1990-07-12CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY. MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1990 MEETING Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. Members present: Chairman Peter Gilmore, Vice Chairman, George Batchelder, Glenn Terry, Joseph Manzi, Nancy Lodge and Vincent Cotreau. Vincent Cotreau motioned to recess for Public Hearing Session, and George Batchelder seconded the motion. Ail in favor. ENDICOTT COLLEGE 376 Hale Street. Retention pond repair and maintenance. Representing, Raymond Fraser, Engineer from Linskey Construction, Inc. ~1.) To install loam and seed along banks of the pond. (2.) Install a 5-6' wide gravel base rip rap to avoid erosion 14 to 2' from the water level. (3.) To replace a bituminous concrete swale. To eliminate road runoff, to encourage water to enter the swale. Vinnie Cotreau asked if a trap be put in to collect sand from the parking lot? Fraser'answered not at this time, concentration now is on Phase One only. Vinnie stated that it was noticeable, quite a bit in front of the swale. George Batchelder questioned a catch basin near the swale also. Agrees with Vinnie Cotreau. He also questioned the 1000 feet of work, and an Abbreviated Notice of Intent; is this a limited project? Fraser stated that erosion control will be installed for the entire length of the project. Nancy questioned is this a manmade pond? Also, inquired about dynamiting? Fraser stated no blasting will occur. Yes, this is a manmade pond. Once was a wetland only. Joe Manzi mentioned the troth, and a ~wale, that was previously before us. Tim Smith, Facilities Engineer, from ~ndicott College, stated that was from another parking lot, close by. Fraser stated-no disturbance to rip rap at end of the swale. Peter Gilmore questioned de-icing chemicals used on the roads? Tim Smith-Those will not be used in the pond area. Vinnie Cotreau is still concerned with the siltation. Dr. Wylie, President of Endicott stated that sand was left down on the ground longer due to a long winter, that being the reason for so much leftover sand. Peter Gilmore would like George Zambouras to view the plan, do we have enough information. Vinnie Cotreau-Calculations may be needed. Peter Gilmore suggested drainage elevations re: the swale; also the sand situation. Hearing continued-3 weeks-August 2nd. George Zambouras Acting DPW Commissioner, being on vacation. (cont.) Morton International 10-12 Congress Street. Seawall Repair. Peter Gilmore questioned the applicant as to who was notified? DEP is not satisfied with the application, therefore, the hearing should not be heard/held at this time. Applicant should notify all authorities. Army Corps. of Engrs., Waterways Division, South Essex Sewerage District. For an emergency, the Building Inspector is to notify us, in writing, if that being the case. RECONVENE. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE #5-333. Test Pits-Kelleher Property SALEM-BEVERLY WATER SUPPLY BOARD. George Batchelder is in conflict, being an abutter. Vinnie motioned to grant the certificate. Glenn Terry seconded the motion Al. in favor. MAHER Lot #26, BEAVER POND "Ledge". Present, Carl Balsley from Hayes Engineering Co. To reverse the house location. Vinnie Cotreau questioned the driveway and the water flow. Peter Gilmore questioned a drain/drywell. Glenn Terry motioned to accept it, as is. George Ba~chelder seconded the motion. Ail in favor. Discussion-Conservation Fund. Beverly National Bank-SS6,000 is in the account. Use of a voucher is all that is needed to acquire the money. Pater Gilmore-one use-Airport tree cutting, should be monitored. Phillips Nature Preserve-re: the gates. George Batchelder already has 2 bids. Discussion re: The Walter McGlynn Fund. A memorial should be taken into consideration. For example: a brass plaque on a boulder. Peter Gilmore talked with Sandra Reineke re: Conservation land in Ward 4. Vinnie Cotreau to talk with Joan Fairbank. Nancy Lodge to talk with Virginia McGlynn re: ideas. To report back on July 26th. Peter Gilmore re: Beaver Pond Management. Spoke of the people not in favor of the project, of not being notified. Mrs. Meachan, being the most vocal. A pond is on her property also, and both ponds flow. Consequently, this project will not commence until May of 1991. Vinnie Cotreau suggested an Enforcement Order. Peter Gilmore to talk with DEP. The outlet goes out to the road. (cont.) July 12, 1990 Meeting -3- For the next meeting, to invite Alison Simcox, a possible future associate member. Joesph Manzi motioned to adjourn at 9 P.M. Nancy Lodge seconded the motion. Ail In Favor. MARIE S. COTREAU/CLERK ~