2015-06-03CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee June 3, 2015 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, David Gardner, David Long, Marilyn McCrory, Bill Squibb and Barbara King (arrived 8:10 p.m.) James Matz, Sandra Stacey Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Jane Dooley Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approval of Previous Minutes Members provided Maxner with amendments for May 6, 2015 minutes. Brewster moves to accept the meeting minutes as amended. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 6 -0 -1 with Long abstaining. Principal Items of Business Open Space & Recreation Plan Update — Staff report on progress Maxner reports the draft plan is being assembled and should be submitted to Conservation Commission next week and the Commission will report back at its June 30th meeting. The plan will also be discussed at the Planning Board's June 16th meeting, and with City Council later in June. Focus will be on 7 -year action plan table. A pdf copy of whole plan will be presented to City boards. Discussion ensues about how the OSRC could review the plan in a cloud file. Discussion addresses redlined update of Ward Priorities section of the document. Maxner will incorporate information about Pole Swamp Lane. Maxner notes that a working draft should be ready for the Committee's review at the July meeting. Conservation Commission Agenda Item — 98 Valley Street Mann notes that the Commssion received an application for 98 Valley Street which is within the Pole Swamp Lane right of way. Maxner displays the project plan and members compare to Open Space Reference Map. It was determined that the subject property shares a boundary to the north with Pole Swamp but the Lane is not within the parcel itself. Members discuss a comment letter to make people aware of keeping the Lane open for pedestrain access. Dunne offers to draft a Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 comment letter with Maxner. Members agree noting that the project or any future plans for the property by the owner should not impeded the Lane. Signage — Subcommittee Report on Activities Mann reports that signage design is nearly ready for Engineering Department's Clerk Maria Arcieri's help in graphic design. He notes that United Sign still has the graphics for the grant - funded kiosks. Planning Board Request for Comments — OSRD Site Plan Initial Review for 50 & 54 Bow Street — Symes Development & Permitting, LLC Members review the concept plans for 50 & 54 Boyles Street OSRD subdivision. Discussion ensues about keeping area outside of lawns as untreated, mowed meadow to maintain that type of habitat. The Committee specifies content for a letter from OSRC to the Planning Board that Option 2 is preferred, can Lot B be excluded from open space calculation (Lots 50 and 54 are the parent lots), is the gap between 4 and 5 for access to the open space behind, if so it should be maintained as access, and field area should be maintained as natural fields with mowing twice a year. Gardner moves for the Commission to write letter to Planning Board including the points as discussed. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 7 -0. King arrives. Other Business & Updates Community Preservation Committee (CPC) — Update on 2 nd Round Applications McCrory expaloins that the CPC has received 14 project applications for CPA funding with historic building survey pre- approved under an out -of -cycle application for $12,500 for Historic District Commission. The CPC will review the remainder of the applications in June, July, and August with a plan to make recommendations of the Council by mid - September. McCrory estimates that the CPC budget for Round 2 is about $825,130 and this does not include FYI 6 budgeted funds which will become available in July as well as the State match. Discussion ensues about the Committee's interest in having 27X property surveyed in preparation for trail improvement activities. Mann explains that he contacted LeBlanc Survey asking for an estimate, which came to $900, which was more expensive than Mann anticipated. Discussion ensues as to the need for proper survey on the ground and possible funding sources. Maxner reminds the Commission of the $1,000 profit shared by Greenbelt as part of the first Commons Trail Run. Dunne moves for the Committee to spend $900 of the OSRC's $1,000 on the survey. Seconded by Gardner.. The motion carries 8 -0. Discussion followed on timing of survey and if it could Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2015 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 possibly be funded with CPA money for recreation. Also, if the $1,000 should be spent to update trail kiosks around the City 2015 Earth Day Walk Events — Recap on events so far Discussion ensues about good turnout on recent walks. Maxner notes that Jenny Helmick from Waldorf School at Moraine emailed a rundown on their events held the week of May 8t'', she forwarded the email to the OSRC. McCrory notes that the Edible Plant Walk with Russ Cohen has been rescheduled to June 8t' due to the rain on original date. Standley Street Conservation Land Waring School Field Encroachment Maxner reports that the donor family of the conservation land is pleased with the land swap proposal with Waring School. She notes that a working plan to accomplish all of the next steps is being prepared with the assistance of Waring's attorney. She notes that the steps to transition the community gardens could perhaps occur simultaneously. King notes that the community garden group is still coalescing and will work out a more defined plan for the site to take to the Conservation Commission. New England Mountain Bike Association trail work day — June 6/7 weekend Maxner notes that NEMBA is doing trail work this coming weekend at the Commons which is part of the planned trail improvements previously reviewed by the OSRC. ECGA preservation projects Mann notes that Greenbelt and Trustees have larger projects in Hamilton and Ipswich that are pending which may pose competition for the Moraine Farm project. Next Meeting Agenda OSRC will review draft Open Space & Recreation plan, and potential CPA funded projects at the next meeting. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Gardner moves to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 8 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at City Hall, 3 d Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.