2015-08-08CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: August 18, 2015 LOCATION: City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: City Planner Aaron Clausen, Vice Chair, Richard Hutchinson, Fire Inspector Steve Tanzella, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza, George Binns, John Somes MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Benevento, Chair OTHERS PRESENT: Greg St. Louis, Sean Ciancarelli RECORDER: Eileen Sacco 1. Clausen calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 2. Recommendation to Planning Board: Oven SUace Residential Desi (OSRD) Site Plan and Definitive Subdivision Plan Application: 50 -54 Bow Street — Somes Development and Permitting LLC Chris Sparages and Rich Williams are present for the applicant. Sparages of Vanasse & Associates addresses the Commission and explains that the proposal is to create frontage and a roadway for a new 6 lot subdivision at 50 -54 Boyles Street. He reported that the impact is small in terms of traffic generation and reports that they estimate a single family house would produce one trip in the peak hours for a total of six with 10 trips per house during their gathering of data which is relatively low traffic generation. He notes that the data was gathered in January and February, noting that the January data was done when college was out of session and there was a lot of snow. He explains the process that they undertook. Williams explains that they are proposing to install a sidewalk on one side of the development. He also explains that the sight distances were assessed and notes that the speed limit on that stretch is 35 MPH. He notes that the sight line to the intersection crosses the infield area and they recommend some tree trimming along the frontage take place as part of the project. He explains that would provide a sufficient line of sight for the proposed subdivision. St. Louis asks if there are any large trees proposed to be removed from the site. Williams explains that they are proposing to remove mostly limbs and branches at this time, but notes that they may find some once they begin. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 18, 2015 Meeting Page 1 of 4 St. Louis notes that it looks like they are clearing a little of the abutters property. Williams explains that they will be removing some limbs to establish the street layout and to make sure that they are not blocking the sidewalk or the driveways. St. Louis suggests that a sign be installed to indicate where the road narrows. Clausen notes that the sidewalk requirement is 18 feet. Williams reports that the area is 20 feet from the back of the sidewalk. Clausen notes the curb opening at 54 Boyles Street. Williams explains that they will redirect that to the pavement. Clausen asks how they will close the curb. Williams explains that they will remove the pavement and revegetate and loam and seed the area. He also notes that a Cape Cod berm will be installed along that side of the street. Binns asks if they can get a fire truck in there. Tanzella states that the Fire Department has reviewed this on site and have no issues with it. Clausen recaps that limited clearing is proposed to create sight distances for 35 MPH, a sign indicating North and South shall be installed on Boyle Street in the intersection ahead and a sidewalk will be installed along one side of the development. Clausen also notes that the amount of traffic that will be generated by this development is minor. Clausen states that if there are no further questions he would entertain a motion at this time. Binns: Motion to recommend to the Beverly Planning Board that the proposed Open Space Residential Design (OSRD) Site Plan and Definitive Subdivision Plan Application for 50 -54 Boyles Street be approved with the recommendations of the Parking and Traffic Commission. Hutchinson seconded the motion. The motion carried (5 -0). 3. Approval of minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held June 2, 2015 and were presented for approval. Hutchinson: motion to approve the June 2, 2015 minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission. Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held July 7, 2015 and were presented for approval. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 18, 2015 Meeting Page 2 of 4 Binns: motion to approve the July 7, 2015 minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission. Hutchinson seconds the motion. The motion carries (6 -0). 4 Discussion with Norman Roberts Re: Northshore Consortium — 112 Sohier Road — Request for Traffic Relief Norman Roberts, Facilities Director for the North Shore Education Consortium addresses the Commission and explains that they have three safety concerns on Sohier Road. He reported that a stop sign that was at the end of Reservoir Road came down during the winter and has not been replaced. He also notes that they have concerns about the rate of speed that drivers travel on Reservoir Road and there is a lack of traffic control at the intersection of Sohier Road and Reservoir Road. Roberts notes that the replacement of the stop sign is probably just an oversight, and further notes that the Consortium should have reported that the sign was missing but they have not. Roberts explains that the patrons of the Beverly Athletic Club along with school vans and buses all travel this short road at excessive rates of speed, and while they are not sure what can be done about it, they ask that the city consider removable speed bumps. Roberts reported that the most significant concern that they have is the intersection of Sohier Road and Reservoir Road. He explains that NEC is a special needs campus housed at 112 & 126 Sohier Road and notes that North Shore Academy recently moved to 126 Sohier Road swelling the number of students and staff using Sohier and Reservoir roads. He estimates that there are 250 staff members and 300 students coming and going each school day as well as a six week summer program. He reported that there are about 60 vans and busses, not including the BAC traffic and the NEC non student /staff traffic. Roberts stated that there are speed limit signs in the area and notes that in other school zones in the city there are 20 mile and hour speed limits and flashing yellow lights activated at busy traffic times. He also notes that they are concerned that these conditions are serious safety hazards for all concerned. Clausen suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission visit the site and review city ordinances. He also notes that he would not recommend speed bumps. Clausen states that he will look at possible dates for a site visit and suggests that it might be best to visit once school is in session so that the Commission can see what is going on there. He notes that he will coordinate a time with the PTC members and notify the NEC of the date and time of the site visit. Roberts thanks the Parking and Traffic Commission for their time on this matter. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 18, 2015 Meeting Page 3 of 4 Discussion with Councilor Lang on Stop Sign Request for Livingston Avenue Councilor David Lang addresses the Commission and explains that there is a new three lot subdivision on Livingstone Avenue near Obear Park where the neighbors have requested a Dead End Street sign. He also notes that there is a faded stop sign at Salters Point that needs to be replaced. Clausen states that the stop signs would be an ordinance change and he would review that. He also suggests that the Commission visit the site and suggests that they could do the site visit the same day they do the Sohier Road site visit. He states that when he schedules the site visits he will notify Councilor Lang as well. 7. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 8. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Binns: motion to adjourn, seconded by Somes. All members in favor, motion carries 6 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 18, 2015 Meeting Page 4of4