1991-02-14CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES CF FEBRUARY 14, 199!. MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PETER GILMORE, WILLIAM LISS, JOSEPH MANZI, NANCY LODGE AND VINCENT COTREAU ARRIVED @ 8:30 P.M.. Meeting called to order @ 7:45 P.M.. Bill Liss motioned to recess for the Public Hearing session and seconded by Nancy Lodge. All In Favor. #5-225 Willow Pond Lot 12. Continued Richard Russo. Vinnie Co~reau vlewed the site and the flagging. Jim Comeau of Design State Survey handed out 7 submittals re: a substituting plan. Chairman feels this should be taken up with DEP, being this File Number is out oi our control. We cannot override DEP's Superseding Order. Bill Liss has no ob3ections to the plan. Chairman-re: the fli!~ng of W!~icw Pond and al.! the alterat~cns, · t ~s up to DEP. ~e have no ob3ect~on to this ~.!an aT the adjudicatory stsge. Jim Comeau feels Lot 52 should "stand alone". Joe 5!anz~ has no oD3ect~on e~ther and motioned tc close the hearing. Bill Liss seccnced. Al! In Favor. Joe Manzi mctioned that th~ Commission has no ob3ection to The substitution plan submltted. Nancy Lodge seconded it. All In Favor. Chairman Gilmore te write to DEP (Angela Cogliano). RECONVENE (momentarily). #5-237 Lot 13, Willow Pond Permit Extension for one year. ~ Liss motloned to grant it. Nancy Lodge seconded it. All In Favor. Order of Ccndztlons $5-369 LORING BURNSIDE DRIVE LOT 3. 573 Hale Street. The drainage p~pe-140 feet from the wetlands, to construct a swale which will be sodded. AppizCant has compl~ed. The water, both rainwater and roadway draznage, will exit the p~pe, then travel 140' thrcugh the swale. Bill Liss motzoned for Exhibit 'A'/Standards. Joe Manzi seconded. All In Favor. (CONT.) -2- PUBLIC HEARi~G SESSION (Continued). Quorum needed, Vinn~e Cotreau arrived at this time. A motion to continue made by Nancy Lodge and seconded by Joe Manzi. All In Favor. SESD South Essex Sewerage District #5-370 Force Main Construction. Ryalside Area. Representing SESD is Raymond Bouchard. Conflict of Interest-Bill Liss is excused from this hearing. He is employed by SESD. · Also representing, Arthur Knight from Metcalf and Eddy. Also present from M&E, Kevin McManus; and Pro3ect Coordinator, Ray Masak. Citizen Neighborhood Coordinator-Sally Arsenault. This project entails 7 areas in the buffer zone. Both land and water. This is an environmental project. To eliminate raw sewerage into the Danvers River. This meeting-LAND PORTION ONLY. No above ground structures; no long term impact on vegetation. All underground lines. 'A' AREA A SHORTELL AVE. & MELVIN AVE. 30" ductile, water flow through the culvert; steel reinforced concrete; baled hay ~n and around catch basins to collect silt; sediment traps wmll be used. Temporary pavement at end of each working day as to minimize unprotected earth. Corporate boundary!buffer zone is on Danvers Line. Has appeared before the Danvers Conservatmon Commission. Vinnie Cotreau questioned what exactly is a force main? Arthur Knight explained the pressure, etc. Pumps pumping the waste water through the pipe line under pressure. Vinnie Cotreau also concerned' with leaking. Arthur Knight explained the main will not leak, strong materials will be used. The line is air tested; joint used has a mechanical !eck at the shoulder and will not come apart. Vinnie Cotreau questioned as to what keeps it from being fractured? Arthur Knight-Ductile iron is very strong. It w~ll be l~ned peastone at the bottom of the trench. To cushion the top of the pipe with sand or crushed gravel, etc. Also, duct~!e iron pipe flexible. Joe Manzi shares the same concerns. Arthur Knight foresees no such problems; s~ch as leaking, breaking/fracturing. The best materials possible will be used for this project. 'B' BAILEY AVE. & ELIZABETH AVE. A beach exists on Bailey Ave.- Marsh Ave. and will be lined entirely with hay bales. All grades will be restored to its original grades. (CONT.) -3- PARKVIEW/F~RCH AVENUE. Just 5 feet off pavement. Hay bales on Parkvlew. The weir holds water since DPW overlayed the area last summer. To include on the plan. ~ MARSH AVE., SYLVESTER AVE. EXT. Force main withinpaved area of Marsh Ave. Pipeline to be put down the graveled path. Hay bales to be put on top of bank. Crossing over a culvert, to be sheeted and protected. 'E' OBEAR PARK The Pipeline will go across the ballfield and will come down'the dirt road Will loam and seed temporarily, when "off the road". 'F' KERNWOOD AVENUE The pipeline will be 10' off the pavement. Will line the coastal bank with hay bales. A revised drawing for sheet 14 to be submitted. The intent is to stay out of the resource area and to protect it. 'G' HOBART AVENUE STARTS AT CRESCENT AVENUE. Will terminate at Hobart Ave. The pipeline will be in the street all along Hobart ~ve. Grades will not change in the buffer zone. No rare or endangered species are present nor would be affected, if so. Vinnie Cotreau motioned for Standards plus would like the Commission to be kept informed re: each phase to include in the Order of Conditions.. Nancy Lodge seconded. All In Favor. Bill Llss motioned to ad3ou~n at 9 P.M., Vinnie Cotreau seconded it. All In Favor. Marie S. Cotreau/Clerk