1990-08-09CONSERVATION COMMIt'SION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSET'T~ August 9, 1990 Meeting Members present: Vice Chairman George Batchelder chaired the meeting. Bill Liss, Vincent Cotreau and Joe Manzi. Meeting called to order at 7:53 P.M ..... Vinnie Cotreau motioned to recess for a public hearing, seconded by Bill Liss. Ail in favor. Continued-Sun Refining Oil and Marketing Co. ~31Brimbal Avenue. Present: Paul Sommer, Sommer Environmmntal Co. Representing, Atty. John Serafini, Jr. Concerns about the perimeter fence size. Original size 6' -Now 4' chain link (stockade) Formerly 500' gallon tank. Now an 85' gallon tank. Now i0,000 gallon tanks, now outside of resource area, still in the buffer zone. Fence now towards the Brimbal Avenue site. George questioned field markings. Red=proposed fence line. Grade not changed in the area. (Paul Somner). Mr. Sisson-Existing corner light pole removed and replaced with a new one. Grades on site will be identical, just will be resurfaced. Applicant and Beverly Fire Dept. have been meeting on this project. Vinnie: Pollution under tanks? Where will the dirt be stored? Preferably outside the buffer zone. Serafini: The station will be shut down during project construction. DEP Mr. Emerson reassured the Corm~ission re: stockpiling of polluted on contaminated fill. Sufficient information . Vinnie Cotreau motioned to close the hearing. Bill Liss seconded it. Ail in favor. Reconvene to the regular meeting. Request for a Determination of Applicability-Seamans-675 Hale St. To repair the septic system. Representing, Chick Johnson from Hancock Survey Engr. Co. Also, to grade within the buffer zone. Trenching for a sewer line,.4" PVC pipe 2000 gallon leaching pit is in the buffer zone. August 9, 1990 -2- Vinnie Cotreau-Has viewed the site and has no problems with it. Bill Liss: re: well, a new well? questioned the testing of the water. Johnson: Well is in use. A drilled well. Septic system close to the well, reason for this project. Sufficient Information. Vinnie motioned a Negative determination, even though it is in the buffer zone. Bill Liss seconded it. All in favor. ' Recommendation-to require to place hay bales between the work site and above the wetlands. Endicott College - Orders of Conditions #5-361. Pond Maintenance. Vinnie motioned standards, Bill Liss seconded. Ail in favor. Modification - Lot 105, 3.Gavin Circle Beaver Pond Estates #5-184. Significant change? Negative. The change is non-significant enough to require a filing of a Notice of Intent. Motioned by Bill Liss, seconded by Vinnie Cotreau. Ail in favor. Orders of Conditions for Sun Refining and Marketing Oil 5-0. Standards motioned by Vinnie Cotreau, one stipulation, contaminated soil to be kept outside of the buffer zone and covered. Seconded by Bill Liss. Ail in favor. Communications. Discussion re: Walter McGlynn, Parks and Recreation, trees and a plaque in his honor. To contact Joan Fairbank. Discussion re: Rules and Regulations for the Nature Reserve. Bill Liss motioned to adjourn at 9:50 P.M. Seconded by Joe Manzi. Ail in favor. Marie S. Cotreau/ Clerk