2014-06-12CITY of BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 Phone (978) 605 -2333 Fax (978) 922 -0285 Mayor Michael P. Cahill Chairman Richard S. Kelley, Esq. Board Members John Roccio Joseph Trainor Clerk Martha A. Lewis LICENSE BOARD MINUTES — JUNE 12, 2014 The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, June 12, 2014 in the City Council Chambers at 6:30 pm. In attendance at the meeting were: Board Members Richard Kelley, John Roccio, Joseph Trainor, Police Liaison Sgt. William Page and Clerk, Martha Lewis. 1. Approval of the Minutes — Minutes of the meeting for May 8, 2014 were reviewed. Mr. Roccio made a motion to accept minutes as submitted. Mr. Trainor seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 — 0. 2. Application for Wine and Malt Beverage License — Half Baked Cafd & Bakery, LLC, 1 West Street Beverly Farms, Craig White, Manager. License became available via Home Rule Petition enacted on April 8, 2014. In attendance were: Tim and Kelly Mackin, partners and Craig White as manager of record. Chairman Kelley asked Mr. White about his experience and if he was TIPS Certified. Mr. White replied that his experience has primarily been in the role of chef and pairing wine and beer. He is not currently TIPS certified. Chairman Kelley strongly recommended that Mr. White in his role of manager be certified as he is responsible for the actions of all the servers. Mr. White assured the Board that he as well as all staff would become TIPS certified. Mr. Roccio questioned the number of seats outside — 40? He also asked about how the service would be handled. Ms. Mackin replied that the area outside is fenced in and confirmed the seating capacity. She stated that the bar service would be located in the back of the building in the kitchen area, and all servers would utilize the door in the kitchen leading outside to the patio. Mr. Trainor asked Ms. Mackin about the hours of operation. They open at 7:00 am. They intend to be open on weekends until 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm on weekdays. Bar service is Minutes of License Board Meeting held June 12, 2014 available for lunch. Also, they may offer wine and dessert tastings at 5:00 pm. They intend to utilize the outdoor seating area until October. Chairman Kelley reported that as these plans have been previously discussed when Ms. Mackin had attended a past board meeting. He still has concerns as to the site lines from the bar service area to the patio as well as the seating capacity of 40. Ms. Mackin stated that there is a large window on the side towards the back of the building. Also, she anticipates a more sedate crowd, it is not a bar setting. There are currently 32 seats on the patio. Mr. Trainor asked about the access from the front exit. Will it be left open or would be it secured? Ms. Mackin stated that the servers will only be in and out through the side door, they would not be coming from in front of the building. Also she assured the Board that there area is totally fenced in and patrons will not be unattended. Chairman Kelley asked if there was anyone from the public present who wished to speak for or against the application. There were no comments from the public. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the application for a wine and malt beverage license for the Half Baked Cafe & Bakery at 1 West Street. Mr. Trainor seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 — 0. Chairman Kelley reiterated to Ms. Mackin and Mr. White the strict liability for service of alcohol. They are responsible for the actions of their wait staff. Ms. Mackin assured the Board that all staff would be TIPS certified. 1. One Day Special License Applications A total of 25 applications were received. Nine were from the Jubilee Yacht Club, requesting to extend their licensed premises outside to include the grounds on the side and along the waterfront. Ms. Nancy Patterson, manager was in attendance to answer questions. They will be hosting special events /regattas. The area will be roped off from the parking area along with cones. All bartenders are TIPS certified. Chairman Kelley asked if they had held this number of events in the past? Ms. Patterson stated yes, in fact they are holding two less than last year. Mr. Trainor made a motion to approve nine applications from the Jubilee Yacht Club, extending the licensed premises outside to encompass the grounds surrounding the club. Mr Roccio seconded. Motion passed 3 — 0. Three applications were received each from Henry's and Cafd Salerno for the three community block parties. In attendance were Mike Halle from Henry's and Mike Rotundo from Cafd Salerno. The Board discussed the area that the block party would take place. Cabot Street from Federal Street to Pond Street. The bar would be set up in front of the bank building at 240 -248 Cabot Street. They will i.d. and sell tickets in this area. Patrons who are age21+ will also be identified by a bright color bracelet. Furthermore, beer would be served in a cup that is unique with a logo, so that people cannot walk in with their own solo cups. Wine will be served in clear cups. There was a discussion about the concern of having a large, open area. Chairman Kelley commented that there were many volunteers. Most people walk with their drinks to purchase Minutes of License Board Meeting held June 12, 2014 food or listen to the band. There was also concern that patrons inside the establishments located within the area not be allowed to leave the premises with a drink in hand. A letter will be sent to Soma and the Barrel House, asking the managers to be vigilant about monitoring the entrances so that their patrons not take their drinks when they leave. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve all three dates for Henry's and Cafe Salerno as presented. Mr. Trainor seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 — 0. The Board discussed the submission from Endicott/Wylie Inn for the Concors D'elegance classic car event. The Board recommended that the entrance /exit to the area be monitored so that patrons would not leave the premises with alcohol. All other applications were reviewed and within the parameters. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the applications as presented. Mr. Trainor seconded. Motion passed 3 — 0. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 10, 2014 at 6:30 pm in City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street. Hearing no further business, Mr. Roccio made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Kelley seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Martha A. Lewis, Clerk Minutes of License Board Meeting held June 12, 2014