2015-02-25Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — February 25, 2015 Board: Date: Location: Members Present Members Absent: Others Present: Recorder: CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Historic District Commission February 25, 2015 Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA. William Finch, Chair, and Wendy Pearl, Martin Lian, Suzanne LaMont James Younger Allison Crosbie, Staff Planner Eileen Sacco Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 6 Echo Avenue — Beverly School for the Deaf — Vaughan Dormitory — Response to Demolition Delay Mark Carlson addressed the Commission and explained that he has submitted additional information showing the emerging process regarding the Vaughan Dormitory since 2004 and their decision to seek a demolition permit for the property. He reviewed the information with the Commission including estimates of the cost of renovation of the building and feasibility studies that were considered as well. He also reported that Lamont visited the School Museum since the last meeting. Carlson reported that the Fire Department has come to a resolution regarding the issues around the sprinkler system and notes that the electric bill for last month was $5,000. Finch noted that they are asking to lift the demolition delay. Finch stated that it seems clear that they are not interested in having a third party operating in that building. Lian stated that he read all of the materials submitted and it seems that they have no other option. LaMont noted that Appendix I of the Master Plan proposes an addition within the same spot. She questions if there is any way to repurpose the building and keep the same fagade. Carlson Page 1 of 4 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — February 25, 2015 explained that in 2001 they explored putting a skyway to the third floor of the Vaughan elevation and they found that the foundation would not support that. He further explains that if the master plan goes forward the new entrance would be off Echo Avenue. Pearl asked if they considered the adaptive reuse of the building. Carlson reported that they got an estimate in 2008 to replace what is there and Harvard Graduate School looked at adaptive reuse as well. LaMont reported that she visited the Museum and was chatting with the director and in the course of the conversation it was mentioned that the family and students who lived in the Vaughan Dormitory didn't have any attachment to it and it does not seem that it would be missed. Pearl noted that some in the city will be shocked to see the Vaughan building come down. Carlson noted that it has not been used as a dormitory for 15 years. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: LaMont: motion to lift the demolition delay order issued for the Vaughan Dormitory, 6 Echo Avenue, Beverly School for the Deaf. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries (4 -0). Crosbie will send a letter to the Building Inspector notifying him that the HDC has lifted the Demolition Delay for the Beverly School for the Deaf. Community Preservation Act Historic Preservation Project Funds: Review Application for Determination of Historic Significance 8 Dane Street — GAR Hall Restoration — Ward 2 Civic Association LaMont recused herself from discussion of this matter. Finch notes that the GAR Hall is on the Massachusetts Historic Commission inventory so this is not an issue. Pearl: motion to approve the Determination of Historic Significance for GAR Hall — 8 Dane Street. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries (3 -0). Discussion of Mass Historical Commission Planning Survey Grant Crosbie reported that the grant has been submitted and the City should be hearing something in early March. Page 2 of 4 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — February 25, 2015 Old/New Business Finch reported that the Commission has been made aware that the owner of a property at the corner of Bartlett and Front Street has replaced some windows without approval of the HDC. He explains the history of the property noting that it was changed to condos in 1985 and a couple of years ago the owner changed some windows and at the time he went out to the site. He explained that after the owner came to the Commission and they made a finding he appealed and the decision was in favor of the Commission. Finch explained that it is still the same owner and he has pulled the windows out again and replaced them without a permit. He notes that he pulled a permit to replace the shingles on the roof but not for the windows. He notes that roofing does not require a certificate. Finch stated that there are some FAQ's on the website that were written by a former employee that indicates as long as what is replaced does not change the look of the building using the same materials in is appropriate. He stated that he feels that this could be misunderstood by owners referring to the website for information. Finch noted that replacing window sashes does require a permit. He asks what the Commission would like to do. Pearl questioned if the Commission should have them take them down. Crosbie reported that the owner has been contacted to submit an application for the windows but he has not responded. Pearl asked if the Building Inspector has been notified. Crosbie states that the Building Inspector has been notified. Pearl suggested that the Commission have the owner come before the Commission to explain his actions. Finch agreed and noted that at least it would be educational. Finch stated that one can understand that the may have misinterpreted the FAQ's. He suggests that the FAQ's should come off the website because they are inaccurate. Crosbie will take the FAQ's down from the website. Crosbie will invite the owner to the next meeting of the Historic District Commission. Pearl suggested that the Commission consider having signs put on buildings that are on demolition delay. Finch explained that it would require an ordinance change. He suggests that if a hearing is held and a property is determined to be historically significant then a sign could go UP. Page 3 of 4 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — February 25, 2015 Pearl stated that she thinks it is something to consider. Crosbie suggested that a press release announcing the determination and the status of the demolition might be helpful. Pearl states that she thinks that would be a good practice. Finch cautioned that a press release would have to be extremely neutral. Crosbie states that she will check on this with City Planner Aaron Clausen. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Beverly Historic Commission meeting held on January 6, 2015 were presented for approval. Pearl moved approval of the minutes as amended. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries (4 -0). Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Historic Commission this evening, Pearl moved to adjourn the meeting. LaMont seconds the motion. The motion carries. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Page 4 of 4