1992-01-09Minutes from Meeting on January 9, 1992 Members present: Clayton Small, Vincent Cotreau, Bill Liss Nancy Lodge, Glen Terry and Peter Gilmore. Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. Motion for a Public Hearing made by Bill Liss Seconded by Glen Terry ALL IN FAVOR 676-676R Cabot Street James M. DeCoulose Representativve, Old enforcement--resubmitted Notice of Intent and submitted an okay for the septic system. Mrs. Solomon questioned the easement. Peter Gilmore questioned whether we need to write a new Order of Conditions. Answer: Yes plus a compliance and a non-significance. Vincent Cotreau mentioned the area needs cleaning-- there were beer cans found near the wetlands, when it is cleared up the non-significance will be releaced to the clients. Vinnie: Is there an appeal period? Peter Gilmore: Yes. Vincent motioned for a non-significance Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR Release was handed to Peter Gilmore and will be mailed back. NOTICE OF INTENT 95-77 Cross Lane Birch Woods Cross Lane Trust Representatives: Wetland Preservation- Alan Grenier Kurt Young Botanist Vasek Talaco- Hancock Survey Nancy Lodge: What is planned for sewerage? A. There will be one near Cross Lane Nancy: Possible flooding in Thissell Brook, what about those who live on Hale Street? A. Water detention basins were designed Post construction would be as normal free running stream this is a high iron content from ground. Nancy: Many hundreds of frogs are there, are you aware? Will they live there? A. Yes most will inhabit near the storm drain. Nancy: Will lots of flooding still continue? A. By removal of two blockage pipes, upstream water has been released in '89 removal has alliviated it. Bill: A confusing site-needs marking-this is a start flagging where are you intending to do it? A; There are encoded flags Bill: Still confusing site--need another site visit. Vincent: What feeds vegetation? Kurt: Ground water Kurt: Yes, but ground water follows the stream. It's a discharge not recharge condition, Vinnie: Replication of bank- how do you replicate a bank with a bank? A. Not replacing the bank but the habitat? Nancy? Are you going to build houses? A: Yes, but will design and ones in buffer zone will come to the commission your approval. Bill Lisa: Houses will be impermiable ground. Policy in the past has been to note dwellings and driveways. Vasek: The problem is they will not be built as we have drawn now. Bill: 13 house lots-chance any are not buildable? Vasek: They have been taken into account Kurt: Lot 11 needs approval-long driveway and will have impact on wetlands. Peter: Size of upland on lot 117 Kurt E-W 160 N-S 180 at largest point. Bill: So houses are in thought? Nancy? How can we approve without a definite of houses? Peter: We can agree to this later, they will have to come back to the commission. George Zambouras: Will be tied into sewerage Vinnie: Road pollution: Have you done anything? Kurt: Yes Vinnie: Could outflow be moved to a different area so inflow and outflow are further apart? Vasek: Would have to look into it. Vinnie: Would be better protection- 8 inch difference? George Zambouras: Concerns: Review of Hydraulic analysis minor problems 1) impervious areas should be larger-would have direct affect of 100 year flood post conditions have not taken into effect. Property does overflow during a storm. Minor notation added to Order of Conditions (Since this has already been approved by the planning board.) Vinnie: related to playground--very near the pond Kids playing near wetland now becomes wetland issue-There is a fenced area. Vinnie: This is both a wetland and safety issue. Planning department says doesn't have to be there. Alan: tot-lot was matter of significant discussion Vinnie: Banks aren't stable--replace tot-lot Alan: Tot lot was impossed. Vasek: a 5 foot fence Clayton: Who would assume responsibility? Alan: The developer Peter: When lots are sold, then who? Alan: For now the developer Peter: A variance could eliminate Birchwood Drive. Alan: No Alan: During construction we would put haybale lines up stream so no blockage occurs. GENERAL PUBLIC David Heslop 111 Cross Lane Disturbing intergrated habitat then becomes fragmented Kurt: lots of small mammels are there Heslop: Look into habitat distrubances, will still have loss of habitat Kurt: Will be able to get to and from stream when finished Mr. Davyan 103 Cross Lane abutter There are owls, chipmunks that need the stream--water quality filters through the ground what about nitrogen? Vasek: Nitrogen helps vegetation.; Davyan- The point is the detention pond won't help water quality. Majorie Hutt 71 Cross Lane Water in detention basin will be polluted Kurt: not great volume of road oil. Detention ponds could be cleaner than many receding waters. Marjorie: How many gallons of water will go in basin per minute Vasek: 100 year storm: outflow .9 per cubic feet per second= 7 gallons per second Detention pond will act as a buffer Marjorie: Water is not being released it's seeping in ground Kurt: Can't reduce water -reason for detention to buffer. Leroy Hutt 71 Cross Lane Few things disagree - This brook has not dried up. Depth of water on his property has gone 8 feet high. Water flows to Dane St. Beach Greater problem: high detention area 6 ft high- his brook has more water, the pond is higher than detention area. Wants commission to correct flow of water. Scott Carter 75 Cross Lane. Most Cross Lane is on Septic Tanks Concern: Saving trees Vasek: Won't be filling or causing ground water to rise. This development won't affect Cross Lanes Leeching fields. Debbie Heslop 111 Cross Lane- Severe flooding how will project affect ? She has been following project, and water sits in her yard. She has been studying its waterflows. Not convinced that situation won't worsen. Vasek: Your land is upstream Debbie: Obstacles are being created George: Solution is a drainage pipe Mr. Heslop: How do you control? Who will be responsible George: City would have to deed the property. Vinnie: Where road crosses, will there be a culvert? Vasek: Yes 3x6 culvert Vinnie: How will culvert work as well as open area? What is size of stream? Vasek: Bottom 6 1/2 feet x 2.9 deep, 1 1/2 to 1 slope culvert is 6ft x 3ft below. Vinnie: Banks- don't really dry up. Peter: Are banks impairing wildlife habitat, that's what's important. Kurt: have assumed wildlife habitat Mrs. Heslop: Can public go with the commission Peter: Can't require Alan: Only with the commission 2 weeks Saturday on Jan. 25 at 11:00 A.M. meet there. Kurt will provide flagging wetlands area and stake tension basin . -area of crossing outflow (relocate) -resource areas to be altered replicated -individual houses- statement of square feet per lot. How much is roadway driveway and houses. Discussion with engineers about drainage nancy: Pollution more than thought in outher cases how about here? Kurt - culvert pump station DPW review -playground relocation. Hearing continued on January 30, 1992 Request for permit extension to George Zambouras Vinnie motioned Bill seconded ALL IN FAVOR Extension until may 21, 1993 Request for Certificate to Brookwood School Vinnie motioned Nancy Seconded ALL IN FAVOR Vinnie : Did ever get certificate for old one Peter : This is the old one. Information on the Bridge 2 weeks to respond, look at it, let me hear from everyone who has something to say by the end of next week Send to DEPE, there is no data Motion to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. made by Bill Liss Seconded by Nancy