1990-04-26CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MA$$ACH USlETTS e erl , a sac tmeiis MINUTES FROM MEETING ON APRIL 26, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT': Peter Gilmore, (Seorge Batchelder, Joe Manzi, Nanl:~ Lodge, and Vincent Cotr. eau. MEE'TII',IG CALL. ED "fO ORDER A"F 7:'..~s ~:,.~1. ORDli-"I~ OF CONDI'I"IONS: #5-346 Cranberr'~ Drive/]!~.o~les Street. Letter from Health Department, stating to den~ a sub surface set, er disposal s~stem (septic s~stem). · Motion made b!~ George Batchelder to denw the project, Nanc~ Lodge seconded it. ALL IN FAVOR #5-751 Gapage addition 2. k] Morningside Drive George Batchelder motioned "Standards" and Joe Manzi secc:,rlded. ALL IN FAVOR ,~5-34.4 7 Juniper Val].e~ Court Lot George Ba'bcl",eider to add cee additional standards referring to the boulders arid to keep equ:i, pn'lc~mt ~3ut of the ~etland arid removal debt i s. George Batchelder motioned the above and Virmie Cotreau seconded. ALL IN FAVOR #5-348 Boxu~ood L. ane Lot ~4 Inc]Lbcles the roadu~a~:~. Restriction of ,.'salt. #5-347 Boxwood Lane Lot ,.~5 Suggested non-use of pes'l:ic:ide. SWALE. Salt restriction, INCLUDES ]"HE ~$5-550 Box,q]od Lane Lot t$3 #5-352 Boxu~ocid Lane Lots~ ~$1 and #2 To include the tl~o above restrictio0s. GGeorge Batc:helder mc)tic.~ned Standards plus the newl~ added conditions Vinnie Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR DI~.~U~,~ION Regardin~:~ Beverl~ Municipal Airport ~5'-279 Pre~ent: Paul Barnico.~ Chairman of' the Air~rt Commission Vinnie Cotreau mot:ioned to enter Executiwe session. Joe Manz i se~oT'lded i t: ALL IN FAVOR A ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN Voted ALL. IN F.'AVOR (-.'ie(i]r'ge :Batchelder to contact Bedford Conservation Commission regard:Lng Hansom Field Tree Clearin~ Project. Question askin~ for more buffer? Vinnie Cotreau-Tall pines should be cut .~o~n. We should knom exactl~ ~d"sa'l:'s '~o be cut. Peter Gilmore- The ai¥'port stated "no tree higher than 5[] ~ee'[:" Vinnie Cotreau- The airport should be more specific. Geor~e Batche].der stated the airport should st::ate ho;~ much will be left af'ter the cutting. RECONVENE (To a regular mee*ting) DISCUSSION Regar di n~ Forestry. 20 Webster Avenue. A .letter u~as ':sent perm:ittim~ Mrs. Peterson to proceed ~ith the fores't~'~ cutting plans. Motion to adjourn at 9:23 P.M. made b~ George Batchelder Vinn:ie Cetreau seconded ALL_ IN I--AVOR Mar:i.e S,, Cotreau/c!erk