2015-02-03CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 1 2. BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: February 3, 2015 LOCATION: City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Benevento, Chair, City Planner Aaron Clausen, Richard Hutchinson, Sgt. Russ Rollins, Sgt. Antonio DiRuzza, Inspector Stephen Tanzella MEMBERS ABSENT: John Somes OTHERS PRESENT: City Engineer Greg St. Louis, Sean Ciancarelli, Councilor Martin RECORDER: This meeting was recorded and transcribed by Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. Benevento informed those present that at the request of Councilor Martin they would be taking the agenda out of order to take the matter of the traffic study for the neighborhood around Route 1 A and Route 97. Discussion on Traffic Study for the Neighborhood Around Route 1A and Route 97 — Councilor Don Martin Benevento recalls that at the last meeting the Commission reviewed the scope of work for the proposed traffic study for the neighborhood around Route IA and Route 97. He reports that since that meeting the Planning Department and the Engineering Departments have reviewed it. Councilor Martin addresses the Commission and reports that the scope of work presented is exactly what the neighbors were looking for. Benevento explains for the benefit of those present the location and area of the proposed traffic study. Benevento suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission will send this to Mayor Cahill with a recommendation to have the traffic study done and attach the scope of work to the letter. Hutchinson: motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission recommend the traffic study for the neighborhood around Route IA and Route 97 to Mayor Cahill and that the scope of work reviewed by the PTC, Planning Department and the Engineering Department be included in the recommendation. Rollins seconds the motion. The motion carries. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 1 of 10 3. Continued: Recommendation to Planning Board — Site Plan Review #113 -14 and Special Permit #139 -14 — Construct North Shore Crossing consisting of 4 Buildings Totaling 65,795 s.f. at 140 Brimbal Avenue — CEA Groin Atty. Thomas Alexander with Law Offices at 1 School Street, Beverly addresses the Commission on behalf of his client CEA Group. He reports that at the last few meetings of the PTC they have reviewed the traffic study with the City and with a peer reviewer on behalf of the city. He recalls that at the last meeting there was discussion on the fair share contribution for mitigation made by the peer reviewer in the amount of $33,000. He notes that they took hard input from the PTC and have determined that it would make more sense to contribute a greater amount for the mitigation in that area. He also notes that they have agreed to replace a city drain pipe that crosses their property, further noting that it is not part of this process. Atty. Alexander reports that they are now proposing a fair share contribution for mitigation in the amount of $200,000. He states that this is an extremely expensive project for the applicant and that is the maximum that they can contribute. Clausen asks if there have been any changes to the layout or the parking plans since the last meeting. Atty. Alexander reports that nothing has changed. Hutchinson asks if there has been any word from the State on the permits for the project. Alexander explains that the State wants the local approvals in place before they act on the permits. Benevento states that the fair share contribution is not about money as far as he is concerned and notes that it is about making sure that problems in that corridor as a result of this project get addressed. He further notes that where the money is applied at either the Colon and Essex Street intersection or at the other end near Laurel Street will be determined at a later date within the project area for traffic mitigation. He also notes that he would also like a condition that the Parking and Traffic Commission have input into the use of the funds. Benevento also reports that if the project changes in any way, the applicant will have to come back for review. Clausen further clarifies that if the project changes in any way the whole process will start again with the Planning Board. Benevento asks if there is any further mitigation proposed for the project, noting that the neighbors at North Ridge are concerned about the proximity of the project to their site. Atty. Alexander reports that they are proposing a full screening package with an eight foot fence and full evergreens being planted along the border of the North Ridge property. Benevento states that he would like to see a condition of the approval that after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the Parking and Traffic Commission do a six month and a 12 month review of the traffic. