2014-08-27Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — August 27, 2014 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Historic District Commission Date: August 27, 2014 Location: Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA. Members Present William Finch, Chair, James Younger Vice Chair, and Wendy Pearl, Martin Lian, Suzanne LaMont Members Absent: None Others Present: City Planner, Aaron Clausen Recorder: Eileen Sacco Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Certificate of Appropriateness — Exterior Wall Sign for 1 Front Street -David Scott Kelly Mr. Kelly presented his plans for the installation of an exterior wall sign located on the primary facade of the building. Finch explains that Mr. Kelly was appeared before the Design Review Board last week and the Board requested that they reduce the size of the sign by 20% and Mr. Kelly has done so. He also notes that it now conforms to CN zoning. Lamont states that the sign is roughly the same size as the Blair House Antiques sign. Younger states that he appreciates that the applicant has taken the time to get all of the proper approvals for the project. He asked if the sign would be lighted from the outside. Mr. Kelly stated that he will have lighting from the outside and suggests that he is considering extending the existing lights two feet and turn them 45 degrees or put them in the grass and illuminate the entire side of the building. Pearl cautioned that if there are awnings on the building they may create a shadow with the lights. Finch stated that a glare for people driving could be an issue in terms of flood lights noting that it is important to make them hang down so that they do not get in drivers eyes. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter: Page 1 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — August 27, 2014 Younger: Motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for 1Front Street as submitted. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). Certificate of Appropriateness — Window Renovations - 9 Davis Street — Frank LoNano Mr. Finch notes that the applicant is not present this evening. Clausen leaves the meeting to call Mr. LoNano to see if he is on his way to the meeting. Clausen reports that he reached Mr. LoNano and he is unable to attend the meeting this evening, but requested that the Board act on his application. Clausen reviews the plans for the closing of an existing window and the addition of a new window on the same side of the building. Finch states that the property is a late 19 century house built and is considered a historic building. He also notes that he suspects that casement windows were installed in the house, probably prior to the existence of the Historic Commission. Clausen noted that the applicant was told that it required a wooden window and he submitted the application anyway. Finch recalled that there was a case across the street from this property where the Commission enforced the installation of wooden windows. Finch also explains that in the past the Commission has allowed double glazed windows with muttons applied between them in houses that were less than 50 years old. Younger notes that the application indicates that they are requesting to install heavy duty vinyl windows. Pearl asked if the building across the street is 50 years old. Finch states that it is 50 years old. Pearl states that she feels that he Commission has to enforce the standard unless the property is found to be non - contributing. She states that she feels that the Commission needs more information on the property to make this decision. Finch noted that he does not want to make the house non - contributing as that would set a precedent. He suggests that the Commission needs to hold the line on enforcing the wooden windows. Younger agrees that he Commission needs more information and states that he would like some more information regarding the action that that was taken on the property across the street on the replacement windows. He also stated that he would like to see the size and scale of the new window. Younger notes that if the Commission feels that the house is a contributing property, the Commission should deny this application. Finch agrees noting that the Commission can note in Page 2 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — August 27, 2014 the denial letter that should the applicant wish to resubmit the application with a wooden window the Commission will reconsider it. Pearl suggests that if the applicant resubmits with a window that is similar in size and wooden the application could be approved administratively by the Chair of the Historic Commission. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter at this time: Lian: Motion to deny the Certificate of Appropriateness for 9 Davis Street — Window Replacement. Pearl: Offered a friendly amendment to include that should the applicant submit a plan for a wooden window that is similar in size and type, the application may be approved administratively by the Chair of the Historic Commission. Lian: Accepted the friendly amendment. Younger: Seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0). Community Preservation Act Committee Update — Wendy Pearl Pearl addresses the Commission and explains that the CPA Committee has voted on 14 applications to move forward in the process and explained the status of the applications. She notes that some of the applications are for historic properties and notes that she would like some feedback from the Commission on what the role of the Historic Commission should be in the final approval. Pearl also notes that the historic inventory needs to be updated, noting that there are properties that are not on the list that should be. Pearl notes that the applications exceed the $610,000 that the city has for CPA funds and the applicants may have some alternatives. She explained that the city for example may have the possibility to bond for the purchase of Camp Paradise and the payments would be spread out. LaMont states that she fees that the Historic Commission should review the historic preservation projects in the approval process. Finch notes that he could have a conflict with the review of the Hale House by the Commission explaining that he has had discussions with them about their plans. Younger states that he did not think it would be a conflict unless Finch is paid for his participation by Hale House. Finch suggests that the Historic Commission should review the scope of the plans and the specifics of the designs. He suggests that a plan should be submitted and the Commission should approve that the plan is compliant with the design standards of the Secretary of the Interior. Page 3 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — August 27, 2014 Younger suggests that if there are changes made to the plans during construction that the Historic Commission should review them as well. Finch agrees. Pearl explains that the Memorandum of Agreement will set up a disbursement plan for the funding. Younger suggests that the final disbursement should not be released until everything is complete for the project. Finch agrees noting that the recipients will have to provide evidence that the work has been done. Clausen suggests that the Commission should vote on formal recommendations for CPA applications. Pearl reviews the list of historic properties that are moving forward in the process. She notes that the City Clerk's office is having records preserved and asked if there was any interest of the Commission to review that project. Finch states that it would be interesting to see the process that they go through to preserve the documents. Finch notes that the historic significance of the properties is what makes these projects eligible for the funds and the applicants need to keep that in mind with their proposed renovations to the properties. Clausen notes that an Associate Planner will be starting on Tuesday and they will be supporting the Historic Commission. He explains that they could possibly help applicants and give guidance to them. Finch agrees and notes that the Beverly Historic Society could be a resource for applicants as well. Pearl states that this discussion has been helpful and she will discuss it with the CPA Committee and draft a criteria for the role of the Historic Commission in the review of the applications. Younger thanks Pearl and the CPA Committee for their work on this noting that it is a lot of work to review the applications and create a process for this. New or Other Business Request from MA DOT for the HDC to Review Interstate Maintenance & Related Work on 128 — MA DOT Project #607891 Clausen reported that this is an opportunity for the Historic Commission to comment on the work proposed if they so choose an no vote by the Commission is needed. There were no comments or concerns about the project. Page 4 of 5 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — August 27, 2014 Section 106 Review — Proposed Telecommunications Facility Installation at Connelly Place, EBI Project #51145754 Clausen reported that this is an opportunity for the Historic Commission to comment on the work proposed if they so choose an no vote by the Commission is needed. Finch notes that at the moment there is no application but the Commission will have to review it when it is submitted. Approval of Minutes The minutes to the Beverly Historic Commission Meetings held on November 20, 2013, January 7, 2014, February 1, 2014, and February 26, 2014 were presented for approval. LaMont moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0) Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Historic Commission this evening, Younger moved to adjourn the meeting. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion carries The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Page 5 of 5