2015-06-23Beverly Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Date= June 23, 2015 Place= Beverly Council on Aging Senior Community Center Board Members Present= Bob Hobbs, Cynthia Montalbano, Claire -Marie Hart Jessica Wistran, Larry Albert Staff Present= MaryAnn Holak, Jessica Waggett Meeting Called to Order= 2.35 pm Secretary's Report June Meeting notes were approved as written, with the exception that Jessica Wistran was not in attendance_ Director's Report Building The hall floor refinishing underway_ Administration and Finance YTD budget reports were distributed and discussed_ Elder Affairs Grant spending at year end — a portion of the balance will pay part of the match required for a new bus, scheduled to arrive in July_ City Council approved the budget Mary Ann submitted for FY' 16_ Program and Events Bryant Ayles, Finance Director City Hall will meet with the Board to discuss the Enterprise Fund at an upcoming Board Meeting_ Mayors Symposium on June 3 was well attended over 150 people in attendance great feedback From all that were present_ Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 13 - Table was set up in from of the Cabot Theater with information handed out by Senior Care and Senior Center staff_ Shredding Day a popular event held at the Center some 150 people took advantage of this event on Saturday, June 6_ Committee Reports Awards Committee Bob Hobbs submitted the awards committee meeting notes of June 19 Reported that seven nominations were received and two of these were withdrawn as not eligible - One was not a Beverly resident the other is a current BCOA Board Member_ Scholarship Committee Approval of money towards a new fridge was made at the subcommittee meeting- Meetings/Activities/Clients Protective Services A landlord reported to MaryAnn that he was concerned about his tenant_ A protective services report was filed and a wellbeing check made by first responders_ His tenant was admitted to Beverly Hospital_ This is a great example of the community taking care of a frail elder_ New Business: Board voted on the new slate of Officers as follows; Blair Smith - Chairman of the Board Bob Hobbs -Vice Chairman Cynthia Montalbano -Board Secretary Mary Ann will speak with the Mayor for his approval_ This meeting the Board voted on the Senior of the Year from the seniors that were nominated_ Award to be presented at Senior Day in the Park August 6 th _ Unfinished Business Announcements MaryAnn invited all Board members to attend a Regional Board Training September 9, 2015 from 9 — 11.30 a-m_ at NSES, 300m Rosewood Drive, Suite # 200 Adjournment Next Meeting will be August 4, 2015 - 2.30 pm Respectfully Submitted by_ Cynthia A_ Montalbano, Secretary