2014-10-16CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: October 16, 2014 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, Lincoln Williams, John Thomson, Leland McDonough & Henry Pizzo MEMBERS ABSENT: Darien Crimmin & Robert Buchsbaum OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Amy Maxner RECORDER: Amy Maxner Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pearl turns attention to Administrative updates from staff Maxner explains that she and the City Finance Director worked on finalizing the CPC's project funding recommendations and they have been submitted to the City Council today. She notes the Council will take this up at its October 20 meeting and schedule a public hearing which will probably be on November 3 She provides copies of the final communication submitted to the Council. Members review and note that the recommendation for Camp Paradise needs to be clarified by adding that it is to be bonded for a 10 -year term. McCrory clarifies that the total amount presented in the cover letter covers the entire CPA asking amount for Camp Paradise, with Maxner affirming. Maxner notes that the Council will also probably vote on the CPC's FYI budget at the October 20 meeting. Pearl notes she can attend the 20 but won't be able to on the 27 if anyone is needed at that meeting. McCrory offers to attend both or either if need be. Pizzo arrives at 7:15 p.m. Maxner explains that the CPC has received two cost estimates for signage and provides members with copies. She notes that the third sign company has not responded to the request or any of her reminder emails, and consulted with Pearl who agreed that based on the lack of communication this company should not be pursued. Members agree. Members review and discuss the bids and example sign proofs. Maxner notes that United Sign submitted a lower bid price per sign and provided cost for screws. Thomson moves to accept and contract with United Sign, subject to the City Council approving the CPC's FYI budget. Seconded by Williams. All in favor the motion passes 7 -0. The September 25, 2014 draft meeting minutes are reviewed and members offer amendments to Maxner. Williams moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by McCrory. All in favor the motion carries 7 -0. Pearl turns attention to Grant Agreement conditions for the various approved projects. Maxner provides a sheet listing all of the conditions that the CPC incorporated into their final votes. Essex Street Family Housing Roof Replacement: Discussion ensues as to the most efficient way for the CPC to review the bids received and /or final accepted bid by the Housing Authority. Members agree on the following condition: Prior to any allocation of CPA funding, an electronic copy of the final contract documents and final accepted bid amount shall be forwarded to the CPC for its review. Harborlight House: Members review the conditions as voted at the last meeting and make no changes, which include: 1. CPA funding is contingent upon award of State funding being committed to the project; 2. Funding is contingent upon the project as originally described in the CPA application should the project change in any substantive manner a new application with the CPC will be required. Members agree that a support letter from the CPC will be provided to the applicant should the City Council approve the project. The Hale House Masonry Repairs: The conditions as voted at the previous meetings are reviewed. Discussion ensues as to whether bidding procedures hold for private non - profit organizations and whether a preservation restriction is necessary. Members agree to strike the conditions as previously voted and replace them with the following condition: The Historic District Commission shall review and comment on the plans, specifications and scope of work and confirm compliance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. City Hall Municipal Document Preservation: Members agree that since this is not a construction or brick & mortar project, signage is needed in some fashion and agree on the following condition: Signage in the form of a flyer or mini poster shall be displayed at the City Clerk's counter explaining the project and bear the language "This project received funding assistance from the Citizens of Beverly through the Community Preservation Act ". Hastings House: Members agree no change to the condition as voted is needed to the condition, which states: The Historic District Commission shall review the scope of the proposed analysis, draft and final plan. First Parish Church Accessibility Analysis: Members review the condition as voted at the last meeting, which read: Historic District Commission shall review the scope of the proposed analysis, draft and final design plan. Further discussion ensues as to ADA code and members agree to include the following additional condition: The applicant shall hold a preliminary Community Preservation Committee October 16, 2014Meeting Minutes Page 214 consultation with the City's ADA Coordinator in order to gain feedback to incorporate into the scope of the analysis /plan. Lynch Park Carriage House Feasibility Study Members review the conditions as previously voted and make minor grammatical changes and agree on the following: 1. Historic District Commission shall review the scope of work, draft and final plans; 2. The scope of the study shall include components of a Historic Structures Report; 3. The grantees shall complete and file an MHC B Form. Camp Paradise Acquisition: Members review the condition as previously voted, which read: A Conservation /Recreation Restriction shall be placed on the property. Maxner notes that this will also be a requirement of the PARC Grant, and wonders if the CR's can be coincident. Discussion ensues as to the conditions as previously voted, with questions arising as to whether it is practicable for a City entity to enter into a grant agreement with the City itself. The Committee asks Maxner to inquire with the CPA Coalition on the following questions: a. The City is going to pay for this project with CPA funds and PARC grant funds. Both require a CR, can one CR function for both? b. The CPC will be drawing up Grant Agreements — can a City entity (i.e. the CPC) enter into an agreement with the City itself? The notion seemed strange and /or problematic to some. Can the Coalition offer any guidance? Lynch Park Bathroom Renovation: Members review the conditions as voted previously and agree to make no changes, which read: 1. The applicant shall submit an updated budget based on bids received. 2. Before any CPA funds are disbursed, the applicant shall develop a historically appropriate treatment of the exterior building walls, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. The final exterior design shall be submitted to the CPC for its review. Ellis Square Redesign: Members discuss the conditions, which read: 1. Provide the CPC proof of the transfer /retirement of the right of way showing that the City has clear title to the land receiving the improvements; 2. A conservation /recreation restriction permanently protecting the land for recreational uses shall be required. Members discuss the logistics of permanently designating this part of the roadway layout as a park and ask Maxner to inquire with the Coalition on the following: a. This is an outdoor space currently with some benches. It is entirely within the roadway layout. The CPC suspects that the footprint of the new outdoor park will need to be permanently designated /protected as a recreational area — are there any similar projects that you know and what were the logistics in getting it protected? Members agree to table decision on these conditions pending guidance from the Coalition. Obear Park Pavilion: Members review the conditions as previously voted, which read: 1. A written commitment from the City of Beverly to take responsibility of the project shall be submitted to the CPC; 2. Written demonstration of other funding commitments shall be submitted to the CPC. Discussion ensues as to a final budget and whether that has come available. Maxner states she has not received any follow up information from the applicant or City. Members agree to amend the second condition to read: Written demonstration of other funding commitments shall be submitted to the CPC and the applicant shall provide an updated budget reflecting such. Community Preservation Committee October 16, 2014Meeting Minutes Page 314 Lynch Park Play Structure: Members recall discussion from the last meeting, with Maxner noting that the CPC voted to award $30,000.00 towards the play structure only with no special conditions assigned. Shade trees were discussed, with members agreeing that no special conditions were necessary. Pearl turns attention to the draft Grant Agreement. Members go through the document and discuss possible edits. Thomson offers to draft language to augment Sections 4, 5 and 17. Discussion ensues as to whether the CPC could, at its discretion, by pass the applicant and pay the vendor or contractor directly, with members asking Maxner to inquire with the Coalition on that question. Maxner agrees to make amendments once received from Thomson and forward to the City Solicitor's office for its review and approval. McCrory inquires as to how the CPC plans to communicate with applicants on the status of its decisions and pending Council vote. Thomson suggests, that to save time a boiler plate letter be written to be attached to the communication as submitted to the City Council. Members offer possible language for the letters for both approvals and rejections. Maxner agrees to draft them and pass them by Pearl for final edits. Pearl briefly reviews possible agenda items for the next meeting, which members agree to schedule on Thursday November 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. There being no further business before the Committee, Richter moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Seconded by Thomson. All in favor the motion caries 7 -0. Community Preservation Committee October 16, 2014Meeting Minutes Page 414