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Move to definitions at 14 -1
Slate noted that the section has been moved to 14 -1 on page 228 of the ordinances and
agrees it should be moved. Hobin agrees.
Comment JND263 —14 -169 — Enforcement of Division
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Need to Provide manner of appointment.
Slate will check with the Chief of Police.
Page 282 —14 -186 — Pesticide Control Regulations - Effect of Regulations
Section Deleted.
Slate agrees that the section should be deleted.
Hobin and Latter agree
Comment JND264 —14 -241 Parking Storing
Keeping etc. — Storage of Boats......
Atty. Decoulos comment states: There is none.
With regards to Commissioner of Public
Slate agrees and notes that it should be Chief of Police. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND265 —14 -241 Parking Storing
Keeping etc. — Storage of Boats......
Atty. Decoulos comment states: There is none.
With regards to Commissioner of Public
Slate agrees and notes that it should be Chief of Police. Hobin and Latter agree.
Slate recommends that the section be deleted. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND 267 —15 -5 — Ashes, Rubbish Etc.
Atty. Decoulos comment states: What is the penalty for violations of the other provisions.
With a few exceptions most of the provisions for any penalty for a violation nor is there a
provision for the enforcing authority.
Slate suggests it be left as it is. Hobin and Latter agree.
12 -325 — Applicability
Latter suggests that the section should be deleted because it was amended 40 years ago
and the need no longer exists.
Comment JND 268 —15 -5A — bitter
Atty. Decoulos comment states: This seems unfair to impose burden on private property
owners to keep adjoining public property free of litter especially with these substantial
Slate suggests that he section be left as it is.
Comment JND 269 —15 -10 Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public Buildings
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Should there be exceptions for Special Events?
Slate notes that it is addressed on Page 292 and suggests that a reference to page 292 be
inserted here to include or as otherwise allowed by special permit granted by the City
Council. Hobin and Latter agree.
City Council Ordinance Review Subcommittee
Draft Minutes —April 14 2010
Page 4 of 7
Comment JND 270 15 -13 - Firearms
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Inconsistent with Subsection 6 Regarding a rifle or
handgun of any caliber as defined by MGL Chapter 140, Section 121, Shall not be
discharged or fared at any time for the purpose of hunting within the city.
Slate suggests that the section be left as it is. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND 271 - 15 -31- Nighttime Limitation on Retail Sale of Food
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Are there any 24 hour stores that sell food?
Slate suggests that the section be left as it is. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND 272 -15 -7 - Penalties
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Does this apply to the entire chapter or just this article.
See (6).
Slate suggests that it is just for this article. Latter and Hobin agree.
Comment JND 273 —15 -48 Administrative Rules
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Has this been done? Regarding the Chief of Police may
promulgate such rules as may be necessary for the implementation of this article........
Slate states that this is correct. He also states that he will check with the Chief of Police
to see if the fines are adequate.
Page 307 — Sec. 16 -2 Federal Street Grounds
Latter notes that this is now known as Innocenti Park and suggests that the name should
be changed in the ordinance. Slate and Hobin agree.
Comment JND 274 — 16 -26 - Parks and Recreation Commission — Established,
Appointment of Members, Compensation
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Already established under 3 -329 but provisions as to
compensation are not consistent. Recommend moving this section through 16 -32 to
multiple member bodies section retaining desired provisions.
Slate states that he agrees with the change. Latter and Hobin agree.
Paize 309 —16 -29 Powers and Duties
Slate suggests that this section (b) regrading Capital Improvement programs be checked.
City Council Ordinance Review Subcommittee
Draft Minutes — April 14 2010
Page 5 of 7
Comment JND 275 — Article III David S Lynch Park Fund
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Already established at 2 -226 Recommend moving to
multiple member bodies section and retaining and retaining any desired terms as to
Slate agrees with the change. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND 276 —16 -52 Board of 'Trustees
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Does this exist?
Slate states that the section is correct and should be left as is. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND 277 — Chapter 17 Personnel — Art. 111 Sick Leave, L 17 -46 —17 -51
Atty. Decoulos comment states: These are not correct references. With regards to
Charter references......
Slate will check with the City Solicitor.
Comment JND 278 — Sec. 17 -4 - Vacations
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Are these current? With regards to time allotted for
Slate will check with Human Resources.
Comment JND 279 - Sec. 17 -4 - Vacations
Atty. Decoulos comment states: For what reason? Regarding (d) upon termination of
employment the employee shall receive payment equal to the amount of vacation pay he
would have been entitled to had the termination not occurred.
Slate suggests that the section be left as it is. Hobin and Latter agree.
Page 312 - Sec. 17 -4 — Vacations
(e) The posting of vacations shall be made by the employer on or about April first.
Should a conflict arise among employees in their choice of vacation period, seniority
shall prevail. Section deleted.
Slate suggests that the section be left as it is and not deleted. Hobin and Latter agree.
City Council Ordinance Review Subcommittee
Draft Minutes — April 14 2010
Page 6 of 7
Comment JND 280 — 17 -5 Cash Awards for Valuable Suggestions, Awards
Atty. Decoulos Comment states: Recommend this be moved to multiple member bodies
Slate agrees with the change. Hobin and Latter agree.
Comment JND 281 -17 -6 Mileage
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Is this current. Regarding employee reimbursement of
.20 cents per mile for use of private vehicles for city business.
Slate will check with John Dunn on this. He questions if this should be tied to the IRS
rate of reimbursement.
Page 313 17 -7 — Appointments to Elective or Appointed Positions, Exceptions,
Residency Reguirement
Section deleted with no comment. Preempted by Charter ??
Comment JND 282 —17 -27 —Grade Classification (C) Schedule
Atty. Decoulos comment states Are these current? To what do the letters and numbers
Slate will check on this with John Dunn
Comment JND 283 —17 -29 Unclassified Salaries
Atty. Decoulos comment states: Are these current and complete? Should salaries be in
Slate will check on this with John Dunn. He noted that the council salaries in the
ordinance are not accurate.
Comment JND 284 —17 -47 — Number of Sick Days Allowed Per Year
Atty. Decoulos comment states: City Officer? Why is this different than vacations in 17-
Slate states that this is referring to sick time versus vacation time. Hobin agrees.
City Council Ordinance Review Subcommittee
Draft Minutes — April 14 2010
Page 7 of 7
Comment JND 285 — 17-48 - Conditions Under Which Sick heaves and Days shall
not be granted
Atty. Decoulos comment state: Is this a good reason to deny sick day? With regards to
item (3) venereal disease.
Slate suggests that it be deleted. Hobin and Latter agree.
Page 322 -17 -48 - Conditions Under Which Sick Leaves and Days shall not be
(7) Injuries or sickness arising out of employment for another person other than the city
or (8) Injuries or sickness arising while duly employed by the city and some other person
or concern, unless ordered to or authorized by the head of the department.
Slate suggests that 7 be deleted and 8 should be left in. Latter and Hobin agree.
Comment JND 286 —17 -52 — Confidential Employees
Atty. Decoulos comment states: How is this status conferred.
Slate states that he thinks that it is done on a case by case basis.
Page 323 —17 -53 — City Officers
Slate will compare list with the list of department heads and City Officers section of
ordinance. Mayor should be added to the list as well as the City Planner.
Next 1Vleetin�
The next meeting of the Ordinance Review Subcommittee will be held on Wednesday,
April 24, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.
There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening, Hobin
moved to adjourn the meeting. Latter seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.