Page is organizing the Golf and Tennis Committee Christmas Party for Dec 8t to take place during the December meeting. Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy reports the sod was put down on Tuesday. His team is improving drainage work on the #2 green and updates to the cart path. He believes there is an open requisition to cut down the tree at #4 which will be about $3500. Mr. Lowd will confirm. Mr. Dionne Mr. Dionne organized a season finale event that was very successful he handed out awards for many different categories such as player of the year, everyone was excited about it. Kuddos to Dave for compiling the figures and organizing this event. Adjournment Lawler motion to adjourn the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission meeting. Seconded by Crandell. All in favor, motion passes unanimously (4 -0). Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.