2015-09-08Beverly Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Date= September 8, 2015 Place= Beverly Council on Aging Senior Community Center Board Members Present= Blair Smith Bob Hobbs, Cynthia Montalbano, Claire -Marie Hart Jessica Wistran, Ann Horrigan, Larry Albert Staff Present: Mary Ann Holak, Jessica Waggett, Annie Misarski Meeting Called to Order= 2.35 pm Secretary's Report August Meeting notes were approved as written_ Director's Report Building A third "My Senior Center" log in screen has been added upstairs, along with a wall literature rack_ It was previously reported that the shrubs in the front will be replaced_ That is now scheduled to take place in the spring_ A grant from First Jobs this summer allowed Chip Palmer to have an assistant for five to six weeks_ Harry Palmer was a great assistant_ The Annual Report on the Beverly Council on Aging 7 -1 -14 — 6- 30 -15, was distributed to the Board_ Vision Statement= Our vision is that older adults are engaged in the life of the community, valued for their skills and life experiences; respected for their contributions; and supported in their choices and desires to remain independent_ The following are just a few of the things reported= The report lists goals, outcomes, community collaborations, lists grants, bequests and donations_ The report goes on to list work completed by the Board, personnel updates, physical plant and facility maintenance, transportation services, volunteer involvement, and lists core services_ The Report goes on in detail to list the outcomes, such as reported below_ Social Services, I &R and Outreach - 1,558 unduplicated individuals were served in FY' 15_ That is 409 more individuals than last year for a 1.7% increase_ A special collaboration took place with the Mayor's Office to host the Mayor Cahill's Symposium for Older Adults_ This was a very successful event that reached over 130 individuals_ Administration and Finance Report to the Board on the YTD budget was made by MaryAnn Holak Annie Misarski discussed Senior Day in the Park_ She distributed an expense and revenue worksheet to aid in her discussion_ The day was a success thanks to her efforts along with the staff and volunteers that took part in this event_ Program and Events Axcehs donated six air conditioners for seniors in need of cooling for their apartment or home_ They also donated a pallet of water bottles for us to distribute on over 90 degree days_ Devyn Collins, Community Engagement Fellow from Merrimack College introduced herself to the Board and spoke about some of her upcoming programs_ Thursday September 17 the Electric Insurance Company will host a BBQ Entertainment will be provided by a Barber Shop quartet_ Thursday September 24 from 5 =00 -6.30 pm The Beverly Senior Center will host a `Breakfast for Dinner," meal of Pancakes and bacon served up by our staff_ This event is sponsored by Landmark at Ocean view and will also feature exotic animals from Curious Creatures that attendees can touch_ The cost for this fun evening is just two dollars_ Committee Reports Scholarship Committee Cynthia reported that a total of nine trips were approved, and one refrigerator_ Awards Committee No scheduled meeting at this time- Meetings/Activities/Clients High Risk Task Force — the committee of the whole will meet again on September 16 Bob Hobbs and Blair Smith agreed to attend the Senior Care Annual Meeting on Sept_ 24 Mary Ann reported that due to the state closing several adult day habilitation programs across the State COA/Senior Centers are now attempting to deal with this population who are attempting to access senior center activities_ It is challenging to think that those who have been served in supervised settings would be able to function in the unsupervised setting of a Senior Center_ Those individuals may be age eligible for attendance but may not meet our current Standards of Behavior and it is creating some dilemmas for the staff_ Discussion around how the Beverly Council can meet the needs of seniors that need specialized attention_ Currently our staff does not include a medical professional_ Additional information on this challenge will be reported at the next meeting_ Personnel Updates September 5, 2015 marks a special anniversary_ Congratulations to Mary Ann for ten years of great leadership here at the Beverly Council on Aging_ Currently looking for a part-time custodian New position — part-time van drive may be hired in collaboration with the Planning Department New Business: Due to the November election the board meeting will be held on Tuesday November 10, 2015_ Unfinished Business Announcements Regional Board Training September 9, 2015 from 9 — 11.30 a_m_ NSES, 300m Rosewood Drive, Suite # 200 Adjournment Next Meeting will be October 6, 2015 at 2.30 pm Respectfully Submitted by_ Cynthia A_ Montalbano, Secretary