1990-08-02CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY. MASSACHUSETTS August 2, 1990 Meeting Members present: Chairman Peter Gilmore, Vice Chairman, George Batchelder Bill Liss, Joe Manzi and Vinnie Cotreau. Meeting called to ord.er at 7:45 P.M. Vincent Cotreau motioned to recess for Public Hearing Session, seconded by Bill Liss, Ail in favor. #5-361 Endicott College - continued - 376 Hale St. Representing, Ray Fraser, Linskey Construction. Has met with George Zambouras re: the project, revised site plan does include a catch basin/sand trap at the mouth of the bituminous concrete swale. The swale can handle in excess of the 25-yr. storm runoff tributary to basin under design conditions. George: Questioned swale capacity, Fraser: Riprap berm would rectify and help the flow/runoff to flow evenly. Vinnie motioned sufficient information, George Batchelder seconded. Ail in favor. Reconvene to the regular meeting. Motioned by Joe Manzi and seconded b-y Bill Liss. Ail in favor. Request for a Determination of Applicability by George Barchelder at 719 Cabot Street for Farm Road Maintenance. Commissioner George Batchelder~ excused himself. Mainly, brush removal and to fill tire tracks in the roadway. No alterations will take place. Vinnie Cotreau motioned a negative determination and Bill Liss seconded. Ail in favor. Discussion re: Beaver Pond Management #5-357. Carmen Frattoroli spoke on behalf of the project. Order of Conditions are "on Hold" improper information given to the Commission prior. The Board may have relied on the fact that there is no outlet from Beaver Pond. There is an outlet to Beaver Pond. Letters were written to all the neighbors concerned. George. commendted that we were told more than once that there are no tributaries to this pond. Also, George made a few calls re: the breakdown of the products. Lee Lyman, President of Lycott Environmental-14 acres of pond to be treated. He encourages the Commission to contact previous treated pond areas. (1.5 qts. per acres-literature stated). George feels it is too much dosage. Treatment done in Lincoln, no adverse effects. AMF does not break down in the environment, it'does in the laboratory sunlight. A vegetation survey has been done on Beaver Pond by the State. They reported no flow (June '87) coming out of the pond. Mrs. Mona Eric Meakin has lived there for over 40 years. Water came up one foot after last week's rainfall. It is the only supply of water for the 2 ponds. (cont.) August 2, 1990 -2- Jim McDougall from Essex County Greenbelt. Does not want this chemical going onto Greenbelt property. He stated that Greenbelt owns 30 acres. 660 feet of frontage-pond edge of upland -300 feet in depth, pond lily, arrowhead, white cedar and red maple, all would be affected. Does not want to see the neighbors wasting money on this project. Not a land owner in 1987. (8 acres of vegetation would be involved and affected by the chemical (of Greenbelt's land). Lee Lyman suggested a site visit. Will point out what will be affected. George suggested to withdraw the application and to rewrite the Order of Conditions. Carmen stated this project has not been ill conceived. Wants to do what is right and also to beautify the pond area. Peter stated the issues of the downstream effect, have raised questions. Extra conditions could be added. Bill Liss: under provisions of the act, time is limited. Carmen, to submit, in writing, no work will be done until said time that added conditions be added. Vinnie: Everything, in writing, from all the abutters, in order to proceed. SITE VISIT SEPTEMBER 8 @ 10i00 A.M. SATURDAY. Orders of Conditions for Seawall Repair #5-362. 10-12 Congress St. Referred to correspondence of 7/30/90; stating more collapsing of the wall. Vinnie motioned to certify as an emergency, Bill Liss seconded. Ail in favor. Amended-to certify the entire wall. Attaching conditions to the standards. Will reference/attach all letters. All in favor. Discission with Alison Simcox. Would like to be an Associate Member. Has submitted a resume. The Commission has accepted her as a consultant also. Motion to purchase gates for Dave's Shop in Gloucester made by Vinnie, seconded by Bill Liss. Ail In Favor. Vinnie did speak with Joan Fairbank re: Walter McGlynn-trees and a plaque. Seawall Repair - Orders of Conditions: A-3 B-4 D-5 H-2. Letters attached. Joe suggested a "stone barrier" to protect the wall after repair. Vinnie motioned to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Bill Liss seconded. Ail In Favor. Marie S. Cotreau/Clerk