2015-06-11David S. Lynch Public Park Trustees Joan Fairbank - Chairman Alice Burns Mark Flagg Kathy Doane Joyce Frisiello Kevin Hobin Mike Collins ex- officio Public Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 6:OOPM Location: Beverly Public Library Trustees Present: Joan Fairbank, Alice Bums, Mark Flagg, Joyce Frisiello, Kathy Doane, Kevin Hobin Trustees Absent: none Others in attendance: Bruce Doig, Mike Collins Minutes of the last meeting held on March 19, 2015, were read. Joan Fairbank made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Alice Burns seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved. We reviewed the income and expenditures based on report showing numbers from 2001 to 2014. Discussion ensued of how funding has been used for carriage house improvements — $200,000 for the new roof, and $45,000 towards new flooring, new front door and structural work. $100,000 from the city and $40,000 from the Lynch Advisory was also used for this part of the renovations. Donation of $50,000 was made by a Beverly resident for doors to be installed in the back wall of the carriage house. Mike Collins will install one of the doors to see what problems may arise and when that is completed we can see it before others are installed. Joan Fairbank read the minutes from the September 18, 2014 Trustees meeting that had not yet been read and approved. Security System: Mike Collins explained that the high school Enterprise Grade Security System allows for a camera to hang off of the fiber optic network anywhere in the city. It was then proposed to add the Carriage House to that network. The camera feed is available on the internet and can be seen from anywhere using a secured password. Fiber optic was installed to Lynch Park the first week of June, 2015. $25K had been approved in 2013 for the security system and this $22,158. The group unanimously approved the minutes from the September 18, 2014 meeting. Status of bathrooms at Obear Park: Sewer and water connected, some spotlights in place, fiber optic will not be connected. Status of the Dane Street Bath house: demo'd all plumbing that had been running outside rather than internally. Demo'd partition and covered time with cement board covered with sturdy fiberglass reinforced plastic. Partitions to be attached. There will be no changing rooms. All china fixtures were replaced. All the work is being done by the Public Services Department. Building was re- pointed on the ocean side. CPC decided not to fund the bathhouse as they wanted to move the bathhouse to a new location. So far less than $25,000 has been used of the $50,000 that had been voted. Status of Lynch Park Bathrooms: The exterior walls are complete, roof tresses are coming next week. The project is scheduled to be completed in July 2015. Final cost for the bathrooms is expected to be $296,000. $150,000 is being covered by the Lynch Trust and the remainder by the Community Preservation Commission. There is also $15,000 for the temporary bathrooms. Status of Splash Pad: The Public Services Department resources have been working on the splash pad, have a few items left to deal with. Joyce Frisiello asked Mike Collins if he would recommend that the Trustees visit the Dane Street bathhouse and see if anything was needed. Joan Fairbank suggested that the September Trustees' meeting be held at the bathhouse. Bruce Doig asked if the Trustees would consider funding a new gate that would be installed at base of the Lynch Park hill on the road leading into the park. The gate would prevent unauthorized vehicles from using this road and parking inside. He is going to move the gate attendant to that same side using that as the main entrance. The current entrance /exit would become an exit only. Estimate is $ l OK. Mark Flagg made the motion to give $10,000 for this project, seconded by Joyce Frisello. Motion passed unanimously. Playground repair needed for safety, 50% due to wear and tear, 50% vandals. Rough estimate is up to $25K. Suggest that Steve Dibble might do the repairs as he has the experience, and has done other playground work in the city. Joan Fairbank entertained a motion to allocate $25K for playground repair, Alice Burns made a motion, Kevin Hobin seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on September 10, 2015, at 6PM at the Dane Street Beach bathhouse. Motion to adjourn was made by Alice Burns, seconded by Kevin. Respectfidly submitted, Kathy Doane