2014-09-30NO Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:30 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Georgia Bills, Marshall Handly, Anthony Kline, Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, and Myron Schirer -Suter Board members absent: Neil Olson Others present: Patricia Cirone, Anna Langstaff, Bruce Doig Recorder: Anna Langstaff Kevin O'Reilly presided. Joanne Panunzio made the motion, seconded by Myron Schirer- Suter, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of June 26, 2014 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: Georgia Bills presented the library director's evaluation. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) State Aid: Patricia Cirone reviewed the state aid ARIS report. Circulation showed an increase compared to last year. 2) FY2015 Budget: On track with this year's budget except for the van maintenance line item. The City will be using more purchase orders and this will change the overall look of the budget. 3) Construction: The construction finish date has been pushed back to the end of October. Mike Collins would like to replace the caps on the brick walls in the Winter Street plaza. There is still some roofing work that needs to be done. 4) Personnel: Union talks will be starting soon. 5) Security: There was a write up in the paper about a patron that had to be removed from the library by the police. 6) NOBLE: NOBLE has established a new working group to look into the possibility of implementing more uniform circulation policies in NOBLE. Kate Carpine, head of the children's department, has been asked to join this group. 7) NOBLE Budget: NOBLE has been working on their FY2016 and FY2017 budgets. They anticipate the need to increase their budget in FY2017. 8) EBook Project: The state eBook project has been renewed and Beverly will continue to participate. 9) Outreach: Kate Carpine and Allison Babin spoke at the new teacher induction for Beverly public schools. Patricia Cirone is coordinating with the public high school and middle school librarians to promote the library's 24/7 reference service. 10) New and Updated Services: The library is now offering OneChckdigital, a downloadable service for eAudio and eBooks. The library is looking into IndieFlix, a service that offers online streaming video of documentaries and independent films. The library is exploring the possibility of digitizing the historic Beverly newspapers with Newsbank. Allison Babin is offering individualized book lists for teens and the library plans to expand this service to adults. The library will be buying additional laptops to use for library programs. 11) Book Budget: Patricia Cirone reported that she is trying out a different way of allocating the book budget. 12) Bookmobile: The bookmobile has implemented a three week rotating schedule. 13) Programs: All summer programs were very successful. Fall programs have started: science and astronomy club, story hours, summer reading art exhibit and reception, author mystery panel, 3D printing program, book sale. Communications None Unfinished Business 1) Bookmobile Trust Fund: On the recommendation of Bryant Ayles, the city's finance director, and with the agreement of the Friends of the Beverly Public Library, the remaining Friends bookmobile funds will be deposited into an existing library trust fund with specific limits to be used for non - maintenance bookmobile expenditures. 2) Salt Trust Fund: A preliminary check has been received for the new Salt trust fund. 3) 3D Printer: Patricia Cirone reviewed the revised 3D printer user agreement and liability forms. Anthony Kline made the motion, seconded by Marshall Handly, to: adopt the revised 3D printer user agreement and liability forms as presented, subject to future amendments. Motion passed. 4) Cafe: Patricia Cirone needs to check and verify measurements. 5) Fumes in the Library: There was a discussion on whether the library should be closed if there are going to be roofing fumes in the library. Anthony Kline made the motion, seconded by Margaret Altman, to: vest in the library director the discretion to close for construction. Motion passed. New Business None The next meeting of the board will be Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 6:30 PM at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.