1990-01-11MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JANUARY 11, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Cotreau, Peter Gilmore, George Batchelder, Joe Manzi, and Nancy Lodge. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:50 P.M. MOTION TO RECESS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING made by Vinnie Cotreau seconded bg Nancy Lodge ALL IN FAVOR Two continued Public Hearings: Citg of Beverly - Brimball Hill Ave. drain line. George Zambouras, Project Coordinator for the Citg of Beverly, represented the City and explained the project. Hay bales will be placed when installing the valves on the down side. Will not be doing any other work in the wet lands. George Batchelder questioned an illustration on the plan as to the placement of the hay bales. George Batcihelder motioned to continue until January 25th, until the new plans are ready. Nancy Lodge seconded ALL IN FAVOR Grass - Subdivision at Liberty and Newbury St. James O'Day, Seites Engineer Co, representing Dr. Kent, Gulf of Maine, unable to be here tonight. Newly revised calculations were hand delivered to all the members. Swamp area is approximately 3 acres. A 100 Year storm will have 9/16 of an inch impact on the wetland. The applicant mill re-shape the ditch to hold more mater. It will detain the increase of the rate of runoff. The storage compensatory = 6,6100 cubic feet. Peak flow 12.5 hrs. after a storm; then 13 hours after a storm, trickling begins. Vinnie Cotreau: How much water in ditch? O'Day: Cannot make the ditch big enough to hold what runs off the ball field. Can only handle what comes from his project. Our impact is over the 40 acres. We will make the ditch bigger. A new plan will be coming showing the cross section of the weir, the ditch and the cul-de-sac included in the plan. To enlarge the ditch to hold an increase of 33%. More storage in the watershed. Nancg Lodge: Is the ditch a holding basin? O'Day: No, only what flows through the weir. George Batchelder: Storage of excess Water. O'Day: There's none in the watershed from this project. The outlet pipe going towards the temper is 50% filled with silt. George Batchelder: Having just received this material late last night, more time is needed. Vinnie Cotreau: Hous;e on Lot C, very little room to work with. O'Day: If Dr. Kent agrees the boundary should be moved, it will be. Vinnie Cotreau: Additional information at least a week before the next meeting. GENERAL. PUBLIC Mr. Feldman - Abutter. Submitted a letter from his engineer to the Commission. It questioned retention area. What will occur in the next 5 years? Will it be filled with silt, leaves and other debris? (Basically, the ditch will be maintained.) O'Day: The ditch will have additional capacity. Feldman questioned wood and branches stacked and laid together. Nancy Lodge: 12" pipe. Will it: be cleaned? George Zambouras: Not at the present, until the Lawrence Street Brook is upgraded. Feldman: regarding the 2.14 acre site, in comparison, to the watershed, as to what comes through the weir. O'Day: answered the question, as in the recent submittals. (Talking 10% above the weir. ) George Batchelder : Staking the corners of the house, to make the drainage. Alan Taubert: Not showing flood routing. Not convinced of any mitigation. Mr. Gilmore suggests Mr. O'Day talk with Mr. Taubert. Peter Gilmore: To submit, 10 and 100 year flood elevations, a cross section of the ditch, and a cross section of' the weir. Peter Gilmore: Would like this completed in 2 weeks. Also deliver a plan to the Planning Board. Dr. Kent, Gulf of Maine Research to be contacted regarding the Wetland HEARING CONTINUED UNTIL JANUARY 25TH RECESS 5 MINUTES RECONVENE George Zambouras. 17 Noble Hill Road Extension. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to grant it. George Batchelder seconded it. ALL IN FAVOR #5-140. One year Permit Discussion with Robert Birch re: Brass River Vinnie Cotreau motioned for a Public Hearing, Nancy Lodge seconded George Batchelder doesn't see it as a significant change. ALL IN FAVOR HEARING TO BE SET JANUARY 25 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Garb Polardy Ancient Rubbly Way #5-205. Vinnie Cotreau not satisfied, saw a lot of siltation, no vegetation on top of drain. No volume calculations. George Batechelder Plan not stamped. Would like a revised plan with spot elevations. To invite Gary Polardy to our next meeting. Discussion Regarding Land Donation Nancy to meet with Mrs. Dupee and view the site. To report to the commission at January 25th meeting. Discussion Regarding Pending Projects. Tabled until January 18th. Vinnie motioned to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. 6eorge Batchelder seconded ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau / clerk