1990-04-05CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY. MASSACHUSETTS MINLYl'ES F:'RC)M MEET1N(:i; ON ~PI::'Z.'L. 5, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Silrr. ore, Joe Manz:i= Nan¢:w [..c;dge= Glenri ","err~j, Geor~.2e Ba'kc::helder and Vinn:i.e Cc:,'l::reau. IdEE'FING CALLED TO ORDER A"F 7:45 P.M. MO'¥ION TO RECESS FOP, A PUI3, LiC HEARING, made bM 1'4anc.~ Lodge seconded b~ ,]'c:e Manzi ~I._L IN F'~VOR CRAN]?,ERRY DRIVE #5-346 (cont.) Letter submit'ted rectuesti, ng a 2-week extension. J~ot:[of~ ~0 ~rant the extension made b~ George Batchelder. ~econed bw Glen Terrg ALL IN FAVOR Con~. on Ap~il 19~h. COVE CIRCL. E f~5.-339 (cont. Representing, Gus SharrD, of Hancock SurveD Engineerl. ng. He re."-iterated 'Prom 'bh~:z last meetincj, all the requested add:[tional information required b~J the Comm:i. ssion. George questioned i::he road. GHs: It: will be a gravel [surface. George: Also c:(:)f~certied with the l]eJ. ghborhood association/maintenance of the pipe. Gus suggested conditicming it (()rc:le~ of Conditions). George ~ants a s%atement form the consmltan'~, Alan Taubert, that everwth:i, ng :Ls okaM. (~ENE:R~L PUBLIC Ed Doherts~ 13 Ei~;enhc)Luet Road. Concerned mi'bh the spillma~.j, the det:en'i:ion pond be:i.n~a c:lo~se to his property. Geo?~a, qu.e~t ic:)ned blast if~9. Gus Sharr~: B].astin(a wi].l take place at Top of Knoll. Will have no effects on groundt~ater. (8:DSP.M.) Vinnie Cotreau ha'.~s arrived at this t i me .. led Dol"~erts~: Water conc:erns; blastin~ Nanc:~: has same concerns. Gus Sharr~ stated that: Mr. Doher't:W"s house ~as buili: ver~ low. Vinnie Co'kreau feels a large increase o¢ ~ater. George ~ugges'bed ~e suspend this hearine ~:o ~ait Cot Mr. Taubert. ~¢" :[ I-II~ ;J. ,.e Cm'l"1'~t:"h~L1' ,"' H(:,t,J bJJ. :[ ]. ',~J~?~ ..' e'¢' .' L,'~ : I$.5-..:~47 Lot 5: Submi'l:ted co:l. oi"ed sketches at this tiIT, e depicting cop'l:c)ur lines. Pr-oposed ¢inished eleva'~ion-68j 'Feet exi~,~in~:] ~ad~:z, Vinnie Co'l:?eau: Wher. e ~]ill the uJa~:e~- run9 Lwnch: Mos~: mill be picked up bbl ~he drivema~s. -Pr-ol::~o~:~ed i~e'l:a:i, nin~ ~a].l behind house mill be timbe~~. · -Chanties to be fo~" the ~ene~al dra~ings -To ~shoud ']:he addi'~:ional I-e'l:aLnint~ ~a:Ll .... Bor.:i.'ng::~ t:o be done C ~x,'v' e C i y' ,::: ]. e ." A:Lar, '"' ",' . , ~:,.. bEn"f; ccm'm'~ent:ed on the main'l:ena'nce~ ~¢il]. neighbo~'-s do '(I-~(~ 1. "["h~'e is an il]cf'ease in 'the &~ITiO.IOf' O'~ '~].0~ during the IOLU In simp].e 'I:6:,PE~SS~ :['~ means 4:ha'b it i~iil be ~e4:(er in the summer' :i.n 'l:he 2 "· ....... ,, h~:::, d.i. ng the ma:Ln'(e'nance ot: 'bhe Re~::eilt:iof~ Pof~cls 6 +8" pipes cof'~'!:':i.f!u, ec:i 'i::o be a pr'oblem. :If pipe becolTfeS blocked a~tnd '[ i'l C':'il'l ~L; ~ i ~":[ J f' '~'" ':'~ ~ '~ '¢ ' .. ...... .r, 6.1 6. ~ rio i'r~i'(J, ga;.'l:j. )f' . 'l:he~j s:Lrhp:L~ z~'[l'i not ',/~ ~"~ ~"J J. ,'.,~ Cc; l.: i-'(.:~.),~:4 t.[ l'i'~:: '[: J. of]6e d 'l:c) ~ ]. c)[;.[(.~ '( hCze h eat- :[ ~]gj. F?,'J [')c.,h,:.~¥"'l::b; ..........~ t:=, ,=; .,.'~ ...... =. c)nlg he" [dj. ]. 1 have a pl~(:)b!eff~,j ]. J.¥:i. ng (~v(-.~P J::he G,:.ze(.)'r'.g(~;~, ]~,a'J:c:l',e].dep seconded ALI... "~¢ I:?(E.C:C)i"iV6~:'T~(D 'l:(] a J:)U b 1 i c Mee't: i n~] ,, Cai ]. in I:'?c~ad ,~l:5.....328 L..ette¥' i"ectuesting aT] adjudicator~j hear'i, ng: M[3t:L(.:m -!::~:) ,-'~i(.:]n bM chaif'man made bM Nanc.~4 L. od~Je sec,.':m deal b~.j. ViT]n ie Ce'.kreau ALL'IN FAVOR Geo'cge ]i!.atche:lcle¥' ri'¢.:)'l:icmed 'i:o lif't: the En'fol~cement: Ch^del`` on I~h*s. L. or':i.n~g cJf 577 H.ale S'I:, -.T'Pee Sec.'.:mded [::i!-j I',lanc~.~ Lodge ALL. ]:N F,¢~MOR D :i s c u s:.. ~_; .i o n R e ~ a 'r~ d i n ~it O~'de~~ of Conditions -Cove C:i~cie. Vil~i'9:~e iT[o'l:J, on(~d 'i:o cJe~ '~h~~ i~po~ec:'l: Gecmge Batc:h~ide~" seconded J.l:. ALL IN FAVOR l"l(~t:Lon 'l:c::, a,:::ljOLL~'m at l~'.t~!i~2 l:'.r'l,, made ~ec:C:)T'ldE~d b~J N~r~c:b ALL. IN FAVOi::~ Mal~ie S. Col::¥'eau/ clerk