2013-12-13LICENSE BOARD 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Richard S. Kelley, Esq., Chairman John Roccio Joseph Trainor LICENSE BOARD MINUTES -- DECEMBER 12, 2013 The meeting of the Beverly License Board was called to order on Thursday, December 12, 2013 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor at 3:05 pm. In attendance at the meeting were: Board Members Richard Kelley, John Roccio, Police Liaisons Sgt. Page and Lt. Devlin and Police Chief John LeLacheur, and Clerk Martha Lewis. Absent: Joseph Trainor Meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm by Chairman Kelley. 1. Approval of the minutes Minutes of the meeting for November 14, 2013 were reviewed. Mr. Roccio made a motion to accept the minutes with revision as noted. Mr. Trainor seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 -- 0. 2. Application for Transfer of License — All Alcoholic License from M &GB dba Casa De Luca to 146 Rantoul Street, LLC, Lee Dellicker, Manager Attorneys Miranda Gooding and Bryan Natale from Glovsky & Glovsky represented Mr. Delliker. She stated the applicant purchased the real estate along with the Liquor License. Chairman Kelley stated that he understood that Mr. Dellicker was in the process of finding a tenant to run the restaurant located at the property. The Board would allow a reasonable amount of time for Mr. Dellicker to make progress. The City does not allow pocket licenses. It is his understanding that it may be longer than 3 0 days, but should not take two years. He further asked about Mr. Dellicker's experience to manage a liquor license. Prior experience would be taken into account and it is highly recommended that whomever the new manager is, he/she should be TIPS certified and all employees should be TIPS certified as.there is a strict liability. The license holder will be held responsible. Minutes of License Board Meeting held December 12, 2013 Atty. Gooding stated that there is plenty of interest in the location and it should be not a problem finding an operator for the restaurant. Mr. Dellicker has not intent to sit on the license. Chairman Kelley asked that the Board be kept informed on the progress. He then asked if there was anyone from the public for or against the transfer. There was no one. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the transfer of license from M & GB dba Casa de Luca to 146 Rantoul Street, LLC, Lee Dellicker, manager. Mr. Kelley seconded the motion. Motion passed 2 — 0. Editor's note: Clerk received CORI results. All ok 3. One Dgy. „Licenses -- A total of 6 applications were received. All applications were reviewed. It was noted that all applications were within the 4 hour limit. Mr. Roccio made a motion to approve the 6 applications. Mr. Kelley seconded the motion. Motion passed 2 -- 0. 4. Other Business -- The Board and Sgt. Page continued discussion regarding advertising and promotional banners hanging in windows and on the pumps at gas stations. Sgt. Page found out that the AB CC regulation against such promotional material that he referred to at the last meeting has been rescinded. It was further discussed that all advertisements must be contained to the interior of the licensed premises. Hearing no further business, Mr. Roccio made a motion to adjourn the meeting for the distribution of 2014 licenses. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 6:30 pm in Conference Room B, Third Floor, City HaII, 191 Cabot Street. Respectfully yours, Martha A. Lewis, Clem Minutes of License Board Meeting held December 12, 2013