COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: August 21, 2014
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl — Chairperson, Darien Crimmin — Vice Chair,
Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, John Thomson
MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Buchsbaum, Henry Pizzo, Leland McDonough &
Lincoln Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner - Environmental Planner
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Pearl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pearl notes that the CPC needs to start making firm decisions on project applications and tonight
should revisit each application to determine whether to fund or not, at what level and if there are
any conditions to be placed on approvals.
Below is a synopsis on discussions:
Essex Street Family Housing Roof Replacement — Beverly Housing Authority (BHA)
Pearl provides a brief recap on discussion with the BHA at the July 31 meeting. She
notes that the cost estimates, considered high by many CPC members, are based on
public bidding law, with the BHA confirming that they were very accurate. The project
is very feasible and comparatively straight forward considering other types of housing
projects that are more complex for various reasons. The BHA does not have an
alternative source of funding for this project and is woefully underfunded. Capital
project funding is provided by the State and is disbursed by the State based on its own
priority list, roofs being a very low priority.
• McCory and Richter express their reservations on funding this project as it does not seem
to meet the spirit of CPA and does not go toward creating new affordable housing,
despite its eligibility by the letter of the law.
• Members agree to table this discussion after more decisions are made on other projects.
Camp Paradise Acquisition — City of Beverly
• The requested CPA funding is $450,000, Pearl reviews the bonding pro -forma provided
by the Finance Director:
• 10 -year term=
total project cost of $524,250
• 15 -year term =
total project cost of $558,000
• 20 -year term =
total project cost of $591,750
Thomson notes he is in favor of a shorter term on the bond, members agree. Discussion ensues
as to the current CPA fund balance at approximately $610,000, which reflects administrative
expenses already incurred. Discussion ensues as to anticipated State disbursement for FYI 5.
Thomson moves to fully fund this project by way of a 10 -year bond. Seconded by McCrory.
The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
Historic Records Conservation — City of Beverly Clerk's Office
• Members agree this project is very worthwhile and will benefit many.
• McCrory moves to fully fund this project, with the caveat that the final funding amount
can be revisited if deemed necessary. Seconded by Richter. The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in
favor none opposed.
Lynch Park Carriage House Feasibility Study — City of Beverly
• Pearl notes that she'd like to see coordination with the Historic District Commission
(HDC) in developing the scope of the study. She notes that the HDC is meeting next
month and she can speak with the Commission members in this regard.
• Richter states her hope that there can be better coordination between the Parks &
Recreation Department, the Lynch Park Advisory Committee and the Historic District
Commission with regard to the visioning and planning for Lynch Park as a whole.
• Pearl moves to fully fund this project with the condition that the HDC be involved in
drafting and review of the final scope of the study, and with the caveat that the final
funding amount can be revisited if deemed necessary. Seconded by Crimmin. The
motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
Hale House Masonry Repairs — Beverly Historical Society
• Pearl suggests that perhaps a protective historical covenant /easement on the property
should be considered as part of funding approval.
• Discussion as to possible need for additional funds to execute the covenant (i.e. legal
review, recording at the Registry, etc.).
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• Discussion ensues as to which parts of the project need to comply with the Secretary of
the Interior's standards, with Maxner suggesting that this requirement can be part of the
Pearl moves to fully fund this project, with caveat that the final funding amount can be
revisited if deemed necessary, and require that the HDC be involved with the project
whether by way of scoping or inspecting the work, which can be detailed in the MOA.
Seconded by Thomson. The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
Hastings House Architectural Feasibility Analysis — Farms - Prides Community Assoc.
• Thomson notes that the CPC can anticipate seeing this applicant in the future for work
that is developed out of the study.
• Crimmin notes that he is impressed with private money being pledged to assist in
• Pearl agrees and is happy that the Association is being thoughtful in its approach to
modifying this building which she has learned is significant to the community.
• Thomson moves to fully fund this project with the caveat that the funding amount can be
revisited if deemed necessary. Seconded by Pearl. The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor
none opposed.
Lynch Park & Dane Street Bathroom Facility Upgrades — City of Beverly
• Members agree to discuss these applications concurrently.