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 2 of 10 Clausen asks Rebecca Brown the Peer Reviewer for the City if the recommendations regarding the circulation and the layout of the site have been addressed. Brown states that they have been addressed. Sgt. Rollins notes the DOT project and states that a traffic signal may be needed at the Brimbal Avenue entrance for access and egress to and from the site if anything changes with that. Clausen agrees and notes that the process would start again with the Planning Board if that were the case. Laurel Stevens of 31 Putnam Street addresses the Commission and asks if the applicant has a signed letter from DOT regarding the state permits for the project. Alexander explains that the State wants the city approvals for the project first. Chris Snow of the North Ridge condominiums addresses the Commission and shows the Commission a yard stick with a pink string that she used to measured off 150 feet for the CEA property on Sohier Road. She notes that the North Ridge Board of Trustees send a letter to the Planning Board informing them that the proposed Sohier Road entrance will be 100 feet away from the K building and show the PTC photos of the area. Benevento asks if the location of the driveway is in accordance with the driveway guidelines access requirements. Clausen states that based on the plans submitted it does. Alexander states that the driveway is 100 feet from the North Ridge property. Clausen explains what the location of the driveway means in terms of a function of zoning noting that the applicant has to provide adequate access and egress. He notes that the location in relation to the traffic is adequate and based on the location of the driveway for safe access and egress. Snow expresses her concerns about the proposed Right Turn In and Right Turn Out on Sohier Road. She questions what would happen if Phase 11 of the city project does not go through. Benevento states that the process would start all over again. Benevento states that nothing is predictable and notes that is the reason the PTC is asking for the 6 and 12 month review of the traffic after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Clausen agrees noting that if the connector project does not go through the process will start all over again. Snow questions why the driveway for the site is only 24 feet wide for all of the traffic that is expected. Benevento explains that it is a typical driveway. Clausen further explains that a typical roadway is 12 feet wide. Benevento uses the example of Route 128 and notes that the travel lanes on 128 are 12 feet wide. Snow states that North Ridge is taking the brunt of this project and thanks the Commission for their time. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 3of10 Dan DeAngelis of 207 Brimbal Avenue addresses the Commission and question if the highway access permits have been applied for. Alexander states that they have been applied for. DeAngelis requested that the Commission not make a recommendation to the Planning Board on the project. He states that he is concerned that there is nothing in place to mitigate the traffic if needed. He explains the neighborhood and notes that there is an ambulance service located across the street from the site that would have trouble getting out of their site for emergencies. Brown explains that the Round Abouts will keep the traffic flowing and explains that 6 cars can queue in the striped area and beyond that there is 500 feet and explains the location on the plan. DeAngelis reviews the plan and his concerns about the access to the site. He notes that the queueing space could create a suicide lane. Benevento states that the Commission has reviewed a tremendous amount of data and information regarding this project and based on the information presented thus far with the mitigation funds in concert with the Phase I roadway reconstruction project he feels that the applicant has adequately addressed the traffic. He further states that the PTC can only go by what is presented to them and he believes that traffic mitigation plan will work. DeAngelis questions what will happen if the plan doesn't work noting that there is a mitigation package in place for the Cummings project that is not warranted at this time. He states that the PTC is giving their empanada on this with way too many unknowns. He states that the Phase I budget is not final and there could be a budget over run. He notes that the highway access is a big deal and DOT does not give money out easily. He states that he is concerned that this end of Beverly will become 114 with this kind of traffic. Benevento asks St. Louis where the city stands in the bidding process for the Phase I of the connector project. St. Louis reported that the bid opening was postponed because of a snow storm and it will be held today at 11:00 a.m. Clausen states that whatever plan comes before the city, all variables will be considered. He explains that the traffic analysis by the Peer Review indicates that the Level of Service takes additional trips into consideration generated beyond the project. He explains that the Round Abouts can accommodate six times the traffic proposed and in his opinion the traffic analysis bears that out. Benevento explains that Phase I and Phase II had to be vetted by the DOT and that project has been designed for the horizon of 10 -20 years. He explains that all potential projects are taken into consideration for the calculations, noting that the project is not designed for what is there today, and potential