1990-03-08MINUTES FROM MEETING ON MARCH 8, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Gilmore, George Batchelder, Bill Liss, Joe Manzi, Vinnie Cotreau MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:45 P.M. Vinnie Cotreau motioned for a Public Hearing. Bill Liss seconded. ALL IN FAVOR (cont) #5-346 Bogles Street Cranberrg Drive Realtg Trust Lots 1 & 2 Paul Sommer, Environmentalist, representing the applicant. The project is to construct two single familg houses. A request for a 2-week extension. Proper calculation regarding storm water flows not to overflow Bogles Street to be submitted. George Batchelder q~estioned bedrock under the wetland areas. Wants the information. Paul Sommer doesn't know of ang bedrock. George Batchelder: verg explicit regarding replacing wetland plants. Nancg Lodge questioned the future of the '"frogs"". Paul Sommer: Is installing J pipes for water flow, the frogs and the wetland area will remain as is. Borings will be taken, bedrock seems to be below the surface of the crossing. Borings not proposed in the replication areas. No sewer, a septic sgstem will be installed, must be approved bg the Board of Health. Joe Manzi: Assuming no bedrock exists, will blasting occur? Paul Sommer: Houses are slab on grade, if blasting is required, will re-file. Vinnie Cotreau: No york will be started until the septic sgstem is approved. Is that correct? Paul Sommer: Yes. GENERAL PUBLIC Ralph Edelstein Regarding the abutting land, water concerns, until the replication takes place. Paul Sommer: Replication plans involves the hgdraulics of the project. Nick Sacotas 88 Bggles Street Resident for 15.gears. Questioned the plants of..'Ladg Sl'ippers~ and frogs being disturbed. Also, water concers, his house is the same level of the pond. Paul Sor~'~mer: We have provided for the d~namic flows for this swstem. This and future information will be part of the Order of Conditions. The~'esa Ciavola C~oss Lane, questioned the lines of the wetlands and the abutters. Also ~uestioned roadwaws crossing. Paul Sommers: No roadwaws will be crossing. Just the brook. Peter Gilmore (to Paul Sommer) An~ information to the Board of Health, submit copies to this commission also.. Paul Sommer concured. -calculations, Bowles Street pi~e -borings, 4 & 5 interval in repl£cation areas. -re-word narrative regarding replication. -to add a time frame, to coincide with the replication area. Vinnie Cotreau mould like a site visit. Members concured. Stoke house, corners and flag the wetlands. March ?th @ 11:88 A.M. -.Also in writing, house foundation elevations, mention of bedrock. Next Meeting March 22nd. Abutters are welcome. Gate area. (cent) Cove Circle Subdivision Carbone Eisenhower Avenue Gus Sharrw, Hancock Survew Engineering Companw Representing. This is continuing form ~anuarw 4th. Discussion regarding letter of Februarw 12th, (in answer to Alan Taubert's questions regarding the project). Also, referred to the site walk of November 4th. Looking for the bank, (a vepw mild slope). Submitted revisions of the Notice of Intent, at this time. Vinnie Cotreau questioned how access would be acquired to get to Lot J. Gus Sharrw: Through a wooded road, ~uite close to the replication area. George Batchelder: Doesn't like to see replication areas disturbed before thew're replicated. Vinnie Cotreau: Lot ?, close to lot line, how will ~ou avoid other's Gus Sharrw: Thew impervious area will be the last area to do ~ork in. Mr. Taubert not satisfied with the information. Concerned with trespassing; maintenance of trash~ material under the stone, no details on the plan, access to lot J, there should be a filing, no borings on the project, on the wetlands crossing. GENERAL PUBLIC Ed Dohertw 1J. Eisenhower Avenue Detention Pond, a breeding g~ound for mosquitoes; Lot 7-drainage, blasting, what will the effects be on m~ house? -the pipe flow on the edge of mw propert~. Lerog Hurt 17 Cross Lane. Will an~ water flow through mg Gus Sharrg ges, extreme Northwest. A back water is shown, not a stream. Hurt: questioned his utilitg rights. Ed Dohert~ Lot J can not build on a utility. Peter Gilmore Not our concern. ~ill Liss regarding utilitg easements? questioned cul-de-sac, water and sewer design? Mp. Hurt Does have a legal right. Nanc~ Lodge: Pipea towards Dohert~'s propert~ could flood the basement, or the front lawn. Gus Sharrg: Talking about a 6' pipe, there's a channel downstream that carries the water off- it doesn't gush out. Feels the information is sufficient that was submitted. Wants to rest on all this. The Commission can write things discussed tonight into the Orders of Conditions. George Batchelder to Gus Sharrg: You don't want to comment on Mr. Taubert's concerns tonight. Peter Gilmore: Whg cna't Eisenhower Ave. be drained? Gus Sharrg: One 12-inch pipe there now, detention basins were designed, per Cit~ requirements. Could demarkate the propert~ lines and the contractor would work within the confines of it. Compacted material will be a fine mixture that holds moisture and is impervious, water' will remain in it for a verg short time. Mr. Taubert's comments refer onlg to what's'on the plans. To get equipment in, calls for a filin~ <buffer zone exists). Peter Gimore commented this being a delicate issue. Gus Sharrw feels the area is verw stable. George Batchelder: The roadwag is covering the wetlands. An important issue. Nanc~ Lodge: concerned with Lot 7, bringing in a machine. Peter Gilmore: That's between the applicant and the abutter. Vinnie Cotreau: Problem with no foot prints of houses. Should know where theg are. Concerned with the flow also. Peter Gilmore: How much surface is involved concerning houses and drivewags? Je Manzi would like to see the footprints also, but if bought individual people want to design their own house. Alan Taubert: Foot prints shown now onlg to determine mitigation areas. Continued until March 22nd. NOTICE OF INTENT David Drive Subdivision 4?B-East Street, House Construction. Lots 4 & 5. Representing, Robert Lgnch from Atlantic Engineering. Lots 4 and 5 includes the road. A cul-de-sac in front of the house. Cit~ water and se~er. Existing houses and drivewags, paved area. Ail drivewags calculated for impervious material. Flagging is there. George ~atchelder to Robert L~nch, To provide us with a botonist. Vin~ie Cotreau ~ould like a site visit. Peter Gilmore to flag edge of read,ag nearest the ~etland, edge of proposed drivewa~ in Lot 5, to stake house corners in lots 4 & 5. No need to stake cul-de-sac. Lgnch: Lot 5 Drive~ag-all ~ater goes to ~etland side (right side). Peter Gilmore ~uestioned oil leaks from cais, what will stop it from going into wetlands. Please address it. Nothing ~ill stop it. SITE VISIT 12:30 P.M. MARCH 17TH continued April 5th (4 ~eeks). This is all surface runoff. RECONVENE REQUESTS FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY Bill Liss motioned POSITIVE for all J lots, Vinnie Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR Test Borings Lot 48, Map 71. Location of Catch basins, etc. To determine blasting. George motioned POSITIVE Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ancient Rubblg Wag #5-205. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to ~rant it, Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR At 9:50 P.M. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to adjourn Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau/ clerk