2013-06-13LICENSE BOARD 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Richard S. Kelley, Esq., Chairman John Roccio James Duggan LICENSE BOARD MINUTES — JUNE 13, 2013 The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, June 13, 2013 in the Third Floor Conference Room B at 6:35 pm. In attendance at the meeting were: Board Members Richard Kelley, John Roccio, Police Liaison Sgt. William Page, and Cleric Martha Lewis. Absent: Board Member, James Duggan Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Kelley. 1. Approval of the minutes -- Minutes of the meeting for May 9, 2013 were reviewed. Mr. Roccio made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Chairman KelleY seconded the motion. Motion passed 2 — 0. 2. Application for a Change of Manager — Flour N Water dba Hale Street Tavern — Pier A. Petronzio, Manager Attorney Melissa Ogden was representing Flour N Water and introduced Ms. Petronzio. Chairman Kelley asked Ms. Petronzio about her background and experience as it related to the distribution of alcohol. Ms. Petronzio's responded that she was the former assistant manager at the Singing Beach Club, and the general manager at Myopia Hunt Club, Hawthorne Hotel, the Greenland Caf6 in Salem and most recently Brenden Crocker's Wild Horse Cafe and the Old Spot. Chairman Kelley asked if she was TIPS certified. Ms. Petronzio replied that is currently TIPS certified and has been for some time. He then asked if the wait staff /servers were all certified. Ms. Petronzio stated that most staff are TIPS certified and in addition were certified by I.D. Safe. She stated that it was her intention to have all staff TIPS certified as well as 100% certification in I.D. Safe. Minutes of License Board Meeting held June 13, 2013 Chairman Kelley stated that it is extremely important they Ms. Petronzio recognizes her responsibility for the wait staff and the actions of the wait staff. If an employee does not follow the rules, the License Board will take it very seriously and will impose a penalty for any violation. Ms. Petronzio acknowledged her responsibilities. Chairman Kelley then asked the Clerk if the results of the CORI report had been received. Cleric stated that they CORI check was all set. After reviewing the application and learning of Ms. Petronzio's extensive background, Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the application for a change of manager at the Flour `N Water dba Hale Street Tavern to Pier A. Petronzio. Chairman Kelley seconded the motion. Motion approved 2 — 0. 3. One Day Licenses — A total of 21 applications were received. All applications were reviewed. It was noted that all application were within the 4 hour limit. In attendance was Todd Rotundo from Cafe Salerno and Mr. Mike Halle from Henry's. Mr. Rotundo spoke on behalf of the two block parties that are planned for July 13 and August 3 in conjunction with the City and Beverly Main Streets. Mr. Rotundo provided details of the two events and provided a drawing of the "Beer and Wine Tent" that will be set up in front of 240 -246 Cabot Street. Cafe Salerno and Henry's Wine Cellar will both be pouring. The "Beer Garden" will have one entrance and one exit and will be cordoned off with barriers with a 3' buffer around the perimeter. Police detail will be hired, id.s will be checked and patrons 21+ will be hand stamp. Beverages will be served in plastic cups only. Patrons will be allowed to bring food in to sit at the tables and chairs in the area. Sgt. Page commented that patrons are not allowed to leave the area. All must consume alcohol beverages within the barriers, no one is allowed to leave that area with beverages in hand. Mr. Roccio asked for the application from Henry's be amended to include the date of both events (July 13 and August 3). Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the application as presented from Cafe Salerno and Henry's for two block parties scheduled for July 13 and August 3. Chairman Kelley seconded. Motion passes 2 — 0. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the remaining 17 applications as presented. Chairman Kelley seconded. Motion passes 2 — 0. 4. Other Business — Hearing no further business, Mr. Roccio made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 6:30 pm in City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street. Minutes of License Board Meeting held June 13, 2013 Respectfully yours, Ma ha A. Lewis, Clerk Minutes of License BoardMeetingheld June 13, 2013