Parking and Traffic Commission
July 7, 2015
City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall
Richard Benevento, Chair, City Planner Aaron
Clausen, Vice Chair, Richard Hutchinson, Fire
Inspector Steve Tanzella, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza,
George Binns
Greg St. Louis
Eileen Sacco
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m
2. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held June 2, 2015 were
presented for approval.
Benevento suggests that the approval of the minutes of the June 2, 2015 meeting be
tabled to the next meeting.
Binns: motion to table the approval of the June 2, 2015 Parking and Traffic
Commission meeting until the next meeting in August. Hutchinson seconds the motion.
The motion carries (6 -0).
3. Recommendation to the Planning Board — Special Permit #147 -15 — Request
to Share On -Site Parking for Mixed Use Property for new tenant (Section 38-
25.1)1) — 50 Dodge Street — Appleseed's Condominium Trust
Clausen reports that the applicant has requested that the matter be postponed to the next
meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission in August.
4. Complete Streets Project Review — 2015 Beverly Street Paving Work Plan
Clausen explains that in accordance with the recently adopted Complete Streets policy
the Parking and Traffic Commission is required to review the list of street paving and
reconstruction work items planned for the summer of 2015.
St. Louis explains that there is no widening of street in this plan and the work proposed is
overlays of current pavement. He reviews the list of streets to be paved. He notes that
where widths allow they will try to widen the lanes and paint lines for bike lanes, noting
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that 10 foot lanes are recommended for travel lanes and they would rather stay within that
10 feet.
Benevento states that he thinks that 10 foot lanes will be a little tight.
Sgt. DiRuzza states that there is a blind spot at the left turn coming out of the YMCA on
Essex Street. Clausen states that they will take measurements on Essex Street to see
exactly what is out there.
Benevento states that he sees people biking in that area quite frequently and notes that we
need to accommodate everyone. He questions if the 10 foot lanes will cause drivers to
end up in the bike lane.
St. Louis notes that some streets have enough room for both, noting that Hale Street has
12 foot travel lanes and 5 foot bike lanes.
Benevento states that Putnam Street should be looked at for sharrows. He also notes
that whatever we do on Corning Street Extension to Boyles Street, and he thinks there is
room there for a bike lane, it would be nice to mark it. He also notes that south of that
the line should be extended to continue the shoulder.
Jonathan Salt, a member of the Beverly Bike Committee addresses the Parking and
Traffic Commission and states that the Bike Committee is willing to help if needed. He
states that they have information that they would be willing to share on what they feel are
helpful solutions for the best optimal way to implement a bike plan.
Benevento asks Clausen what the next steps are. Clausen reports that under the Complete
Streets policy the PTC reviews the plan for paving etc. and anything relevant to the
Benevento asks if there are suggestions for handling Essex Street. Clausen explains that
sharrows will be used if it is a narrow shoulder. Benevento notes that there should be a 2
foot offset and a double line.
Hutchinson asks if there will be any grant funding used for the paving projects. Clausen
explains that they are applying for federal grant funds for bike lanes but notes that they
will be able to stripe the lanes with funds from the budget.
Binns suggests suggested that sharrows should be installed on the southbound side of
Essex Street. Clausen states that they will take a look at that.
Clausen asks if there is an opportunity to look at Hart Street. St. Louis states that they
will take a look at that for striping. He also explains that they try to put wider shoulders
in 11 foot lanes and notes that if there is enough room for a bike lane they will stripe it
and if not they move the edge line to standard lanes and put sharrows down.
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There being no further questions or comments on the City of Beverly Paving Plan:
Clausen: Motion to recommend approval of the City of Beverly Paving and Striping
Plan for 2015 and that the Public Services Department look at the recommendations
proposed by the PTC for:
Putnam Street - indicate the end of the bike lane
Essex Street - review relative to the widening of the street with a bike lane or the
installation of sharrows
Hart Street - review width of street relative to bike lane and striping
Binns seconds the motion. The motion carries (6 -0).
S. Discussion re Hurd Stadium intersection issue - Newbury St. /Liberty St.
- in response to citizen's letter
Clausen reports that he looked at the area and reviewed the email from the resident. He
notes that this is not a high traffic area. He notes that at Liberty and Newbury Streets
there is a narrow lot with an 8 foot fence that makes it a challenge to see pedestrians
because of the fence. He shows the PTC photos of the area.
Clausen notes that the Parking and Traffic Commission was asked to look at the area to
see what could be done. He states that the best thing would be to install sidewalks and to
lower some of the fences in the area. He states that since the area is not a high traffic area
he does not see a compelling reason to install a stop sign. He notes that it needs to be
justified and would be more of a liability.
Clausen explains that this request is not a City Council order and suggested that the
Commission respond to the neighbor. Benevento suggests that the response to the
neighbor include information on the appropriate use of stop signs from the MUTCD
Manual. Sgt. DiRuzza stated that he would check on the accident data for the area as
Dodge Street and Whirling Drive
Benevento recalls that this is a request from Councilor Martin for the installation of a
cross walk.
Sgt. DiRuzza reported that there is a crosswalk at Whittaker Way and he does not know if
it make a lot of sense to put in another crosswalk, noting that the existing crosswalk is
just west of Whittaker Way.
Clausen explains that Whirling is used to access a large subdivision and notes that there is
a path to Norwood Pond as well.
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St. Louis states that Dodge Street will be repaved to Morningside and reviews the area on
the plan noting that Whirling is not included in the repaving.
Benevento suggests that they look into the feasibility of moving the crosswalk to the west
of Whirling Street and that a letter be drafted to Councilor Martin informing him of that.
Request for Crosswalk Painting on Ames Street and across Herrick Street to the
entrance of the ball fields /track
Sgt. DiRuzza reported that Councilor Latter sent him an email from a constituent, Mr.
Rick Palmer, requesting that the crosswalks be painted on Ames Street and across Herrick
Street for access to the ball fields and the track.
Sgt. DiRuzza states that it makes sense to repaint the lines as the area is heavily used by
the public noting the entrance to the ball fields and the track.
Benevento states that he would like to visit the site and look at this. Clausen agrees.
Members of the PTC will visit the site as their schedules allow and the matter will be
reviewed at the August meeting.
7. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday,
August 11, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.
8. Adjournment
Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There
is none.
Clausen: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor,
motion carries 6 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
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