2014-02-01Beverly Historic Commission Minutes -- February 1, 2014 Board: Date: Location: Members Present Members Absent: Others Present: Recorder.: CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Historic District Commission February 1, 2014 - Lynch Park Carriage House, 55 Ober Street; 37 Woodbury Street; and Beverly City Hall, Conf. Rm. B, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA. William. Finch, Chair, James Younger, Vice Chair, Martin Lian, Wendy Pearl, Suzie LaMont None Leah zambernardi, Aaron. Clausen, Members of the Lynch Park Advisory Committee (55 Ober); Michael McNiff (37 Woodbury); Scott Houseman and Matt Pui o (City Hall) Leah Zambernardi 1. Site Visit with Lynch Park AdvisoKy Committee: Lynch Park Carriage House 55 Ober St reet Finch calls the meeting to order at 8; 00 a.m. Members of the Lynch Park Advisory Committee show plans for the building and describe work they have done on the building to date. Members ask questions and then walk through the building. Finch adjourns the meeting and states that the Commission will reconvene at 37 Woodbury Street beginning at 9 :00 a.m. 2. Site Visit: 37 Woodbury Street Finch calls the meeting to order at 9 :00 a.m. He' explains that the Commission will be holding a public hearing on the application for a permit to demolish the building on February 26, 2014. Mr. Michael McNiff addresses the Commission and describes the state of the building and his intentions for future use of the site. Members ask questions and then walk through the - building. Finch adjourns the meeting and states that - the Commission will reconvene at City Hall, beginning at 9:45 a.m. 3. Special Medina: Conference Room B 3 rd Floor Ci Hall 191 Cabot Street a. Call to Order. - Finch. - calls the - meeting to order at 9:40 a,m. b. Review Applications for Determination of Historic Significance Related to Community Preservation Act Historic ' Preservation Project Funds i. Cabot Cinema, 286-290 Cabot Street. City Councilor Scott Houseman presents the application. The Members discuss the historical significance of the property. Younger makes a motion to find that the property is historically significant, noting that the theatre is a premiere remaining movie house of its time. Pearl seconds the motion and it carries unanimously. discussing the significance of the property Page 1 of 2 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes -- February 1, 2014 ii. other. No other applications were considered at this tinge. c. New /other Business: i. Regular Meeting Schedule. Zambernardi states that she has put together a regular meeting schedule for Commission meetings for the 4 h Wednesday of the month. Councilor Houseman asks Zambernardi to make sure that the dates do not conflict with any other regular City meetings. Members of the Commission agree with the - regular meeting schedule so long as those meetings do not conflict with any other regular City meetings. Younger leaves the meeting at 10: 3 5 a.m. ii. Hotel Trafton Discussion. Mr. Matt Pujo is present and asks the Members if they will update him on any news related to the Hotel Trafton building. Members discuss recent correspondence that transpired between the project developer, Lee Dellicker and the Massachusetts Historical Commission. d. The meeting adjourns at 11:30 a.m. Page 2 of 2