regional growth is taken into account. He further notes that there has to be a balancing act and the PTC does not take this lightly. He also notes that he has Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 4of10 been following this process from the beginning going back a few years and he has gotten to the point where he feels comfortable. Benevento also states that Mass DOT is going to thoroughly review this project. He also notes that there main concern will be that this does not back traffic up in Route 128. Councilor Martin addresses the Commission and asks what will be done if this proposal does not work. He also asked if the police and fire department details for the connector project were taken out of the bid for the connector road project. DeAngelis states that he has Addendum #1 to the bid documents and it calls for the removal of items 99 -1 and 99 -2 with a notation that it will be paid for by the City. Benevento explains that the City will pay for the police and fire directly as opposed to carrying it in the contract for the project. Benevento states that he does not know the answer to what will happen if it does not work, noting that cities and towns wrestle with it all the time. He also notes that the traffic in the cities is a good sign that the economy is better because people are shopping. Councilor Martin states that he is concerned about what could happen with the properties across the street and states that he thinks that the IR Overlay District should be reversed. Alexander states that the City of Beverly Master Plan calls for this kind of use in this area. He further notes that "what ifs" and studies are the worst case scenarios and this has been given a lot of study as to what the outcome could be. Molly Benson of 191 Brimbal Avenue addresses the Commission and states that she is concerned about the omission of the North Shore Music Theater events in this plan. She states that it is a known cause of traffic backup on Route 128 and the MA DOT is concerned about traffic backup on 128 it should be considered in this project. Benevento explains that projects are not typically designed for special events. He explains that traffic studies are not conducted during the Christmas Shopping season or during the periods when school is not in session. He notes that you have to look at the situations individually as opposed to the average. Benson states that she wonders what the North Shore Music Theater impact will be on this and what the game plan is. Benevento states that the game plan is Phase II of the connector project noting that it will take the traffic out to Route 128. Clausen explains that specific use control in the North Shore Music Theater issue is that they use a police detail to direct traffic and the second piece of that is the widening of the road that the Cummings project is undertaking. He notes that the situation there is a lot of cars for a short period of time. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 5 of 10 Sgt. Rollins explains that there is currently a police detail used when the NSMT has events that sell 600 tickets. He also notes that there should not be a need for a police detail in the Round Abouts although he states that he has not given that a lot of thought. Clausen states that there should be no need for a traffic detail at the Round Abouts but there is a need at times at Dunham Road. Bill Soars of 26 Putnam Street addresses the Commission and states that he has concerns about the NSMT traffic backing up as well. Benevento states that he hears their concerns about the NSMT traffic and notes that the Round Abouts will keep the traffic flowing. Soares states that he is encouraged by the suggestion of a 6 and 12 month review of the traffic. He also states that he is concerned that things such as youth sports and school activities have been left out of the review. Soares also states that the area of Dodge and Enon Streets is an issue as well noting that it brings additional traffic to the neighborhood. Soares states that he is concerned about what the outcome will be if Phase II does not happen. Benevento states that if anything changes they will have to come back to the city for review. Ms. Snow addresses the Commission and expresses her concern that if the DOT is going to review this, why the PTC is making a recommendation at this time. Benevento explains that the DOT is going to review this and if they find anything that needs to be considered the process will start again. He further explains that the PTC is making a recommendation to the Planning Board and the Planning Board has final approval. Soares expresses concern about pedestrian access being nonexistent. Clausen explains that the plans call for shared pathways and splitter islands at the Round Abouts. Soares states that there is no way to stop the traffic for pedestrian access. Clausen explains that traffic does not stop at Round Abouts. Benevento reviews the conditions that the Parking and Traffic Commission are recommending as follows: 1. The applicant will make a fair share contribution to the city in the amount of $200,000 to be used for mitigation of the Brimbal Avenue corridor at the discretion of the city with the input of the Parking and Traffic Commission. 2. The applicant will conduct a traffic review of the area 6 months and 12 months after the issuance of the Occupancy Permit. 3. Any changes to the plans whatsoever will require the applicant to come back to the city for review. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 6 of 10 Clausen: Motion to make a recommendation to the Planning Board to approve the Site Plan Review #113 -14 and Special Permit #139 -14 — Construct North Shore Crossing consisting of 4 buildings totaling 65,795 s.f. at 140 Brimbal Avenue — CEA Group with the following conditions: 1. The applicant will make a fair share contribution to the city in the amount of $200,000 to be used for mitigation of the Brimbal Avenue corridor at the discretion of the city with the input of the Parking and Traffic Commission. 2. The applicant will conduct a traffic review of the area 6 months and 12 months after the issuance of the Occupancy Permit. 3. Any changes to the plans whatsoever will require the applicant to come back to the city for review. Hutchinson seconds the motion. The motion carries. 4. Review/ discussion: Traffic review /monitoring p� rogram provided for twelve- month review of traffic operations associated with construction of Walgreens, 48 Dodge Street / Westward Apple Orchards Limited Partnership ( Symes Associates, Inc.) Benevento recalled that the Commission reviewed the project at 6 months and there was discussion about the installation of a sign at the 128 off ramp that needed to be installed. Jeff Rhuda of Symes Associates addresses the Commission and explains that he thought that the sign had been installed and was knocked down. He also states that he believes that what the State approved was done. He also notes that the pavement markings are there and he thinks that the sign was installed. Rhuda reported that the traffic in the area has not changed. Benevento states that he would defer to the Police Department on that and asks Rollins if there have been any reports of accidents in the area. Rollins reports that there have not been any problems in the area that did not exist before the project was built. Rollins states that the problem in the area is the drive through at Fast Freddies noting that cars are not supposed to cut across the lanes of traffic to get there but they do. He notes that has nothing to do with Walgreens. Benevento asks what the wish of the Commission is. Discussion ensues regarding the $2,500 bond issued for the project and what it could be used for. Benevento suggests that it could be used for the traffic study proposed for the Henry's Market area that the Commission is recommending to the Mayor. Clausen states that although the traffic is 65% lower that what they estimated, and noting the lack of trust in studies such as these, noting the previous discussion regarding Brimbal Avenue, he would like to build a data set so the city can see how the traffic analyses are holding up. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 7 of 10 5. Parking issue at or around 228 -238 Hale Street 6. 7. Sgt. Rollins reported that the matter has been resolved with the neighbors. 8. 9. Election of Chair and Vice Chair 10. 11. Benevento notes that there are new members of the PTC and notes that Lt Fiore is retiring from the Fire Department and this is Sgt. Rollins last meeting. He also notes that there is an opening for a Mayoral appointee and notes that if anyone knows someone that may be interested to reach out to them. 12. 13. Benevento states that the PTC needs to elect a Chair and a Vice Chair for the year 2015. He also notes that if anyone is interested in serving as Chair he is open to that. 14. 15. Rollins nominates Benevento for the office of Chair of the Parking and Traffic Commission. Clausen seconds the nomination. The motion carries with Benevento abstaining. 16. 17. Rollins nominates Clausen for the office of Vice Chair of the Parking and Traffic Commission. Hutchinson seconds the motion. The motion carries with Clausen abstaining. 18. Approval of minutes 19. 20. The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meetings held on December 2, 2014 and January 6 2015 were presented for approval. Hutchinson moved to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2014 and January 6, 2015 PTC meetings as presented. Clausen seconded the motion. The motion carries. 21. 22. 8. Old/New Business 23. 24. St. Louis reports that he is looking into the High Crash Curve ? ? ?? Signage program with the state and states that he is considering recommending Corning and Hale Street. Benevento suggests that Colon and Essex Streets should be considered. Rollins suggests the area of the YMCA on Essex Street. St. Louis will review those and request the accident data on the areas. 25. 26. 9. Next Meeting 27. 28. The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 29. 30. 10. Adjournment Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 8 of 10 31. 32. Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 9 of 10 33. 34. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, motion carries 4 -0. 35. 36. The meeting is adjourned at 10:30 a.m. 37. 38. Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 3, Meeting Page 10 of 10