2015-08-04Beverly Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Date= August 4, 2015 Place= Beverly Council on Aging Senior Community Center Board Members Present= Blair Smith, Bob Hobbs, Cynthia Montalbano, Jessica Wistran, Larry Albert, Annie Horrigan Staff Present= MaryAnn Holak, Jessica Waggett Meeting Called to Order= 2.35 pm Secretary's Report June Meeting notes were approved as written, with the exception that Clair Marie was not in attendance_ Director's Report Building Old shrubs have been removed and new shrubs will be planted out front_ Signs are now posted upstairs and downstairs in the building that NO cell phone usage is allowed in the building_ More information regarding the Center's roof is pending_ Administration and Finance Report to the Board on the YTD budget Elder Affairs Grant — approximately $8,000 encumbered for the new bus -20% match City Council approved the COA/SeniorCenter Budget, it was level funded_ As of July 16 95% of FY '15 budget spent a few more bills will be posted to the accounts before the books close_ Formula Grant increase was upheld by the state legislature -$9.00 per senior = $ 73,701.00 Program and Events July 3- No congregate lunch due to the Fourth of July Holiday but the Senior Center was open so a pizza party was held instead_ Those in attendance enjoyed this special lunch_ Farmers Market Coupons for twenty -five dollars were made available to seventy -five seniors_ The Center will be Live streaming the White House Conference on Aging_ Senior Day in the Park will take place on Thursday August 6 th _ Bryant Ales, Finance Director City Hall will meet with the Board to discuss the Enterprise Fund at an upcoming Board Meeting_ Committee Reports Scholarship Committee Blair Smith reported that eight scholarships were granted at today's meeting_ Six for trips One for a needed piece of equipment One for a Yoga Class- Meetings/Activities/Clients Meeting at Merrimack College regarding Devin Collins our newest Fellow from the Merrimack College_ This will be an all day training on August 13 th _ High Risk Task Force subcommittee meeting will take place on August 18 th _ Board Reminder= Regional Board Training September 9, 2015 from 9 — 11.30 a_m_ NSES, 300m Rosewood Drive, Suite # 200_ Let MaryAnn know if you would like to attend_ Personnel Updates We now have a vacancy for a part-time custodian_ This is a seventeen hour position that is still waiting for union approval_ Summer job as Custodial Assistant has been filled_ New Position — Part-time van driver to be created and funded by the city planning department in order to meet a DOT requirement for paratransit services being available to the community_ New Business: Annie Misarksi, formerly Annie Wright, spoke to the Board members about the upcoming Senior Day in the Park and made sure that each member had their volunteer role assigned_ Announcements Adjournment- 3:35 pm Next Meeting will take place on September 1, 2015 - 2.30 pm Date change to= September 8, 2015 — 2.30 pm Respectfully Submitted by_ Cynthia A_ Montalbano, Secretary