1990-05-24CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY. MASSACHUSETTS I~Y 24, 1990 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN, PETER GILMORE, VICE CHAIRMAN, GEORGE BATCHELDER, WILLIAM LISS, NANCY LODGE, JOSEPH MANZI AND VINCENT COTREAU. Meeting Called To Order @ 7:45 P.M. Orders of Conditions for the following: #5-354 MARCIANO 240 Elliott St. TABLED-no action to be taken per request of the applicant. #5-356 LOT #21-THOREAU CIRCLE LONGFELLOW PLACE COLEMAN APPLICANT RE: Stump removal-No equipment other than necessary cable to be placed in the wetlands. #'s: 13-22, 24, 25, 26-The applicant shall be responsible for inspecting the site activities, etc. Also, to include #'s 27 and 28. Bill Liss motioned to accept the Standard Conditions as presented. Vincent Cotreau seconded. ALL IN FAVOR. Discussion RE: Beaver Pond Management. George Batchelder contacted Lee Lyman. Also, Jim McDougall of Greenbelt to submit information about the proposed chemicals to be used in the pond. Discussion RE: Baldini's Property at 24 Paine Avenue. Robin took and displayed photos of/the landscaping. Hay bales to be removed. Letter has been submitted stating that. Robin to contact Randall Weiting to approve the removal of the hay bales. Discussion RE: Beverly Municipal Airport. Mayor Monahan, Peter Gilmore, George Batchelder met with the Airport Commission to. try to resolve the dilemma re: the tree clearing. Motion made by Mancy Lodge, Joe Manzi seconded, to allow Peter Gilmore and George Batchelder to meet with the Airport Commission and the City Solicitor, Thomas Alexander re: an agreement of a 35-ft. cutting zone. ALL IN FAVOR. Discussed Lot #26, Beaver Pond. Is ~ filing significant? To contact Peter Ogren of Hayes Engineering, inviting him to our May 31st meeting, also, to bring in a detailed plan, to include hay bales, cross-section of the retaining wall, volume of fill bringing in to the site, and also changes in contours. PHILLIPS PRESERVE- George Batchelder stated protecting the area, entrances, etc. Will work closely with Jim McDougall of Essex Greenbelt to keep open spaces clean. Motioned by Vincent Cotreau, seconded by Nancy Lodge. ALL IN FAVOR. Adjournment motioned by Bill Liss at 8:30 P.M., Seconded by Vincent Cotreau.ALL IN FAVOR.