2014-02-26Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes - February 26, 2014
Board: Historic District Commission
Date: - February 26, 2014
Location: Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA.
Members Present William Finch, Chair, James Younger Vice Chair, Wendy Pearl,
Suzanne L a.Mont
Members Absent: Martin Lian
Others Present: Assistant City Planner, Leah Zambernardi
Recorder: Eileen Sacco
Finch called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Recess for Public Hearn
Younger moved to recess for a public hearing at this time. Pearl seconds the motion. The
motion carries (4 -0)
Public Hearing: Demolition of Existin * Structures Located. at 37 Woodbury Street -- MPM
Companies, LLC
Finch addresses those resent and explains the role of the Historic Commission in this matter.
p _
He explains that a demolition delay order applies to all buildings over 50 years old and when an
application is presented to the Building Department it is referred to the Historic Commission for
review if necessary. He further explains that if the Commission finds that the building is .
historically significant a public hearing is held to determine if the building is historically
significant to Beverly and if so, should it be preferably preserved. He also explains that if a
building is not found to be historically significant then no determination as to the building being
preferably referabl reserved will be necessary and the Building Inspector will be free to issue a
demolition permit.
Michael McNiff addressed the Historic Commission and explained that he has filed for a
demolition permit for 37 Woodbury Street, located in an area of homes near Lynch Parr. He
explained the reasons for the proposed demolition as follows:
1. The property is a safety hazard. The rear deck, front portico and entry stairs into the
house are falling down and dangerous. There are a number of fallen shingles, trim and
roofing shingles that are windblown an unsafe. The property is overgrown an unkept.
2. The property is a health hazard. In addition to safety, there is -evidence of animals and
trash throughout the yard an inside the home. Broken windows and doors are evident.
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes -- February 26, 2014
3. There is a stigma to the property from both fire and police department records. A death
of the owner occurred on the property when leaves caught on fire ten years ago. There
have been numerous arrests and police visits for domestic complaints and threats.
4. The local electric and water departments have shut off services for faulty wiring, jumped
electric panels an bypassed water meters,.
5. A police detail is required by all power companies when visiting the property for past
records of incidents.
6. The structural integrity of the building is dangerous. Though portions of the large granite
boulders used as the foundation appear solid, there are some areas of falling foundation
piers, falling roofs, caved in decks and holes throughout the facade of the property. The
floors in the kitchen of the main house are caved in due to lack of proper support. The
rear deck, porch and second floor master bedroom are pulling away from the home and
falling due td a split main support beam in the basement.
7. The power and water supplies have been shut off and the interior walls and ceilings show
evidence of broken pipes, water penetration and roof leaks.
S. The-interior of the house is strewn with debris and unsafe for habitation.
9. The cost to renovate the home would exceed the value of it.
Finch opens the hearing up for public comment at this time.
Martha Beakers of 35 Woodbury Street addressed the .Commission and asked what kind of
potential solutions the HDC could offer the owner to try to preserve the property.
Finch explains that the role of the HDC is to determine if the property is historically significant
and if so, determine if it should be preferably preserved. He noted that the Commission does not
deliberate on the cost of the proposal. He also noted that the property has very significant
structural problems and the city does not have the .means to assist financially.
Beakers stated that given the condition of the property she is concerned about what would
happen if it were left vacant for another year due to a demolition delay.
Finch stated that the owner has an obligation to secure the property to keep vandals out. He also
noted that there have been other instances, noting a mansion in Prides Crossing where the city
was able to work with the developer to preserve the house.
There bein g no further questions or continents regarding this matter, Finch declared the public
hearing closed.
Pearl moved to reconvene to the regular meeting of the HDC. Younger seconded the motion.
The motion carried (4 -0).
Paget of
Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — February 26, 2014
Finch explained that the first matter is whether the property at 37 Woodbury Street is historically
Pearl stated that the most prominent owner of the property was Abraham Ratshesky who
summered there from 1905 until his death in 1943, She reviewed his information and noted that
he contributed to community development, commerce and humanitarian efforts and served in the
Massachusetts Senate. She also noted that he was a member of the Jewish community of
Pearl also noted that the home was built by the builder Henry B. Wallace.
