1990-01-04CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES JANUARY 4,1990 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JANUARY 4, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: George Batchelder-Vice Chairman, Joseph Manzi, Peter Gilmore, Bill Liss, Nancy Lodge, and Vincent Cotreau. MEETING CALLED T0 ORDER AT 7:45 P.M. Vincent Cotreau motioned seconded by Nancg Lodge ALL IN FAVOR Public: Hearing Continued Public Hearing Cove Circle #5-339 Carbone - Applicant, Location Eisenhower Avenue Gus Sharry, Representing from Hancock Survey. Re: newly submitted information: Fill proposed 3100 square feet of BVU. The total replication area has not changed 5600 sq feet. Lot 2 will still be a buildable lot. Vinnie Cotreau: Retention basin Lot 7- only place to put an outlet? Could you spill it out elsewhere? Gus Sharry: It will not be a problem, it's a 6" pipe-Invert out 47.9" Ditch elevation is 47" Will drain out after a storm. Will start to spill right away. George Batchelder: Referred to Mr. Taubert's letter of Jan.3, 1990. Question: Detention Basin Construction of Ridge-Cove Circle cul-de. George questioned Will blasting be necessary in the basin? Sharry: For the utilities, Vincent: Has been up the hill on Lot 7, is it buildable? Gus Sharry: Yes. Nancy Lodge: Discussion of the large swale. Gus Sharry: The stream / ditch that dries up occassionally. Has provided an emergency spillway for the berm. A 3 to 1 slope, the berm will be quite stable. Bill Liss: Have you seen Mr. Taubert's letter. Item 6 - no topography shown on wetlands. George Batchelder: referred to Wetland Species in a letter from Gulf of Maine. Nancy Lodge: Replication area looks terribly small. Gus Sharry: Pointed out the area. GENERAL PUBLIC Ed Doherty 13 Eisenhower Avenue Questioned the pipe location. Gus Sharry: Rear of house fifteen feet away. You will not see it. Ed Doherty: questioned Lot 7 house location? Also questioned ditch location. The stream is not dry. I was there last week, it substantially wet. Gus Sharry: The pipe will be grade level, the spillway is 18 feet wide. It will not be a waterfall coming onto wour propepty. George Batchelder wants storm run-off reference. Hearing continued on January 25, 1998 CITY OF BEVERLY Installation of a new drain line of Brimball Hill Ave. George Zambouras: Representing the City of Beverly. Near the telephone building, new valves will be put in, entire area will be fenced in, erosion control will be put up. Road will be pat. Bill Liss: Target date? George Zambouras: As soon as funding is available. From start to finish it's a 2-year project. Continued to January 11, 1990 Nancy Lodge motioned to continue. Bill. Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR RECONVENE EXTENSION PERMIT 29 Linden Avenue #5-84 Bill Liss motioned for an extension Peter Gilmore seconded ALL IN FAVOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEE Beverly Municipal Airport #5-246. George Batchelder does not recommend a certificate at this time. Bill Liss motioned, Nancy Lodge seconded Not to pass until the wetlands may be viewed until April. ALL IN FAVOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 29 Linden Ave. #5-84 Vinnie motioned for a Full Certificate of Compliance, everything looks as if everything's coming back. Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR #5-232 DISCUSSION Regarding Ward 2 Porter St. Playground Present: Bob Birch, Mole / Kassouf Contractors Bill Liss abstained from this due to a conflict of interest. project entails South Essex Sewerage District. ELECTION OF A NEW CHAIRMAN Vinnie Cotreau motioned to nominate Peter Gilmore, Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR Joe Manzi nominated George Batchelder for Vice Chairman Nancy Lodge seconded ALL IN FAVOR George Batchelder discussion regarding the nature preserve, regarding picnicing signs etc. Also compiling a form for an application stating what we require. Members to list their priorities for an application to abide by. For next week's meeting. ~ Peter motioned to adjourn at 9:53 P.M. Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR