2015-04-13City of Beverly
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015 at 7pm
These minutes are not a verbatim transcript of the public hearing or public meeting of the
Board of Appeals. Reviews of the Board's Decision or outcome of the public hearing
should include an examination of the Board's decision for that hearing.
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Joe Margolis, Chairperson, Jim Levasseau, David Battistelli,
Victoria Burke Caldwell, Pamela Gougian
Others Present: Steve Frederickson, Building Commissioner
Leanna Harris, Administrative Assistant
Location: 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor, Room B
Mr. Margolis, Chairperson called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.
A. Continued Hearing
Project Adventure, Inc.
In a petition for a request for a variance from minimum footage requirement contained in
Section 38 -8. D2, to allow the creation of a single - family building lot in an R -45 zoning
district with no legal frontage where 175 -feet is required. The proposed lot will be served
by an existing common driveway. The property is located at 719 Cabot Street in an R -45
Miranda Gooding, Esq. respectfully requested this hearing be continued to the next meeting
scheduled for May 26, 2015.
MOTION: Mr. Battistelli moved to continue this hearing to the scheduled May 26
meeting. Second by Mr. Levasseau. All in Favor. Motion carries.
B. Administrative Appeal
In a petition for a request of an appeal from an Administrative Decision for the issuance of
Building Permit No. B -14 -1599 for the construction of a new single - family dwelling [60' by
42' (4) bedrooms, (4) bathrooms, (2) car garage under] at 12 Beaver Pond Road, Map 83
Lot: 1D, on October 8, 2014 and seeks revocation of said Building Permit on the ground
that subject property is non - buildable having merged with adjoining, nonconforming
and /or noncomplying property located at 14 Beaver Pond Road, which completely lacks
frontage where 175' is required in R -45 zoning district.
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015
Ms. Caldw read the application into record.
David Tessier of 18 Beaver Pond Road addressed the Board. Mr. Tessier is a direct abutter and
provided the Board with a photograph of the site. Mr. Tessier stated when they purchased their
home they were told that the Lot directly across from was not buildable. The Lot is very narrow
and so the only way to fit a house on the Lot is directly in front of their house. There is a 175'
frontage requirement so that they don't have houses right across from each other. There are 2-
acre lots in this area, its not downtown Beverly. Mr. Tessier shared the history of their
discussions with the builder and stated they will sell their house if they build across from them.
Mr. Frattaroli was the head of the HOA for years and ^ ggress vel collected dues on all the lots.
Mr. Frattaroli's existing house was missing from the plot plans which was misleading and so the
Building Department flagged the file. The Tessier's were notified from the Building Department
that they were in fact going to issue the building permit because the Builder was going to use a
shared driveway. There have been three or four attempts to try and obtain a permit without
letting neighbors know. Mr. Tessier bought this house believing it was not going to have another
house built directiv across from it. and they will sell their- hetise if a buildiaR oer-fn4 is isstied and
William Henev. Esa. represents Todd Main.
why they here tenigM. As a Beafd they are being asked to leek 4 a eemplex . The Building
permits and ANR plans were issued on Plans supplied to the Building Inspector without public
notice or involvement. Atty. Heney supplied a 200 page memorandum and asked the Board to
follow the advice of Judge Piper on recent on point case law and provided a copy to the Board.
A right of first refusal and a right of merger is at stake. Atty. Heney referred them to Page 9, 10
and 11 of that decision.
Atty. Heney reviewed the Chain of Title and Exhibits attached to the Memorandum he provided.
The Chain of Title contains ten transfer Deeds. Five of the transfers are inter family deed
transfers for $1 or no consideration. There were five transfers to outside parties for consideration
of $866,000. A Trust was formed to show and control ownership. Mr. Frattaroli took a Lot
owned by his wife and combined it with a Lot owned by the Trust to create the frontage required
to build 12 Beaver Road. (Exhibit U).
n � + pat4 Bever4 Mrs. Tessier stated they would lose all of their privacy if the house is
built and they will sell their house at a loss. The road they live off of is a single lane road and so
that house being directly across from them is no more than a driveways length away.
Atty. Heney provided the Board with the Plans showing the Lots.
Atty. Heney directed the Board to review the Savery' decision by Judge Piper. The question is
whether Lots 12 and 14 on Beaver Road were held in common ownership which is determined
1 Savery v. Duane Land Court, 12 Misc. 474707 (2014)
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015
by control not the record owner. The Board is required to determine where there is common
ownership. Atty. Heney reviewed and sited applicable case law. All of Mr. and Mrs. Frattaroli
transfers took place post zoning. The transfers were not subject to zoning law changes. There
were many occasions where Mr. Frattaroli could have brought these properties together
under one Deed.
Atty. Heney ($966,000) f+em the deed transfer-s
wef If 12 Beaver Road receives a Building Permit then 14 Beaver Road will have no frontage.
There are presently four homes that share the road. If a fifth home is built, there will likely be a
25% traffic increase. The road is very narrow and as Mr. Tessier explained, landscape vehicles
currently have to turn around on his lawn because there really isn't much room for vehicles to
Thomas Alexander, Esq. represents Lee and Jaime Nilsson.
David Jacob, Architect Mr. Jacob stated the rules and bylaws regarding pork chop Lots. Atty.
Alexander stated that the Lot in question is not a pork chop lot, it's an ANR fully conforming lot
with the City of Beverly. Atty. Alexander stated the Tessier Lot has the same exact
Jay Johnson, 4 Beaver Pond Road Mr. Johnson stated he looked at the Plans and he has no
problem with this project.
Michael McNiff. Builder of the
h M Fr„ -F i RM Mr. Frederickson runs a very professional office. It takes about a
month to get a building permit in Beverly, other towns it takes a day.
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015
Frattaroli had moved to Beaver Pond neighborhood back in 1982 and had always hoped their
Stev Binnie_ 45 Beaver Pond Road. Mr. Binnie stated he supports the Frattaroli's broiect
ded a letter in support.
Atty. Heney addressed points that Atty. Alexander made and stated this is a question of enforcing
the Citv's zoning ordinances. it doesn't have to do with a nice house and nice people. MW
Atty. Alexander stated he submitted the list sheet to show the Board that buyers had knowledge
of this being a buildable lot.
Board Discussion
Ms. Caldwell asked Atty. Alexander about the process to get an Advisory Opinion at Land Court.
Mr. Levasseau asked Att . Alexander to ex lain to the Board the distances of frontage between
the two properties.
Mr. Battistelli asked Atty. Heney when he believes a mistake occurred and Atty Heney responded
back in 1999 when the Frattaroli's owned three Lots under three different names with what he
believes with the intent to circumvent zoning ordinances. Ms. Gougian asked Atty. Heney to
explain again how that circumvents zoning laws and Atty. Heney responded that Trusts were
created so there would be different Record Owners of land so they wouldn't be merged. This is
all post zoninz. Mr. Battistelli asked Attv. Alexander what his direct 'simple ar,!�urnent rebutting
Ms. Caldwell asked Atty. Heney if the Savery case is under further appeal and Atty. Heney
responded not it is not.
Ms. Gougian asked when they are talking about frontage are they just referring to Beaver Pond
Road and Atty. Heney responded yes not to the private way.
Mr. Margolis asked the Board if they need more time to absorb the details of this case. Atty.
Alexander respectfully requested the Board make a decision tonight due to Ms. Nilsson's due
Ms. Gougian requested the original Petition being read and Ms. Caldwell read it into record.
Mr. Battistelli stated it's his opinion that the Frattaroli's created a nonconforming Lot.
Ms. Caldwell stated there are lots of nonconforming Lots in Beverl
Pond neighbor-heed she weiild not have a pr-eblem with this .' Her concern is that if they
make a decision that cannot be legally upheld then City resources will be spent in Land Court.
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015
addressed Ms. Caldwell's concerns regarding City resources.
Carmen Frattaroli addressed the Board.
Atty. Alexander
.,b hi by My . Heney Mr. Frattaroli stated he originally wanted to sell all of the Lots on
Beaver Pond Road when he bought the strip, he bought it as a Trust and their daughter Jaime is a
beneficiary. Ms. Frattaroli refused to let him sell this specific Lot because she wanted to save it
for their daughter.
Atty. Heney directed the Board to look at the Trust document provided in the appeal. Mr. and
Mrs. Frattaroli are listed as 50% beneficiaries.
Ms. Gougian asked Mr. Frederickson what the original request was and why was it rejected. Mr.
Frederickson's recollection is that it was denied because it was common ownership. When new
information was presented to him Mr. Frederickson went on the advice of the City Solicitor.
Jay Johnsen, 4 Beaver Pond.; Mr. Johnson stated when he bought his frontage he wrote a check
to the Trust for $175,000. Ms. Frattaroli had nothing to do with it.
Jaime Nilsson addressed the Board and stated she is also a lawyer and understands that this is a
legal decision that could be interpreted in either way. Ms. Nilsson agreed that it's not an issue of
fairness and so she understands if the Board needs additional time to read through all of the
materials provided.
MOTION: Ms. Caldwell moved to continue this matter to the hearing scheduled on May
26t''. Second by Mr. Levasseau.
Votes 5 -0
Motion carries.
On the Motion Atty. Alexander stated the Appellant's time frame will be up before the
next meeting. Atty. Heney agreed to continue sign a Waiver Agreement to continue.
C. New Public Hearing
Raymond, Charles — 39 South Terrace
In a petition for a request for a Special Permit to construct a two -story addition to the rear
of an existing non - conforming dwelling. Addition will comply with all setback
requirements. The property is located at 39 South Terrace in an R -10 Zoning District.
Ms. Caldwell read the petition into record.
Charlie Raymond of 54 South Terrace addressed the Board. Mr. Raymond stated he is
proposing to add in addition to the back of the house located at 39 South Terrace and increase the
living space by 75 %. Mr. Raymond stated he has spoke with MI neighbors and showed them his
plans and provided the Board with a letter stating support of this addition in which five direct
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015
abutters si gned. Mr. Margolis read the abutters letter into record. Mr. Raymond provided the
Board with an older plan showing the house.
There was no public participation.
Board Discussion
Mr. Battistelli asked Mr. Raymond what his intention for this property is and Mr. Raymond
responded it will be used as a rental property.
The Board members discussed the property's location in the middle of the street as indicated on
the map. Mr. Frederickson stated that is why he went to the City Solicitor. He didn't know how
to treat this property and the City Solicitor stated it could be treated as a nonconforming structure
versus an illegal one.
Mr. Battistelli asked how close the baek of the house WNFUREM will be to the existi
Ms. Caldwell asked Mr. Frederickson if a condition could be put on a Special Permit and
suggested doing so regarding drainage. Mr. Battistelli is concerned with the additional building
on the property that there will be less green space for drainage. Ms. Caldwell stated the two
abutters directly across the street did sign the letter supporting the addition.
Ms Gougian asked how much parking the property has and Mr. Raymond responded there is off
street parking for at least two or three vehicles.
Mr. Battistelli asked Mr. Frederickson what else could be done to divert the water and Mr.
Frederickson suggested a dry well. Mr. Margolis asked Mr. Frederickson what they could put as
as a condition. Mr. Frederickson stated you're not supposed to pump water out into a public way
due to ice that it creates on streets and sidewalks. Mr. Battistelli asked Mr. Raymond what he
plans to do for drainage and Mr. Raymond responded that there isn't a problem now so he
wouldn't do anything.
MOTION: Ms. Caldwell moved to approve the special permit for an addition at 39
South Terrace (9:44pm) Special permit is being approved because it will not be
substantially detrimental to the community based on the responses from neighbors, there
is no evidence that property values will be adversely affected, there is sufficient parking
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015
an d no new traffic or nuisance will result. there are adequate city services and proposed
use is appropriate for the location with the condition that special consideration is given to
the fact that the addition could result in additional water draining down into the property
and special attention should be made to ensure that does not happen. The condition of
this Special Permit is due to the grade of the property, special consideration should be
made to ensure that there is no flooding. Second by Mr. Battistelli.
Votes 5 -0
Motion carries.
Mr. Margolis addressed the Board regarding visiting applicant's sites. The City Solicitor advises
against it and has invited the Board to vote and determine if they would like further
instruction/information regarding visits.
Ms. Caldwell stated she thinks the issue is that Board members could get more information by
talking to individuals versus just taking a drive by the property and it then jeopardizes the open
meeting aspect of the process since information influencing their decision has to yet been made
public. If a member has information that is not public it should not be used in making a decision.
Mr. Margolis stated that by meeting with an applicant a relationship is built. The Board asked
Mr. Frederickson if him walking on a property as a building inspector is trespassing and Mr.
Frederickson stated that he cannot go on a property if the Applicant says he can't. Mr. Margolis
is also concerned about liability if a member were to fall or get bit by a dog, etc.
Ms. Gougian asked if she drove by a property to see where an addition was going and the
Applicant happened to be home and invited her to the back of the house to see where the addition
is going would she be able to go. Mr. Frederickson responded that in that situation she would
then be invited on the property but she shouldn't discuss anything regarding the application.
Mr. Battistelli stated the prior Chairperson told him he didn't need to make an appointment when
going to see a property and that he could just tell the property owner that he is on the Zoning
Mr. Margolis
the City Solicitor.
clarification from
Ms. Caldwell moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 pm. Second by Mr. Margolis.
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 13, 2015