Younger stated that he is struck by the details of the house, noting that he would like to know
more about the functions that were held there.
Finch stated that the exterior architecture of the home is spectacular. McNiff agreed and noted
that he is amazed that for a 100 year old house it is in such bad shape, noting that they usually
hold up better, but noted than in this case neglect and water have done damage.
Younger: motion that the Beverly Historic Commission finds that the property located at 37
Woodbury Street is historically sigmifcant. Pearl- seconded the motion. The
motion carries (4 =0).
Finch stated that the interior core of the house is in good shape, however the exterior is a disaster
and restoring it would be a maj or fete. He noted that it is doable but tough. He also stated that
he would life to explore other possibilities before throwing: in the towel.
Younger stated that neglect has brought the house to a questionable condition. He stated that this
is the worst he's ever seen since being on the Commission. He also noted that he sympathizes
with the neighbors concerns about the ' abandoned property .and the animals that it draws. He also
noted that it will be difficult to secure the site.
Younger suggested that the developer explore alternatives with the hope that some portion of it
can be preserved.
Pearl stated that she would be willing to sacrifice the interior to keep this building and suggested
that perhaps the developer could have two units in one building. She stated that she would like
the opportunity to examine options over the next six months.
LaMont stated that she would like to see it fixed and agreed that they should explore the options.
Finch explained that if the HDC find ' s that the property should be preferably preserved, the
developer could take 3-6 months to explore options and possibilities to save the property and
carne back to the Commission and report if there ,is anything they can do.
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes --- February 26, 2014
Mr. McNiff stated that he is agreeable to the delay and would like to talk to the neighbors and
see what they want and he is willing to explore more options and see if he can come up with
some ideas.
Younger: Motion to find that the property located at 37 Woodbury Street should be
preferably preserved and that a 12 month demolition delay order be granted, and
the HDC encourages the developer to come back in 3-6 months with options that
they would be willing to consider, Pearl seconded the motion. The motion
carries (4 -0).
Determination of Historical Si nificance related to the Communi Preservation Act
14 oak Street — The Hastings House — Farms -- Prides Community Association Inc.
Peter Johnson of 644 Hale Street, representing the Farms Prides Community Association
addressed the Commission and explained that the Hastings House was designed by Boston
Architect Augustus Rantoul and is a fine example of his mission style home designs. He stated
that they believe it is the only Rantoul designed house of this style in Beverly and they are
researching that further.
He also noted that they now know that the property was purchased by Stephen J. Connelly,
Gregory J. Connelly and Thomas D. Connelly on January 24, 1898 through a deed of that date
recorded at the Essex County Registry of Deeds Book # 1538 Page 110. The Connelly brothers
were the owners of Connelly Brothers Construction one of three major contracting firms in
Beverly Farms and is still in existence in Beverly today.,
Johnson noted that the building contributes to the cultural history of Beverly as a historic
building of 57 years and notable design an its centrality to the Farms Community together with
the Farms Train Station and the Post Office form the eastern boundary of the downtown areas of
Beverly Farms.
Younger: motion to determine that-the Hastings House located at 14 oak Street, Beverly
Farms is Historically Significant as an example of architecture and its status as a cultural
institution in Beverly Farms. ' Pearl seconded the motion. The motion carried (4 -0).
191 Cabot Street — Bever! City Hall Historic Records Conservation Pro `ect -- Ci of
Beverly City Clerk
Zambernardi explained that this project is intended to continue the professional deacidification
and conservation of some of the most at risk municipal records in the care and custody of the
City Clerk's office. The records were surveyed by a professional archival preservation and
imaging company in 2011. Those records that were deemed most in need of attention include
Proprietors Records from 1698 -1917, Town Records Vols. 4 -15 (1739-1894) and Birth
Certificates from 1861 - 1917.. These are clearly original, signed documents of significance *n the
history of the City of Beverly.
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Minutes — February 26, 2014
LaMont: Motion to find that the Beverly City Hall Historic Records are historically
Significant. Younger seconded the motion. The motion carried (4 -0).
