2014-10-01CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee October 1, 2014 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Gardner, Barbara King, James Matz, Marilyn McCrory, Sandra Stacey Elizabeth Dunne, David Long, Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Allison Crosbie, Associate Planner Community Garden representatives: Duncan Balentine, Tina Whelan, John Ytzen- Handel and Sue Lupo Jane Dooley Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Principal Items of Business Introduction of new Associate Planner Maxner introduces new Associate Planner Allison Crosbie who will be helping the Committee with the Open Space and Recreation Plan update. Community Gardens — Presentation of Conceptual Plan for Gardens at Standley Street Open Space Parcel Maxner provides an update as to progress in addressing the Waring School field encroachment on Conservation Commission land off Standley Street. She explains that she will be arranging a site visit with School representatives, Essex County Greenbelt, and the Chair and /or Vice Chair of the Conservation Commission to walk the vicinity and identify opportunities for resolving the encroachment. Members agree that Mann should be a part of that site walk, and Maxner agreed to add him to the list of attendees and plans to schedule something for the last week in October. She reminds everyone that the encroachment needs to be resolved before the Conservation Commission will entertain community gardens use of the site. Balentine provides copies of a conceptual landscape plan for community garden space of about 1.4 acres, which includes the existing access right -of -way to Standley Street with new gravel parking, foot paths (wide enough to allow a lawnmower through), location of garden beds and potential area for expansion. He explains that seasonal water supply would come in on the right -of -way with 15 water heads. The average plot is between 100 to 200 square feet, and 25 to 30 square feet for a raised bed. There are 50 existing plots in the current community garden which would be transferred to the new area. He notes there is a waiting list of people interested in plots and thus there is an eventual need to expand. Discussion ensues as to how the access driveway could be integrated into Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 trail connection to open space on both side of Standley Street, with better delineated trails to be established within or along the perimeter of the garden plots. Brief discussion ensues as to the possibility of the Parks and Recreation enterprise fund that might be a source of funding for the community garden proposal. Members thank the Garden representatives for the presentation and will keep them apprised as to progress on the Waring School field issue. Open Space & Recreation Plan Update — Discuss new goals /obiectives /actions for next 7- Year Plan The Committee members introduce themselves to Crosbie. Discussion ensues about work schedule for the plan based on work book provided by the State. Crosbie explains the critical part of the plan is incorporating public input gathered through public meetings and survey efforts. Maxner recalls that the Committee held a public hearing for the last update at the library but OSRC did not conduct a survey. Discussion addresses how information on the survey should be for all of Beverly's general demographic and identify all of the City's open space including parks, passive open space areas and beaches. Members offer initial feedback to Crosbie on the draft survey noting that the information gathered needs to be immediately useful in developing the next 7 -year action plan and goals. Maxner refers to an Update Table developed by the State that outlines which sections of the plan must be updated. Crosbie needs feedback on the survey from the OSRC and members agree to email her suggestions by October 24th. Maxner summarizes the overarching goals of the Plan and notes that these can be modified or new goals can be developed. Gardner suggests that a new goal could focus on taking a regional approach to identify what Beverly can do to work with Salem, Danvers and Manchester for trail connections. Crosbie estimates that a kickoff meeting with public should be scheduled for some time in November with the survey prepared to collect feedback. A link to the survey will be included on the OSRC Facebook page. Discussion ensues as to the OSRC's role in developing the updated Plan. Crosbie explains that the OSRC needs to develop the vision, goals and priorities, while Planning Staff will work to update the sections and collect data related thereto. Si2na2e — Subcommittee Report on Activities Stacey reports on information about signage she received from Kate Day, Senior Planner in Danvers, relative to type of sign and design. She explains that Day recommended Voss sign company in New York and her suggestion to concentrate on one open space area at a time to develop a suite of different signage needed for that space. Maxner will provide Stacey contact information for Maria Arciari in the City's Engineering Department who is a graphic designer. Brewster offered to photograph trail markers in abutting communities for the Committee's review. Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Discussion addresses what trail markers are used at the trailheads in Salem. The subcommittee schedules a meeting on October 15. Update on list of priority properties Discussion ensues on list of priority properties for open space acquisition that should be amended. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — September 3, 2014 Members provide amendments to Maxner. Matz moves to accept the minutes for September 3, 2014 as amended. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 7 -0. Other Business & Updates Community Preservation Committee (CPC) — Update on Committee Activities/Meetings McCrory reports that the CPC has completed deliberations and made funding recommendations to the City Council on the project proposals. The CPC had previously approved funding a $450,000 bond ($58,500 for 10 years) to purchase the Camp Paradise property with funds from Open Space CPA category. She notes that there seems to be support for the 10% set aside for Open Space. Each year the CPC can decide where the bond payment will come from (i.e., general reserve or open space). Some of the CPC projects include: $90,000 for roofs for Beverly Housing Authority, a study of the Carriage House, repairs at the Hale House, a study of Hasting's House, upgrade of bathrooms at Lynch Park, and a pavilion at Ober Park, with some funding from recreation category. Discussion addresses how the Camp Paradise property would receive a conservation restriction to maintain the proposed use intended with the purchase. Committee Member Appointments Maxner reports that Mann, Long and McCrory were reappointed to the Committee and they have to be sworn in by the City Clerk for a term ending in 2017. Also, Stacey needs to be reappointed, with Stacey noting she has been in contact with City Councilor Don Martin, who is expected to submit her appointment at October 6 City Council meeting. Maxner notes that Dunne's needs reappointment as well. Eagle Scout Ben Cassola — Norwood Pond Trail Re -Route Mann reports that Eagle Scout Ben Cassola, has marked the new trail route at Norwood Pond and he will be reviewing the markers -with Ben in a couple weeks. Planning Board Update Matz explains the Planning Board is conducting a site walk this Saturday relative to the proposed housing development behind Kelleher Pond. He notes two other large projects that will be before the Board shortly include 50 Dunham Road for a new 5 -story mixed use commercial building, and Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 proposed Brimbal Avenue Wholefoods plaza. He provides a brief description of each project, noting that neither have any significant implications for open space concerns. Maxner reports that the same 50 Dunham Road project recently received approval from the Conservation Commission that included several conditions related to trail easements and other mitigation. She will email the OSRC a copy of the plan and the Commission approval for their reference. Adiournment There being no further business to discuss, Gardner moves to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Seconded by Brewster. The motion carries 7 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at City Hall, 3 rd Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.