1990-07-26CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS July 26, %990 Meeting. Members present: Chairman Peter Gilmore, Vice Chairman, George Batchelder, Bill Liss, Joe Manzi, Glenn Terry. Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M.. Bill Liss motioned for a public hearing and Glenn Terry seconded it. Ail In Favor. Continued hearing-Repair of the seawall at 10-12 Congress St. #5-362. Rebecca Backman from Ardiff and Morse Law Office represented. There is a definite need for emergency repair, think it is warranted, but are prepared to go forward with the ~tice of Intent. Building permit will be issued. Peter: Go fo~ard with both matters. Joe: Not clear how the work was going to be performed. George: How long has this condition been going on? Rebecca: Really fell apart a great deal more, the last summer. George: Really don't think it is an emergency. Building inspector's letter doesn't say that it is an emergency. 'John O'Connell-Construction Engr. Service, mentioned the seawall was a very dangerous situation. Area in the corner is the worst. (Distributed photos at this time). A problem that shouldn't be delayed. To rope off dangerous areas so public won't get injured. George: What are the immediate repairs? John O'Connell: To replace all the joints and replacing stone. Joe: What's in front of the wall, is there a barrier of stone? John: Rubbel beach (stone). Joe: Briefly, tell us what the contractor will be doing? John: Working on shore, float as close as possible ,no vegetation, float will not bottom out on any vegetation. High tide he will back-off. No washing of tools and river chips will be put in plastic bags. No quick-hardening cement will be used. George to Peter: Can we issue an Order of Conditions on an emergency basis? Peter: Yes, I think so, with attached conditions. Peter: How long will this take and will he be working off the float? John: 30 days, no he won't be working off the float and ladders will be used for areas he can't get at. Barge=16' x 18' and storage for cement and bins for stone. Barge is now sitting out in the harbor. Peter: Does your proposed order mention disposal? Rebecca: It won't be stored on site-tide cycle. Peter: How will he get this on the barge? John: He'll have to load at high tide and wait until the tide goes out. He will work around the tides to get this done in 30 days. (cont.) July 26, 1990 -2- Glenn: He's not working from the barge, what is it used for? John: Supplies. George: 2 different stores: ! week-working from the barge, next week-not. John: Can not work from the barge because it can not get close enougt~ to the wall. Peter: Any other questions? George: If the wall is that bad, then why don't we have a better description? John: Question has several solitions and I don't know what the contractor will use. Joe: Why don't we have a copy of the work the ccntractor is doing? Bill: Do you have reference by any other jobs this contractor has done? Yes-California, Gloucester, others were mentioned. George: Can we give them a 30-day emergency filing which will give us tome to write and Order of Conditions? Peter: Wri ten description of manner this condition accomplished enough information to close the hearing. Require written explanation of construction, assurances in writing. Hearing Closed. Sun Refinging and Marketing Co. 131Brimbal Ave. Lot 21. tore ~o~n ~e~afini, Jr. - Represented the applicant. Problem with the pl. an, flagging has been taken out; iOb--.:'cot bullet zone line, no change in overall si~e, take old ~anks and rem,~ve from ~,uff~r Drains down into Brimbal Avenue, re-locate the fence, :m..,.c c!~.:' all work wall be done within the buffer zone. George: Where are the existing light poles? Project, as proposed, is in the wetlands. To members: Area talking about, NE corner of the projec~ ~n wet~nds, nc~d tc be done again, revised plan and re-flag~ed. Peter: Any other comments? Joe: To remove tanks, what are the size of tanks to be replace<{? John: 30,000, but outside the buffer zone, out of your jurisdiction. Wash rack will be installed, which will wash trucks do~,~ before the? move on., it is only temporary. Bill: Where is the proposed fence? John: Closer forward to back from wetland to bushes outside the buffer zone. At an angle. Peter: How much are you increasing impervious service? John: Not much, at all, tanks and mat will be taken up and replaced. Peter: How will you construct the fence? John: 4 ft. chain link fence, dig holes and put post in. Peter: Use cement, change that information on the plan. Reference of 8000 gallon tank on plan, change plans, have tc be revised. Joe: 550 gallon fuel tank be removed. John: Yes , actual oil storage will be much less. Hearing continued until August 9th. Reconvene to the regular meeting. One-year extension permit for Willow Pond, Lot !3 at 3{~ Esse:: St. F75-237. Richard Russo. Motioned by George Batch~l~.:.~r, a;',.c =~o~ ov ~;i~;nn luff.. \! ~" i~.!':~r. Determination of Applicability for Negative determination motif, ned bu .I.~e :.!apz~ and seCO, haled b:,' Bi!! Li~. All in faw)r. July 26, 1990 -3- Dis m,ssion re: Bids for Gates for the Nature Preserve. George recommends supplier #2. $500 each and 3 gates are needed. Peter may have to get information from suppliers in writing. if more than a $1000. Land aquistion process. Once the commission decides to take property, we have to be approved by the Aldermen. Motion to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. made by Glenn Terry and seconded by Joe Manzi. ALL IN FAVOR. MARIE $. COTREAU/CLERK