One Beach Street — Hutchinson Carriage Mouse -- John Newbu
Zambernardi reported that there was no CPC pre - application filed for this property to date.
Younger stated that the site is well cared for and there is a lot of original construction. He noted
that if it were to come to the Commission for demolition he would find it preferably preserved.
Pearl: Motion to find that the Hutchinson Carriage House located at one Beach Street is
Historically Significant.' LaMont seconded the motion. The motion carries (4 -0).
55 Ober Street The Carriage House at L nch. Park -- City of Beverly -- Denise Deschamps
Youger: Motion to find that the Lynch Park Carriage House located at 55 Ober Street is
Historically Significant. LaMont seconded the motion. The motion carries (4 -0).
107 Hart Street -- The Polly Miller Mouse — Tim and Che 1 Cla ton
Zambernardi reported that there was no CPC pre -- application filed for this property to date.
Pearl stated that this property is a nice example of this period of early colonial architecture.
Youger: Motion to find that the Polly Miller House located at 107 Hart Street is
Historically Significant. LaMont seconded the motion. The motion carries (4 -0).
Community Preservation Act -- Confirmation of Listing on the State ReLyister of Historic
Pearl state&that the verification of this information was intended to be an administrative task to
verify that the properties are listed in the register and they do not need to come before the
Commission for approval.
Zambernardi reported that some of the applicants did not indicate the historic registry listing and
she provided, it. She noted that is something that the Planning Department staff can work with
applicants on.
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — February 26, 2014
Election of officers
Election of Chair
- Pearl nominated William Finch to serve as Chair of the Beverly Historic District Commission for
the year 2014. Younger seconded the nomination. LaMont moved that the nominations be
A vote was taken and the HDC elected William Finch as Chair for the year 2014. The motion
carried (3 -0 -1) with Finch abstaining.
Election of Vice Chair
Pearl nominated James Younger to serve as Vice Chair of the Beverly Historic District
Commission for the year 2014. LaMont seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the HDC
elected James Younger to serve as Vice Chair for the year 2014. The motion carried (3 -0--1 ) with
Younger abstaining.
New or other Business
Re nest from MA DOT for the HDC to Review /Concur on MBTA Pro osed
Rep air/Rehabilitation of the Beverly Draw Brid e
Zambernardi reported that the META in cooperation with the Federal Transit Authority is
proposing to repair /rehabilitate the Beverly Draw Bridge. She explained that as part of the
review of the project PAL conducted an historic and archaeological resource assessment and the
MBTA would like the concurrence of the Commission that the project will have no adverse
effect on any historic- resources.
Pearl noted that they are relying on an assessment of the Bridge that was done in 1983 and she
wonders if there is a significant difference. Finch noted that this is an engineering detail and the
structure and the beauty of the bridge are not considered.
Younger noted -that the bridge w' ould be ineligible for inclusion in the National Historic Register
due to multiple alterations to it.
Pearl questioned what the current assessment of the bridge is in terms of its rarity. Younger
agreed that it ;would be worth questioning it, noting that there are less surviving bridges now.
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Beverly Historic Commission
. Minutes — February 26, 2014
Section 106 Review -- Massachusetts DoT Real Time Traffic Management Sy stem (RTT
MA Statewide Project loo. 607422
Zanbernardi reported that the Commission received some additional information that was
requested. She stated that the plan showing the location of the two real time traffic management
signs will be on 128 behind the North Beverly Shopping Plaza and at Hawk Hill and Essex
Street. She also noted that they included a graphic showing that the signs will be 3 0' x 10'. The
travel time signs will be on posts and the pole -mounted Bluetooth reader and equipment will be
on a 10 foot concrete pad located 10 feet past the sign. She also noted that the solar' panel will be
on a pole located 10 feet beyond the Bluetooth reader equipment. The Gommisslon Members
had no comments.
Approval of Minutes
There were no minutes presented for approval this evening.
A(t iournment
There being no further business to come before the Beverly Historic Commission this evening,
Younger moved to adjourn the meeting. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion carries
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.
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