1704-01-18[Selectmen's Meeting January 18, 1704] At a meeting of the Selectmen on 18 January 1703/4, John Tuck senr. brought a receipt as followeth. I have received of John Tuck senr. of Beverly, Constable, the full in just sum of nine pounds and five shillings, being so much of a rate for the ministry anno 1700. I say received by me Beverly 7 -11 -1703. Robert Hale At the same meeting of the Selectmen on the 18th January 1703/4 William Clark brought the following receipt. Beverly, January 11, 1703. Received of William Clark as Constable for the year 1700 of the ministry rate for said year to say the just sum of nine pounds five shillings. I say received by me Robert Hale At the same meeting of the Selectmen on the 18th January 1703/4 William Clark brought the following receipt. May 4, 1702. Received of William Clark the full sum of nine pounds and five shillings, being the whole of his part of the rate made for the quarter and in the year 1701 that was due to me. Thomas Blowers.