2015-06-01Regular Meeting Beverly City Council 7:00 PM Monday June 1, 2015 Roll Call: Councilors: John P. Frates Jr. Scott D. Houseman, David J. Lang, James F. Latter, Donald G. Martin (absent), Estelle M. Rand, Matthew J. St.Hilaire, Jason C. Silva, Paul M. Guanci Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor Frates Acceptance of Minutes: Regular Meeting of May 18, 2015 Approved 9 — 0 Presentations, Awards and Memorials: Presentation to the Frates Family from N.S. Elder Services Mayor to present the Budget Beverly Farme rs Market Public Speakers: 1. Dr. Martha Farmer (N.S Innoventures) 2. John Somes (Greater Beverly Chamber) 3. Sue Gabriel (Beverly Bootstraps) Public Hearings: None Communications from His Honorthe Mayor: #371 FY -2016 Budget BUDGET MESSAGE Dear Honorable Council: Good Evening, City Councilors and members of the public. I am excited to stand before you tonight to present the administration's proposed Fiscal Year 2016 operating budget. Councilors, I am grateful for your collaborative leadership in our community and the input we receive from you throughout the year and during the budget process. This proposed budget reflects our shared key priorities. Of note, this budget will: - Increase funding for the Beverly Public Schools by over $1.6 Million -a level thatwill continue to deliver an outstanding education for all our 4,500 students, while absorbing the loss of $530,000 in revenues from rentals of the McKeown and Memorial Schools. As Councilors know, our new middle school project requires that the Memorial School building be vacated this fiscal year and our pre- kindergarten classes as well as our school administration offi ces wil I relocate to the McKeown School. Continue to deliver consistent, high quality city services across all departments Spend $2.9 Mil lion again this year to pave streets and repair sidewalks, while investing additional dollars in other road preservation techniques toextend the useful life of our many roads Address key longterm components of our operating budget, specifically pension obligations, health care costs and debt service on city infrastructure projects such as the recent Beverly Public Li brary, City Hall, and Police Station roof replacements, the citywide communication fiber upgrade project, and two new fi re trucks - Invest in needed capital equipment ind uding a third new sidewalk snow plow, so that our Department of Public Services can continue to upgrade our public infrastructure and deliver key public services