2014-07-02CITY OF BEVERLY BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Open Space and Recreation Committee July 2, 2014 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, David Gardner, Barbara King, David Long, Sandra Stacey and James Matz — arrived 7:30 p.m. Marilyn McCrory & Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Jane Dooley Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — June 4, 2014 Gardner moves to accept the minutes from the June 4, 2014 meeting. Seconded by Dunne. The motion carries 7 -0. Principal Items of Business Open Space & Recreation Plan — Review Anticipated Work Tasks for 2015 Update Maxner notes that the 7 -Year Open Space & Recreation Plan, which will expire in 2015, will need to be updated and work on that will take place this fall and into the winter. Members agree to consider new goals and objectives for the new plan and review accomplishments that occurred in the past seven years. Mann notes that many goals were achieved, including the passage of CPA and the pending protection of Norwood Pond open space with a CR. Discussion ensues as to accomplishments made these past 7 years and what is left to do from the expiring plan. Members agree to brainstorm on a new 7 -year action plan and objectives and bring ideas (i.e., community gardening and recreation) to the upcoming meeting for discussion. King explains how there is a community garden committee and task force that she is a part of, and she is the OSRC liaison to that group. Discussion ensues as to the possible formal partnership that could be established with the City and how the OSRC can play a part in that. Other Business & Updates Earth Day Walk Events — Review 2014 Events, Discuss Possible Events for Next Year Maxner notes that this year's events were planned on short notice, and since next year is the 10 anniversary of the Earth Day Walk program, planning should start earlier. Discussion ensues about events including walks at Camp Paradise property, Moraine Farm (i.e., farm operation and historical information about Olmsted) and Long Hill. Brewster mentions that previous walks at Shoe Pond and the event on shore birds were well attended. Maxner states that she would contact Mike Rabolvsky earlier in the season so he could lead an event that would be of interest to kids. Members discuss how TTOR Open Space & Recreation Committee July 2, 2014 Meeting Minutes DRAFT Page 2 of 2 publicizes the OSRC's walks on its website and how the OSRC can capitalize on social media to get the word out on the walks. Si2nne — Subcommittee Report on Activities Discussion ensues on how the subcommittee (Brewster, Matz and Stacey) has not met yet but will meet and report to the Committee at the September meeting. The Committee addresses how the informational signage should be designed to be recognizable and universal (i.e., similar to what ECGA uses). The Committee emphasizes the importance of a standard for Beverly signage. Community Preservation Committee (CPC) — Update on Committee Activities/Meetings Maxner reports on the CPC's activities of late. She notes the CPC is in the midst of reviewing CPA project applications, and has unanimously voted to approve funding the Camp Paradise property acquisition project. She explains the CPC will send a letter of support to the State grant agency stating that Beverly's CPC is a funding partner in the project, which will likely be bonded. Maxner states that the CPC has discussed keeping some money aside in the CPA categories as reserve. Maxner notes she will be writing to inform the City Clerk that McCroy has been re- designated as the OSRC's representative to the CPC. Expanding Publicity of OSRC Activities — Discussion /Action Items Discussion ensues about how Facebook page is up, and whether or not flyers on Earth Day kid - friendly walks could be distributed at the Beverly public or private schools and required permissions. Other Business/Updates Brought Forward by Committee Members — If Any Discussion ensues about priority list of parcels of interest for open space acquisition. Also, that TTOR needs time on land acquisition projects especially to research funding sources and to what extent it can provide public access (i.e., Moraine Farm). Adiournment There being no further business to discuss, Dunne moves to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Seconded by Matz. The motion carries 8 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at City Hall, 3 rd Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.