2015-05-12BEVERLY GOLF & TENNIS COMMISSION May 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes COMMISSIONERS Mr. Lowd Mr. Ascolillo Mr. Crandall Mr. Lambert Mr. Richardson GFMI Mr. Carter Mr. Dionne Mr. McHugh Mr. Murphy Mr. LaPierre Mr. Page GUEST Mr. Ayles Mr. Lowd called the meeting to order at 7pm. Minutes for April Mr. Ascolillo motioned to approve the April minutes; seconded by Mr. Crandall. Motion carried 4 -0. Finance Report Mr. Lowd did distribute the Finance Report in Mr. Lawler's absence. He stated that there was an error of $1168 on the report that will be reversed. Mr. Lowd asked the Commission to approve an invoice submitted from Swift Sprinkler for $250; Mr. Crandall motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Ascolillo. Motion carried 4 -0. CPC Update Mr. Lowd updated the Commission Members on the status of the CPC Application. He indicated that he prepared by reading the CPC minutes prior to submitting their application. He wanted to be accurate in the text on the application. He had to submit ten copies and an electronic version. In three weeks it will appear on their web site. They will invite the Commission to appear before them; Mr. Lowd feel they should bring their Architect along. He thanked Mr. Ascolillo for bringing he experience to the table in helping with this application process. The Commission needs to initiate a game plan. The Carter Report Mr. Carter distributed the Rounds & Revenue Reports. They reached 1900 rounds in April. They are off to a slow start but there is no major ice damage to the greens. The rain and cold pushed it out a week. They are anticipating May to be a good Month. Revenue collected YTD is $380,550 and membership fees still trickling in. Greens fees alone $37,401. Tennis will start May 1. Mr. Lambert arrives. LaPierre Report Mr. LaPierre indicated that they are a couple of weeks behind but the courts are finished. He also indicated that all the same events that he had scheduled last year will be returning this year. He submitted the bill for the court clay surfacing; $17,950. Mr. Ascolillo motioned to pay $17,950 to New England Tennis Courts, Inc. for tennis court clay resurfacing, seconded by Mr. Crandall. Motion carried 5 -0. Dionne Report Mr. Dionne stated that opening day went very well and all is good. Brvan Avles. Finance Director Mr. Ayles distributed a copy of the Mayor's Budget to the Commission Members. He explained that the Beverly Golf & Tennis is a stand -alone entity. He indicated that the anticipated budget for Fiscal Year 2016 is $390,000. He reviewed each line item on the budget and explained Capital Fund /Bond Proceeds and how the money will build. He explained Long Term Principle and Long Term Interest. He also touched base on transferring to General Fund /cost drivers etc. He also explained the three bond offerings, 3 or 4 years out and one may drop off. Mr. Crandall mentioned the CPC Application to Mr. Ayles. They also discussed the next big venture is the heating /water system needs replacement. Also, the porch that needs replacement from the winter storm and the deductible attached to that. FEMA may pay part of that deductible. Mr. Ayles suggested to Mr. Crandall that they can work through the Capital Fund and replace the funds as they get reimbursed. Your Architect can do estimates for the Commission. Mr. Ascolillo suggested they get the Architect on board now; let him know their design ideas. The painting /stucco repair of the front and back of the Clubhouse will start next week. Mr. Lowd asked the Commission if they were in favor of the Budget presented by Mr. Ayles and would like the Budget proposed for their Fiscal 2016; Mr. Ascolillo motioned, seconded by Mr. Crandall. Motion carried 5 -0. The Murahv Resort Mr. Murphy indicated the tee work ahead; hole 3 will be worked on within the next 2 weeks; hole 4 is bogged down, it needs loam, it is lacking soil. $2200 for fence repair between now and June. Mr. Murphy submitted a request for load $2200 and fencing $1806. Mr. Lambert motioned to approved $4000 for loam and fencing, seconded by Mr. Richardson. Motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Lowd reviewed a list of expenditures allocated not paid to close out the fiscal year. The Burt Page Resort Mr. Page indicated there is a wedding scheduled for May 22 and the painters will start on the rear of the building. He has also indicated that the gas and electric bills are outrageous and has suggested that the City Treasurer review the bills. He emphasized the importance of a new boiler system. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.