1990-05-31CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERI. Y, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON MAY 31, 1990 MEMBERS; PRESENT: George Batchelder Vice Chairman, Bi;1 L:iss, Joe Manzi, Vir.,nie (]otreau, Glenn Terr9 and Nanc_~ L. od~e. IdEEI'ING CALLED T'O ORDER A'I' '7:45 P.M., Joe Marl:,.?.i enriched to reces~ for a PUBL1C Hli--AR]'NG Sec:onded b~¢ :B:il]. Liss AI....i_ IN FAVOR · ~5~.-3'.55 (cont.) Longfellow Place~ Emerson Circle Lot 20. Representing, ,John Dick' from Hancock SurveM Engineering Compang. Applicant James Santo. Commission members~ at this time, revie~¢ed newl~ submitted inf*ormation. Hand backfilling will be done. ',[ NF: 0 RMA"F I ON SUI::'I:::' ]: C :1. EN'T Vinoie Cotre:.:.i:iu motioned to close the hearing NancM Lodge seconded ALL. IN FAVOR NOTICE OF' iNTENT Kouroubaca].is--Appl'i. cant location 48 Fosters Point, for a house addition to an existing dwelling. Representing, John Dick of Hancock Survew. Exp!air~ed the project, in detail.. Suf¢icient Information, no questions form the 6ommissioners. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to close the hearing Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR ~$5-3'.57 (cont.) Beaver Pond Estates Representing, Pond Management, Tom Hovew from Beavor Pond. Lee b~man of L. Mcott Environmental Research, inc. Material just received from both L~cott and Essex Count9 Gre:.enbeit Association. Commissioner~, at this time, took t:i. me to rev:i, et~ ali the neu~l~ submitted information. Nanc~ Lodge-- Still ver~ concerned wit:h the treatment. Regarding s:i. lt, etc. Hoveg-This treatment will mlo~ the silt proces[~, Bill Liss-Sonar~ a ~¢hoPt life span irt this erlvironmerl'l:. Hove~-7-9 daMs; posBiblM up t'o 2~ dams. Bi.ll Liss-- Re~arding next [~eaPs growth. Hove~ -.The~ ~on't come bac[(~ this pl"oceB~ stops re--.gpo~(h. Nail Ryland, Po~]d ~-esiden~., ';';~,oke c.'r: behalf' ot the pre jeer. Lee L~man- This will be ~'estoring it back to the u~ak~ it was, I5 g~ars ago, therefore, al~o stabilizir~g it the most effective and also the lon~es;~ l=~st, ing treakment of a pond. ~eor~e ~atcheldmr- commented ~h.i.s being a "great pond" Lee L~,an- This treatment ~ill not adversely effect ang on shore growing plants. (average depth=6 feet) INFORMATION SUFFICIENT Vinnie Cotrmau motioned to close the hearing, Jee Manzi seconcled Bill L_i~ss abs'l.=~J.~:~,d Name;9 ~odge:. opposed HEARING CL. {:,SED F!IF:'QLUii.'ST I.:'OR A DETER!al]r-;AT ?,1 OF APPLICABIL_ITY Recd..~ es 'L: to ,::.i::)~s l::ruc: ::. a gara.,.~e at I~ Ar. be~l la D~"::,.ve. t~pp].i6:a?~t: Dearin, ]:~,i1~ and ~'oarJne,, Virlnie Co';:reau-The 9a'r.a~e i~ ~cLU"~in 1~)~; lee'l: of the buffer zone. Vinnie motioned for a Positive determination Joe Manzi seconded ALL IN FAVOR Request for iJ1 Brimbal Ave. Representing John Sera'f:;.ni, d'r,, Attorne~ for Sun Refining and Marketing Co. "Fo put in a new building such as a small cor~ven:ience store u¢:i. ll ~-emove 2 ex:i. sting gas tanl.~s, and u~ill replace net¢ ones. Will place ham bales interfacing the wet.rands. Nothing u;ill ~o into the ~e'l:lands. The tanks, now, are zn the buffer zone. The new tanks ~ili NOT I.)e placed in the buffer zone. Vinni6. Cotr. eau- Since it is in a 1~8 ft. of the bu¢fe~ zone, a public hearing should be held. The public should be aware and also have a right to speak and to see the o!4 goin~ project. Serafini feels it has been advertised, the public saw it in the newspaper, also, this is Ul~ to the Beard. Glenn TerrM-.-questioned the size of new building versus the old building. Seraf ini-36' X53' -approximatelM. Tom Sissrnan- About the same size. Engineer for the project. · Joe ~anzi.-Size of tanks? S:i. ssman.-..Larger ones, but all ou'l:s:i, de the bu'?fer zone.. All the piping is cont:air~ecl, no chance of a spill. George stated the tanks being 2EO Mears olcl, there's a c:hance o¢ a leak. Sissrnan .... 'Thek¢ ~¢ere tested 5 ~ear~ ago, (a 'fifteen Meat chec:k is a rule). Vinnie motioned for a POSITIVE determination Joe Manzi seconded ALL IN FAVOR DISCUB~ION 15 Walcott Road Drainage problem GENERAL PUBLIC Pres(.~nt Bruce Bretton, 9 Walcott Rd. Homeowner. at ~15 i~s doing work there and connecting to :~: 11, a pipe and there'fore, caresing a water- p?ob!em at :!$9j. Also, this ~ater is goin~ into the wetlands. Paul Scanlon, 15 Walcott Rd.- . concerns are tl-,e s:ize of the pipe. The per'fo~.'ation of the pi~e. and ~ill the pipe conta:in the water. George Batchelder- We should ~_-onsult with Ton', Alexander, to find out about our juriediction and what we can or cannot do. ]Bill Liss and Joe Manzi will view the situation. DISCUSSION / H~es Engineering Compan~ Beavor Pond Lot ~26 Carl Balsle~ from Ha~es Engineering. ()rders issued in 1986, location of house, etc. ~hanged. Is the change ~;.~ubs~:antial enough to re.....file? Vinnie Cotreau motioned to granl: the change~ but to ,.'m.....sstake the ha~ bales and i:o ~u~: u~ a siltation fence, and ~:o put markens f(.)~" the wal 1. Bill Li.ss would like it in ~riting ALL IN FAVOR COMMUN I CAT' IONS Members have all the copies up to present. ON GOING BUSINESS Salem-Bevverl~ .Bridge w:ith MDPW. Nanc~ L_od~e attended the rr;ee'~.ing. The stat,e ciaims it :is a ¥'eplacement bpidgem~ and n~'~ have to comp].u ,~:;.'~.:b the wetlands ac:t. Thi~ Commissi(.~'~ c~ncur, s that it ::~ ?. "NE~ ::'~R!DGE". Nanc:~ [_od~:~e to dr'aft a let'l:er, Vinni~, Co'!:r'~au ;'r~o'l:i~on~ '!::c, vote cm it. Bill Liss d:i.?':agrees~ u~ait fo~' the St~'l::e to make a submittal, etc. Vote on the drafting of a letter, Vinnie Cotreau motioned in it, Glenn Terrw seconded, ALL. IN FAVOR Bill Liss oppossed Beaver Pond Management- Orders of Conditions June !4th Motion to adjourn a'l: 9:38 P,,M. made b~..j Joe Manzi seconded b~ Bill L:iss ALL IN FAVOR