• Crimmin states that there is a great need for bathrooms at both parks, but both
applications lack thoughtful design.
• Thomson agrees that both buildings are highly visible and need more attention as to
• Extensive discussion ensues as to the possibility of requiring more design work for both
buildings, and the timing of recommending funding for each project.
• Pearl moves that the CPC set aside the requested $50,000 for the Lynch Park Bathroom
project, plus an additional $20,000 to help fund an architecturally appropriate finish on
the outside of the building, and submit a funding recommendation to the City Council
once the CPC has reviewed and approved the new architectural design, with the caveat
that the funding amount can be revisited if deemed necessary. Seconded by Thomson.
The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
• Crimmin moves that the CPC not fund the Dane Street Bathroom project this round so
that the City can work to develop a better design for the building with the understanding
that additional CPA funds may be available for possible increased costs for the design.
Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
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McCrory notes that approximately $350,500 is left in the CPA fund based on the votes taken so
First Parish Church — Accessibility Design
Thomson moves to fully fund this project, with the caveat that the funding amount be
revisited if deemed necessary. Seconded by Pearl. Crimmin notes that he attended this
church in the past but hasn't in quite a while and had already disclosed his connection.
The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
First Parish Church — Repair Sanctuary Floor
• Pearl notes that the preliminary vote of the CPC was not to fund this project.
• Thomson moves that the CPC not fund this project. Seconded by Pearl. The motion
carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
Ellis Square Redesign
• Thomson notes that there were a lot of differing opinions on the CPC about this project.
He is in favor of the project and believes that bonding may be the best avenue for this
• McCrory states that bonding is a serious commitment and should be reserved for City
projects that are urgent one - chance opportunities, but likes the project for its
transformative nature and would like to hear what others think in this regard.
• Crimmin agrees that this project is not urgent. Thomson agrees that this is a
transformative project that should be done sooner than later, but does not consider it
• The pro -forma bonding structures are reviewed as provided by the City Finance Director.
• Pearl notes that perhaps not funding the full amount could be an option.
• McCrory moves that the CPC fund this, but that the funding amount and bonding option
be revisited at the next meeting. Seconded by Thomson. The motion carries 5 -0, five in
favor none opposed.
Ryal Side Pavillion — Ryal Side Civic Association
• Pearl notes that there was a preliminary CPC "no" vote on this project. Pearl notes that
there seemed to be a consensus that this would not be funded this round as it does not
seem to be urgent.
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• McCrory moves that the CPC not fund this project. Seconded by Thomson. The motion
carries 5 -0, five in favor none opposed.
Lynch Park Spray Deck & Play Structure — City of Beverly
• Pearl notes that the Common Backyards grant requires that the project be finished by
December 31 It is clear that the project will happen regardless of whether the CPC
grants funding.
• Discussion ensues as to location of the spray deck relative to existing infrastructure.
• Thomson and McCrory express their reservations as to the proposed location and the
water usage and maintenance obligations incurred as part of this structure. Pearl notes
that maintenance is critical to the long -term function of this spray pad.
• Pearl notes that the location prohibits any future view - scaping or landscaping options in
this area, and suggests that perhaps additional funding can be provided for alternative
location in the Park.
• Committee members agree to table this discussion for the next meeting.
Since Crimmin needs to leave and there will no longer be a quorum, committee members agree
to table discussion of the rest of the applications to the next meeting.
Maxner asks that the CPC review the Project Evaluation Criteria at the next round of votes to
make sure that the Criteria has been fully vetted.
Members agree to schedule the next meeting for Thursday September 4, 2014 in the hopes that a
more robust attendance can be achieved. Maxner will canvass the members by email to make
sure there is a quorum for the 4 Member agree to schedule its "regular meeting" for Thursday
September 18, 2014.
Pearl moves that the funding decisions made tonight be revisited next meeting as needed.
Seconded by Crimmin. The motion carries 5 -0, five in favor none opposed.
McCrory asks Maxner for a synopsis of this evening's votes in time for the next meeting.
Maxner agrees.
There being no further business, Crimmin moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Seconded
by Thomson. The motion carries 5 -0, 5 in favor none opposed.
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